Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 64 As the first customer, shouldn’t he buy as much as he wants?

Lin Zhou went to the hospital to see Zhang Jianjun in the afternoon. Seeing that he was in good spirits and had the energy to scold Zhang Mingyuan, he felt relieved.

Then he went to the mall to shop leisurely, bought some new autumn clothes, watched a movie, had a hot pot and went home.

This leisurely life without worrying about money made him enjoy it.

This book was first published on 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar → 96𝙨𝙝𝙪.𝙣𝙚𝙩, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

Until I woke up the next day, I was still sighing that this was life.

His previous life was at most called survival.

Seeing that it was only seven o'clock, Lin Zhou simply washed up and made himself a simple breakfast.

Heat the delicious chicken soup to boiling, beat an egg in a bowl and stir evenly, pour in the boiling egg, and immediately form a bowl of egg soup.

Simply add some sesame oil, salt, and pepper to season, sprinkle with coriander and chopped green onions and it's done.

The golden frangipani, paired with the green coriander and chopped green onion, is very appetizing in terms of color.

Steam four buns and you have a breakfast.

When making buns, he froze a lot of them, so it is very convenient to eat them now.

After breakfast, Lin Zhou didn't even clean up the dishes. He patted his butt and prepared to go to the vegetable market.

Although he likes to cook, he doesn't like to clean up.

Cooking is as interesting as doing experiments for him, but washing dishes is purely a housework.

Lin Zhou is very happy when he thinks that he doesn't have to clean up now that he has hired a nanny.

Sure enough, having money can solve many troubles.

When he came to the vegetable market, the fruit shops here all had an impression of him.

They came to purchase goods for two consecutive days, and they were all big businesses. When they saw Lin Zhou coming from a distance, they greeted him enthusiastically.

"Boss Lin is here. Have you had breakfast? My fruits are all fresh. Try one?"

The owner of the fruit shop said as he picked up an orange and handed it to Lin Zhou, and even peeled it for him attentively.

Lin Zhou didn't refuse.

The freshness of the fruit, as well as the sweetness and sourness, will affect the taste of the final product of the candied haws.

Lin Zhou would taste the fruit when he bought it.

Even for the candied haws with Hangzhou pepper, he would taste the pepper raw when he selected it.

"This orange is good, full of water and sweet, give me a box."

"Hawthorn, right? Two boxes."

"Small tomatoes, red, green, yellow, purple, all of them."

"And two pineapples, but no pineapples."


The fruit shop owner bought a lot of fruit, and his face was full of smiles when he counted the money.

He also kept recommending new fruits to Lin Zhou.

"Boss Lin, take a look at today's ginseng fruit. It arrived in the early morning and has not been opened yet. It's fresh."

"And lychee and bayberry, they are all good things."

"Durian and dragon fruit are also selling well."


After buying the fruit, Lin Zhou went to buy vegetables.

Then he saw the crispy bitter melon.

An idea suddenly popped up in his mind.

Can bitter melon be used to make candied haws?

What does it taste like?

Lin Zhou was very curious, so he bought ten bitter melons.

As he continued to shop, he saw some young ginger that had just been put on the market.

! ! !

Buy it!

When Lin Zhou returned with a full load, Sun Deye and the aunts were already at work.

After yesterday's care, the weeds in the villa yard had been almost cleared.

As soon as Sun Deye came over and saw the dishes on the dining table, he knew that Lin Zhou had eaten breakfast.

So he did the final cleaning of the weeds in the yard.

After cleaning, you can plant flowers.

"Mr. Lin, you are back. Are these ingredients still processed in the same way as yesterday?"

"Yes, bitter melon needs to be blanched separately."

Lin Zhou nodded, and then went back to the room to take a shower.

In the hot summer, even in the early morning, he was sweating from all the busy work.

When he came out of the shower, Sun Deye was already washing the fruits with the aunts.

Lin Zhou went to the kitchen to make the fillings.

Red beans and mung beans are soaked overnight in advance. Now they can be cooked and stir-fried into red bean paste and mung bean paste.

Taro paste, sweet potato paste, and chestnut paste need to be steamed before frying.

The process of preparing dishes is healing. Different ingredients change from the initial raw state to completely different cooked states, and the taste also changes.

Even different methods have different tastes.

When combined together, they will have new tastes.

Every novel combination will bring new surprises to Lin Zhou.

For example, the bitter melon and candied haws that have just been baked.

Lin Zhou made four strings in one go.

The crispy bitter melon was cut into pieces, boiled in water, cooled, and then coated with syrup.

The appearance immediately ushered in a drastic change.

In terms of color, the bitter melon coated with syrup is brighter and greener.

Sun Deye and others looked at the bitter melon handed over by Lin Zhou, and were silent for a moment, and took it with hesitation.

Lin Zhou was very confident in his cooking skills. He took a bite of the bitter gourd candied haws.

As a result, the moment his teeth bit into the bitter gourd, he was still bitter by the sudden bitterness.

Even if the bitter gourd is blanched and cooked, the bitterness is still there.

For people who can't bear bitterness, this taste is simply unacceptable.

But as he ate the outer layer of sugar coating, the taste suddenly became better.

Because he knew bitter melon was bitter, he deliberately coated it with thick syrup. The hardened sugar coating tasted crunchy and neutralized the bitter taste of bitter melon very well.

Well... it wasn't bad, but it wasn't very delicious either.

People who like bitter melon might like it.

Sun Deye quickly chewed the bitter melon candied haws and immediately lowered his head to work, not looking at Lin Zhou, for fear of being stuffed with another string of strange candied haws.

Aunt Xu ate it with relish.

"I didn't expect bitter melon to taste good like this. I usually use it to scramble eggs and stew it cold."

Lin Zhou immediately cast an admiring look at Aunt Xu.

Isn't bitter melon stew bitter?

Isn't it even more bitter to stew bitter melon cold?

Scrambled eggs are still acceptable.

"Aunt Xu, if you like it, eat more."

Lin Zhou had already anticipated that bitter melon candied haws might not be very popular with children.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin."

Aunt Xu really loves bitter melon, and she smiled happily when she heard it.

She even loves bitter melon juice, not to mention bitter melon candied haws with sugar coating.


Two hours later.

All the candied haws were made.

After doing it for three consecutive days, Lin Zhou's hand speed became faster, and the speed of dipping in sugar could be counted in seconds.

The variety of candied haws increased, but the quantity remained the same.

It was still completed very quickly.

"I'm going to set up the stall. You guys can make lunch. I guess I'll be back at about the same time as yesterday."

Lin Zhou rode the tricycle happily and said to Sun Deye and others who sent him to the door of the villa.

Then he waved his hand and left in a flash.

Sun Deye and others also started cleaning after Lin Zhou left.


At 11:30, Lin Zhou arrived at the door of the International Foreign Language School on time.

Cheng Guangpeng, who had been sitting at the door of the supermarket, saw Lin Zhou's figure and immediately got up and ran towards Lin Zhou.

Hehe, he deliberately stared at the door early today.

I went there too late yesterday, so I didn't get to eat anything good.

Now that the students are still here, as the first customer, shouldn't he buy as much as he wants?

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