"It's understandable if you think about it. After a week of searching for no news about the boss, and then as soon as I got the news, I found out that the boss has gone abroad, and the stall setting up has ended this week. Who wouldn't be crazy!"

Dadong said and looked at Uncle Sun and others with envy.

They are all working under the boss.

In terms of closeness and distance, the people in Ziyuan Building are definitely not as close as Uncle Sun and the others who take care of the boss every day. The fact that they can often enjoy the boss's craftsmanship is enough for him to envy.

"Looking at the news online, when setting up the stall, my husband said that this week will end today, so we can play around tomorrow."

"It makes sense. I don't know where to go next week. I'll take a walk when I get the chance."

"This is my first time going abroad, and it feels no different."

"Actually, apart from some different architectural styles, the rest is nothing new."

A few people chatted for a while and then went about their business.

Walk the dog when it’s time to walk the dog, prepare dinner when it’s time to prepare dinner.

Waiting for Lin Zhou to come home.

When Lin Zhou arrived home, it was completely dark.

The manor was brightly lit, and Uncle Sun had prepared dinner.

When Lin Zhou came back, he immediately asked the servants to serve the food.

"Sir, you are back. Should you have a meal or take a bath first?"

Every time Lin Zhou came back from setting up a stall, he had the habit of taking a bath.

So hot water and food are prepared in advance.

"Take a shower first."

His body smelled like stinky tofu, and Lin ran to the bathroom when he came back on Monday.

He fried stinky tofu, and from the moment he left the stall, he was almost soaked in the smell of stinky tofu.

Eating with flavor affects appetite.

No matter how delicious something is, it will make you feel uncomfortable if you keep eating or smelling it.

Moreover, taking a bath will unlock rewards and have a psychological bonus.

I just thought I would be lucky.

The task was completed and he submitted it on the way back.

Now the reward has arrived, just waiting for him to click it.

After Lin Zhou took a shower, he wiped his hair and clicked on this week's mission rewards.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning one billion! 】

"Huh? It's money again."

I thought that if I went abroad, I would be rewarded with some rare skills or something, but I didn't expect it would be one billion.

Alas, I'm out of luck this time.

Lin Zhou sighed leisurely and went downstairs to eat.

The topic on the dinner table was of course the hot domestic search topic, but Lin Zhou hadn't had time to read it yet.

Just rely on Xiao Li to broadcast it.

"Boss, let me tell you, when you come abroad this time, the diners in China are heartbroken. They are all going crazy on the Internet, calling you to go back."

Xiao Li said as he pulled out all the videos he liked and showed them to Lin Zhou.

These demons were dancing wildly, and Lin Zhou almost laughed out loud.

This generation of netizens still have some fun-loving qualities.

"By the way, boss, can we go out to play tomorrow?"

Since the mission location was changed to cities where stalls were set up, no one had been to those cities. After Lin Zhou stopped setting up stalls, they all formed a habit.

Just play around together.

Same thing this time.

Speaking of which, this is also Lin Zhou's first time going abroad. Today, he will complete the remaining tasks at once, just to have some fun.

"Go, where do you want to see?"

Lin Zhou responded while eating.

Xiao Li took out the guide to various major scenic spots that he had prepared, and slid the tablet at will. The introduction with pictures and text was still far away, so Lin Zhou knew it at a glance.

Then choose a place.

When you have money and leisure, enjoying life is the main purpose.

Lin Zhou chose the location.

Don't worry about the rest.

The next day everyone packed up, drove off after breakfast.

There were two cars, the one Lin Zhou was sitting in was driven by Uncle Sun, and Xiao Li followed as a bodyguard.

In another car, Dadong drove, taking two aunts with rice balls and his teacher.

A group of people went out to play in great numbers.

The leisurely and comfortable life lasted only one day.

Next came various novel and bizarre stall setting tasks.

The stalls are set up week after week.

The locations are scattered to different countries, different locations.

Within three months, the legend of Boss Lin began to spread on the Internet.

At this time, all the old diners in China were crying.

In the past, I only had to compete with Mr. Lin’s fans in China for food.

Now I want to have a meal of Boss Lin’s delicious food.

It is true that money, luck, and strength are all indispensable.

Without money, I can't follow Boss Lin around the world.

No luck, I couldn't find the location of Boss Lin's stall, nor could I touch it.

Without strength, when the location of Boss Lin’s stall was exposed and the location was outrageous, he couldn’t get through.

Netizens who are smart and want to choose a mate have already focused their attention on the diners who have been chasing behind Boss Lin.

Because the people selected are all talents!

Having money, strength and luck is no better than finding a partner who doesn’t know the situation!

Lin Zhou couldn't help but laugh when Xiao Li told him that he still had this function.

They are all talents!

On a new week, at one o'clock in the morning, Lin Zhou was woken up by the system's beep in his sleep.

He stared blankly at the system interface in his mind.

At this time, he had been abroad for more than three months, during which he only returned to Jiangdong for the New Year.

He didn't take any tasks during this period.

Too many things have happened this year, and he needs to take a good vacation for himself.

In the blink of an eye, this is already the second year since he came to this world.

Everything is going in the right direction.

Only the system was still beyond his expectations.

The tasks were still so random.

Randomness really has its advantages, and life is full of surprises.

But the bad thing is that there is no pattern at all, which disrupts his life.

After waking up, Lin Zhou sighed helplessly and clicked on the task details.

[This week's task: Go to Mount Chumulangma to sell 100 servings of squid fried noodles. ]

[Recipe: "Squid Fried Noodles\

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