Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 541 You actually ate stinky tofu secretly behind my back!

Good guy, I thought it would be unusual to have a roadside stall in a foreign country.

I didn’t expect that this small portion of stinky tofu would cost so much.

It’s not just the cost of ingredients, it’s also the effort!

Any good person who makes stinky tofu starts by grinding the beans!

This makes it impossible for them to reproduce even if they want to.

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"Boss, your cost is high! Only selling it for ten dollars a piece? And it's so delicious!"

None of these Liuzi have ever tasted such delicious stinky tofu in China, but they didn’t expect to eat it abroad!

I was so happy that I didn't know what to say.

"well enough."

Lin Zhou thought for a moment and said calmly.

They are all self-owned businesses, so they cost nothing and are there. If you can use them when setting up a stall, it is not a waste.

The diners knew from the boss's reaction that he was not short of money.

Roadside stalls that are really short of money cannot transport ingredients by air, so they spend a lot of money just to make stinky tofu and set up a street stall.

Probably the boss wants to experience life and feel what it is like to sell stinky tofu to foreigners abroad.

After all, it’s quite interesting to see foreigners eating stinky tofu with a disgusted look on their faces, but then it tastes really delicious.

As long as you pinch your nose, you won't be able to smell the smell of stinky tofu, but it's really delicious when you eat it.

If it's not delicious, it won't become a national night market snack from a local specialty.

No matter which city or night market you go to, stinky tofu is a must-have.

Now it’s even available abroad.

It would be great if I could eat all kinds of Chinese delicacies wherever I go in the future.

I didn't dare to think about it before.

Now that I have eaten stinky tofu, I dare to think about it.

Lin Zhou brought two large buckets of stinky tofu, but under the patronage of these Liuzi, he actually didn't have enough to eat.

Eat one portion after another, feeling like you won’t stop until you’ve had enough.

There were about ten people who had to force him to finish the stinky tofu in the stall.

Although I have thought about this scene.

Lin Zhou had the same plan when he saw the mission.

Stinky tofu is not easy to sell to foreigners, but it is still easy to sell to Liuzi.

Now it is indeed so.

I can successfully sell out the stinky tofu today, thanks to the ubiquitous Chinese!

"Boss, what time will you set up your stall tomorrow? I'll bring my friends over!"

"Yes, yes, I haven't eaten enough yet, boss, you must come!"

A group of people couldn't bear to leave after eating stinky tofu.

When meeting a fellow countryman from a foreign country who still knows how to make traditional snacks, everyone is eager to add their contact information and ask for food.

It's just that the boss seems a bit aloof and doesn't talk much.

"Boss, can you add your contact information? I'll buy stinky tofu from you next time!"

Ordinary roadside stall owners would be very happy if they meet customers and ask for their contact information. If there are many such diners, they can form a group of regular customers.

But Lin Zhou didn't have this need.

There are too many diners. If they all add their contact information, even if they open their mobile phones every day, they will ask him what time the stall will be set up.

Then what freedom is there?

If you add a part of it, there is no fairness at all.

There will definitely be people making trouble, saying why it’s okay to add others but not him.

Therefore, Lin Zhou eliminated the possibility of this happening from the beginning of setting up the stall.

"Sorry, I don't set up stalls often, it's just a personal hobby."

Lin Zhou responded uniformly.

But this sentence is really devastating to these Liuzi.

Look what these words are!

They finally met a fellow villager selling stinky tofu, and they all had a profound demonstration of what it means for a fellow villager to meet a fellow villager, with tears streaming down his face.

I am very happy to be able to eat Chinese snacks abroad in the future.

I never thought that the boss was not a serious stall owner.

How could this not break their hearts.

Immediately he began to cry sadly.

"Oh my God! Why do you treat me like this? You gave me hope first, and then made me despair!"

Lin Zhou saw the man's pretentious crying, exaggerated acting, and awkwardness, and he was immediately glad that he was wearing a mask.

He didn't want to become famous again just after arriving abroad.

"We will set up a stall here this week, don't worry."

Lin Zhou skillfully comforted everyone.

It's different when you have experience.

"What time is it, boss? I'll be waiting for you in advance."

Lin Zhou thought for a moment and set a time of three in the afternoon.

Business is good at this point, and it happens to be afternoon tea time.

"Okay, okay, boss, you must come tomorrow, I'll wait for you!"

Lin Zhou nodded, then closed the stall and left.

A group of diners holding their bellies were left behind.

It was a rare occasion to eat stinky tofu, and everyone couldn't control themselves at all.

All of them have full stomachs.

Watching the boss leave, I fell into infinite emotion.

"Come on, come on, meeting each other is fate. We are all abroad. Please leave your contact information so that we can take care of you."

Gao Xianyu came first and stayed until the end of the meal, which showed that his wallet and stomach were both full.

This will expand your network of contacts.

There are multiple friends and multiple routes abroad, just in case it is useful, right?

The others thought so too.

So these people added friends in the blink of an eye and even organized a group chat.

"Everyone will come to eat stinky tofu tomorrow, right? If there are a lot of people there, tell the group that I will come early and wait. I don't like queuing."

"Me too, me too."

"I think I will bring some friends. I will ask when I get back to see how many people are free. I will tell you in the group then."



After chatting for a while, everyone went their separate ways.

Gao Xianyu returned to the dormitory with his belly full, and saw that his roommate had come back at some point.

"Hey, when did you come back? I thought it would take you two days to come back."

As soon as he spoke, the strong smell of stinky tofu wafted out of his body.

"What delicious food did you eat behind my back?"

The roommate smelled the smell, and his eyes immediately became sharp.

He stood up and approached Gao Xianyu step by step.

Gao Xianyu then remembered that he seemed to have eaten stinky tofu without telling him.

We are all Chinese, and we don't need to think about it to know that everyone misses stinky tofu in the same way.

Gao Xianyu subconsciously denied that he had eaten stinky tofu.

"Ah? Didn't you eat anything?"

The roommate smelled the smell and felt very familiar.

Such a strong smell, and it can be brought back, it must not be a foreign dish, it is a bit like Chinese food.

Gao Xianyu didn't notice it, and his mouth was opened by his roommate.

He was stunned for a moment.

He kept repeating "Fuck, fuck" in his heart.

I didn't expect there was such a move.

"This smell! Stinky tofu! Great, you eat stinky tofu behind my back, are you still good brothers? You actually eat stinky tofu behind my back!"

The smell was not real when he was far away.

Now that he got closer, the smell on Gao Xianyu's body could not be hidden.

The smell of stinky tofu, the smell of garlic and chili for dipping sauce, etc.

The rich smell can be smelled as soon as you open your mouth.

It makes people want to ignore it.

Gao Xianyu didn't expect him to do this.

At first, he felt guilty, but then he thought that he didn't know that the other party was back, so he couldn't blame him!

"It was obviously you who came back first and didn't tell me, otherwise I would definitely bring it to you, right!?"


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