Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 59 Big brother, you are sweating from the heat, let me wipe it for you!

"Okay, I'll take the rest with me."

Sister Wang saw that Lin Zhou had made his choice, so she took the rest away.

Lin Zhou was left alone to face the three remaining employees.

๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Barโ†’๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ”๐ฌ๐ก๐ฎ.๐ง๐ž๐ญ

Housekeeper - Sun Deye.

Responsible for villa management, with a lot of work to do, and a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan.

Two nannies, responsible for cleaning, washing clothes and other work, 6,000 yuan a month.

The working hours of the three people are 8 am to 12 pm, 2 pm to 6 pm, eight-hour system.

Lin Zhou doesn't like having too many people at home. Although the villa is large, he lives alone, so it is not messy or dirty. If two people clean it every day, the workload is not bad.

"There are many empty rooms in the villa. During lunch break, you can find a room to rest in. You can come to work according to the time."

"The main work content is to clean and take care of my life, such as washing clothes and cooking. I usually go out to set up a stall to do small business, and then I need you to help me. I will cook when I am free, but the cleaning work may be handed over to you."

Sun Deye and others have no objection to the work content.

Lin Zhou, the employer, is a person who doesn't have much to do, or even a person who is afraid of trouble.

People like them who have rich work experience can easily see what kind of personality their employer has.

"It shouldn't be tiring to clean the villa on a daily basis. The cleaning team has cleaned it before, so it shouldn't be difficult to take care of it. The housekeeper will assign the work."

"I will make candied haws and sell them at the stall this week. All kinds of fruits need to be washed, cut according to my requirements, and strung on bamboo sticks."

After listening to Lin Zhou's instructions, Sun Deye immediately arranged the work.

The two aunts went to familiarize themselves with the scope of work first.

He went into the kitchen to help Lin Zhou prepare the ingredients.

As a chef, Sun Deye had no problem with cleaning and the unskilled skewering work.

After watching for a while, Lin Zhou began to prepare the fillings with confidence.

It is not difficult to prepare various fillings such as jujube paste and taro paste. All of them can be cooked or steamed in a pot, and then stirred or fried.

During the process of Lin Zhou preparing the fillings, the aunts also became familiar with the scope of future work and came back to help.

With the help of others, Lin Zhou felt much more relaxed.

Lin Zhou did not like to talk when he was working, and the employees he selected were all honest and few people.

After getting busy, there was no other sound in the villa except the sound of work.

When he started to dip in sugar, Lin Zhou realized that there were three more people in the house, which was really scary.

When he came to his senses, Lin Zhou found that the three people did not look strange when they heard that he went out to set up a stall.

It turned out that they were introduced by Sister Wang, and their professional quality was high.

Lin Zhou guessed that they might have worked in the homes of rich people for a long time, and heard a lot of rich gossip in the circle of rich people in private, so they were more receptive to things.

That's what people say on the Internet. Some servants of rich people will share gossip about their employers in private, and there are all kinds of novel things.

Lin Zhou was quite curious.

If he wasn't familiar with everyone, he would really want to ask if it was true.


In two hours, five hundred strings of candied haws were ready.

Lin Zhou also made candied haws with the remaining fruits.

He made two kinds of sugar coating today.

There were still a lot of dried osmanthus flowers left over from making porridge last week, so they were directly put into the sugar coating and turned into candied haws with osmanthus flowers.

The red hawthorn fruit was wrapped in a crystal clear sugar coating with dried osmanthus flowers. The fragrance of osmanthus was not strong, but it seemed as if you could smell the fragrance of osmanthus flowers when you looked at it.

The taste is richer, sweet and with the fragrance of osmanthus, the taste is layered and the flavor is more abundant.

Compared with the relatively normal candied haws yesterday, Lin Zhou had a burst of inspiration today.

He strung corn candied haws and small Hangzhou pepper candied haws.

He also didn't miss the chili pepper.

Candied haws with black plum flavor in small tomatoes.

There are also pineapples and pineapples.

Because I couldn't tell the difference between the two fruits, they looked the same, and they were still the same after peeling, so I bought them all.

At a glance, the green, black, red, yellow, and orange candied haws of all kinds dazzled people.

"The rest is for you. I'm going out to set up a stall. I'm not sure when I'll be back. There are ingredients in the refrigerator. Just make a soup and wait for me to come back and cook a bowl of noodles."

After Lin Zhou gave Sun Deye instructions, he left his home to them and rode his beloved tricycle to set up a stall.

He went straight to the International Foreign Language Primary School.

It was only 11:30 when he arrived, and the students hadn't finished school yet.

At 11:45, the school bell rang, and soon the students came out one after another.

At the same time, the major vendors and roadside stalls at the school gate began to welcome the large group of diners.

At this time, the students were all very hungry.

They ran out of the school with their schoolbags on their backs.

Chen Wei was no exception.

He had been in a bad mood since he didn't buy candied haws after school yesterday, and he was still in a bad mood today.

If he had known that he couldn't buy candied haws after school, he would not have been so greedy to make money, so that he couldn't eat anything.

After leaving the campus, he subconsciously looked at the various snacks on the roadside, and then saw the familiar candied haws glass cabinet.

"Ah! Candied haws!"

Chen Yan's eyes lit up, and he shouted excitedly, carrying his schoolbag and running to Lin Zhou's stall.

He jumped up and down excitedly like a monkey while running.

As a result, Lin Zhou saw him from a distance.

Isn't this monkey the kid who went to the supermarket to cash in with a phone watch yesterday?

"Big brother, you are here to set up a stall again? Why weren't you here yesterday afternoon? I brought many friends to buy candied haws, but I didn't see you."

Chen Yan was chattering, and saw his deskmate who was about to get on the car to go home not far away, and immediately shouted to her.

"Hu Jiayi, come quickly, the boss who sells candied haws is here today!"

This shout attracted not only his deskmate, but also a group of primary school students around.

The good news is that Lin Zhou's business immediately improved.

The bad news is that not only the tricycle, but also he himself was surrounded by a group of primary school students, forming an encirclement and unable to move.

"Wow, so many candied haws!"

"Oh my god, I've never eaten any of them!"

"What flavor is this? Spicy strips?"

"Oh my god, there are also peppers!"


Lin Zhou was squeezed together by the primary school students, laughing and crying. With so many children, he didn't dare to struggle too hard, so he could only survive in the cracks and advised everyone to be rational.

"Everyone, don't squeeze, line up, come one by one!"

Lin Zhou's words disappeared in the students' quarrels as soon as he finished speaking.

"Boss, boss, I want a hundred yuan candied haws."

"I want seventy yuan."

"Then I want two hundred yuan."

"Boss, can I pay with a phone watch?"

"Big brother, give it to me first!"

"I came first, I choose first!"

There were people stuffing money in front of Lin Zhou, fighting for order, and fighting for position. The position in front of the glass cabinet was the most fiercely contested.

For a while, the demons danced wildly, and Lin Zhou didn't know whether it was because of the heat or the urgency, and sweat began to appear on his forehead.

At this time, a little girl next to him stood on tiptoe with a cold wet towel and wiped his sweat.

"Big brother, you are sweating, let me wipe it for you!"

Lin Zhou: !!!

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