Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 544 It’s not easy to live this long!

Looking at the horrified eyes of the others, the foreign student who spoke waved his hand as if it was nothing.

"It's okay, I won't die from eating it. My bread was moldy before, so I broke off the moldy spots and continued to eat it. It was fine."

It's not easy to live this long!

Lin Zhou also cast a surprised look at him.

Iron stomach! He didn't get sick even after eating so much!

It seems that these foreign students are not living very well abroad.

Why did he think that the life of foreign students was all about luxury?

Lin Zhou was confused and watched everyone eat stinky tofu one after another.

"Speaking of this, I'm not sleepy anymore. The eight-treasure porridge I cook is a must-try. Those who have eaten it say it's good and tastes like home."

One of the foreign students started bragging about his cooking skills without thinking.

He stood out from his classmates with this bowl of eight-treasure porridge and became the most popular one.

He brags about it wherever he goes.

"How does it compare with the boss's stinky tofu?"

Seeing that he had praised the eight-treasure porridge as the best in the world, the others were very curious and greedy.

Forgive these foreigners who really can't eat anything delicious abroad, and they can't help but be greedy when hearing anything.

"Although I can't compare with the boss's stinky tofu, I dare say that compared with the breakfast shops outside, my eight-treasure porridge is invincible!"

The man is full of confidence.

"I tell you, I won my girlfriend with this porridge-making skill. When she was sick, I cooked a pot of eight-treasure porridge and sent it to her. She tasted it and was amazed, which laid the foundation for us to be together later."


Eating stinky tofu and having nothing to do, everyone listened to his bragging and was really aroused a little curiosity.

Everyone looked at him.

Chen Luo's tone was so proud.

He has always been invincible for eight-treasure porridge.

Relying on this bowl of eight-treasure porridge, he was almost regarded as a cooking god by the Chinese students in the school.

Listening to his words, Gao Xianyu was really envious. He was a complete kitchen killer.

I can't even cook for myself.

"Brother, what's your name? Which school are you from? Let's make friends~"

It goes without saying that Gao Xianyu wanted to eat for free. Anyone could see it from his greedy expression.

Chen Luo was not dissatisfied with this. The more people tasted his cooking skills, the more he would be known as the God of Cooking among the international students.

This was exactly what he expected. He could show off his cooking skills more and he liked everyone's flattery.

"My name is Chen Luo..."

Lin Zhou was frying stinky tofu when he heard these people talking about how hard their lives were. In a blink of an eye, they were talking about how hard their lives were. This person would bring him to make eight-treasure porridge for everyone to taste tomorrow.

"Hehe, the boss will try it when the time comes. The boss makes such good stinky tofu. Give me some advice when the time comes. You all should come when the time comes!"

Chen Luo really took care of everyone. He greeted every international student on the scene, even the two foreigners, and warmly invited everyone to try the eight-treasure porridge he made tomorrow.

Everyone who can become a repeat customer likes to eat stinky tofu very much. Needless to say, Chen Luo will definitely come here when Lin Zhou is still setting up a stall.

For a moment, Chen Luo didn't even care about eating stinky tofu, and immediately planned to go to the supermarket to buy ingredients.

This is a good opportunity for him to expand his reputation outside the school!

If the reputation of his eight-treasure porridge can be spread throughout the entire overseas study circle, it will be such an exciting thing.

Chen Luo couldn't wait to try it when he thought about it.

"Well, you guys eat me first, I'll go buy the ingredients first, and bring them to you tomorrow to try."

Then he ran away after saying that.

All of them ordered a few servings of stinky tofu first, and then stood there to eat. After eating, if they felt that they were not satisfied, they immediately turned back to the end of the line to continue queuing up to buy stinky tofu.

The special smell of stinky tofu is destined to be very popular among those who like it, and those who don't like it can't eat a bite.

While these people are eating, they also have to add this buff abroad.

Each of them is eating stinky tofu with the posture of eating.

There are no steamed buns, and the soup is not wasted. Just buy a baguette with noodles and dip it in the stinky tofu soup.

Lin Zhou looked at their magical eating method with a puzzled expression.

I don't understand, I really don't understand.

Look at cutting the baguette on the street, just like sawing wood, with a knife pulling and making a harsh sound, and the hard bread crumbs falling down.

It really makes people sincerely doubt whether this baguette can be chewed.

Liuzi, who was concentrating on sawing the baguette, finally sawed off a piece, and looked up to see the stinky tofu owner looking at him intently.

"Boss, do you want to try it? It tastes really good, I tell you."

He said with excitement and wanted to pass the baguette to Lin Zhou.

"No, no, no... I don't like baguettes. This thing is too hard and hard to chew."

Hmm... There was no rebuttal to this.

They also dipped it in the soup when they ate it, and it was easier to chew it after soaking it a little softer.

Liuzi took back his hand with regret, and was very envious in his heart.

Since the boss can make such delicious stinky tofu, he must be a good cook. He can make whatever he wants to eat. Unlike them, they can't cook by themselves and can only eat white people's food.

Alas... With the blessing of stinky tofu, this baguette has become much more delicious.

"I feel that it tastes better with steamed buns, and it must be very fragrant with stinky tofu."

Lin Zhou's fried stinky tofu is not the kind that is fried dry and full of tofu dregs when you bite it.

Instead, the outside is fried crispy and puffed, while the inside is still tender and soft tofu. When combined, the original delicate and tender texture of tofu is still there, and the crispy and burnt taste of the shell is also there. It is so delicious that you can't stop eating it.

"Yes, the coriander inside is really fragrant, and it goes well with the stinky tofu."

"Boss, give me two more servings in a bowl. I really can't eat anymore. I'm a little full."

"Boss, give me two servings to pack, and pack them together. I'm hungry at night and heat them up and mix them with noodles."

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot, boss, I also want to pack two servings to eat at night."

Lin Zhou nodded and continued to fry the next pot.

When all the stinky tofu he brought out was sold, he closed the stall and went home.

The next day, when Lin Zhou brought the stinky tofu to the stall again, he saw a group of people gathered from a distance, holding disposable cups in their hands and drinking something, with admiration on their faces.

Is there someone who is stealing the business?

Lin Zhou was a little confused. He was thinking about whether to change the stall location, and Chen Luo had already seen him.

"Boss, here~"

Lin Zhou saw a familiar customer waving at him, so he rode his tricycle over.

Looking closer, no one was competing for business. It was a group of people drinking eight-treasure porridge. Everyone held a disposable cup filled with the eight-treasure porridge brought by Chen Luo. It looked delicious, and everyone had a smile on their face.

"Boss, you are here, come and try the eight-treasure porridge I carefully prepared. Everyone said it was good after drinking it!"


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