Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 521 When did they start selling milk tea at the construction site?

And there are so many people who read it horizontally.

Should he develop a milk tea name that can be read horizontally, so that when people order it, they can make it directly.

Lin Zhou thought while waiting for the supermarket owner to order.

Fortunately, they just wanted some milk tea.

The supermarket owner thought for a long time and ordered a cup of caramel banana milk.

It is quite convenient to make milk tea at home and then put it in a thermos bucket to sell.

"Do you want it hot or iced?"

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝘴𝘩𝘶.𝘯𝘦𝘵

For hot drinks, it is a paper cup, and for cold drinks, it is a plastic cup.

So Lin Zhou has to ask a question when choosing a cup.

It is a very simple truth. Ice will melt. If you use a paper cup, the wall of the cup will be soaked by water vapor.

"I want it hot."

The supermarket owner stared at Lin Zhou's actions curiously.

There is only one supermarket near her. Because of the demolition of the construction site, not many people come here. I didn't expect that there would be a milk tea stall today. It's also strange.

The young man doesn't look very old, but he actually came to such a remote place to set up a stall.

The people here are all on the construction site. It seems that not many people drink milk tea.

But it's good for her who likes milk tea.

At least she doesn't have to run outside to buy it, or find errands.

This place is remote, and it's hard to order takeout.

Lin Zhou made a cup of milk tea in two or three seconds and handed it over.

Smelling the sweet smell of milk tea, the supermarket owner took a happy breath.

It's so sweet!

For people who like to eat sweets, milk tea is simply a life-saving water.

The mood has begun to improve just by smelling this smell.

Especially this milk tea smells very good.

The milk flavor is very strong, and the tea flavor is also very fragrant. It doesn't look like a blended milk tea.

"How much?"

The supermarket owner took out his mobile phone and started looking for the QR code to pay.

Lin Zhou: “38.”

The boss didn’t react and directly entered the price. When he returned to the store and was about to drink, he realized that a cup of milk tea cost 38!

Ouch, this is more expensive than buying a cup of milk tea from a runner!

She just thought it was too expensive to buy milk tea from a runner, but she didn’t expect that milk tea from roadside stalls was also expensive.

The boss opened the straw distressedly and wanted to take a sip of milk tea to ease her mood.

If this milk tea didn’t taste good, she would feel even more distressed.

But the milk tea tasted better than all the milk teas she had ever drunk!

The supermarket owner usually loves to drink milk tea, and has tried all the signature new products of major milk tea shops.

She even went to other places to queue up for a cup of milk tea that was very popular online but not available locally.

So she knew how milk tea tasted.

Some milk teas have a very light milk flavor, all thanks to the blending of essences, and the tea flavor is also light, with a cheap taste in the mouth.

Some milk teas are more expensive, and the tea leaves used are good, and drinking a cup can refresh you.

But none of them are as delicious as this milk tea.

The caramel aroma is strong, but not bitter. It is just right at first glance, and the aroma of tea leaves is also accompanied by the sweet aroma of caramel.

The milk tea tastes very smooth, and it is not as thin as watery milk. The texture is fine and smooth, and the mouth is full of mellow fragrance.


This 38 is not expensive!

The supermarket owner knows the business, and she can tell the quality of the milk tea ingredients as soon as she drinks it.

And she drinks milk tea differently from those men.

A cup of milk tea can be drunk for half a day, tasting it bit by bit.

Carefully feel the tea and milk aroma in the mouth.

It is a great fusion!

And the addition of banana puree is also very harmonious. I have only drunk banana milk before, but I didn’t expect that bananas can also be used to make milk tea.

The banana puree is sucked into the mouth along the straw. The taste of caramel roasted is completely different from the bananas she usually eats. It is delicate and silky with the aroma of roasted caramel, which completely refreshes her perception of the taste of bananas.

Can it be eaten like this?

She will try it later.

The supermarket owner drank with relish.

On the other side of the construction site, Jiang Ci and others finished their milk tea and continued to inspect the progress of the project.

The person in charge of the construction site followed behind them, responsible for explanation and introduction.

When talking about what to eat at noon, everyone's topic somehow shifted to the milk tea stall at the entrance of the supermarket.

"I'm not hungry yet."

"I just drank two cups of milk tea, and I was too full, so we didn't eat and went back to the company directly."

"I didn't expect that there would be someone selling milk tea on this construction site where no one came, and the taste was so good."

"Milk tea is actually not a technical thing. It's enough to use good raw materials and develop popular flavors."

The person in charge of the construction site listened to their chat and looked confused.

When did they sell milk tea on their construction site?

Why didn't he know?

"Leaders, you came all the way here, how can you not eat before leaving? There is no restaurant nearby, but I know a good place..."

Those who work on the construction site, these people in charge, know best how to please these leaders who come to inspect from above.

After the one-stop service, everything went smoothly.

"No, we'll leave today and come back tomorrow."

Jiang Ci thought about the milk tea he had just drunk and planned to buy some tomorrow, so he said this subconsciously.

But when the person in charge of the construction site heard this, he panicked. When the superior company came to inspect, didn't they usually come for one day, take a look around to understand the progress of the project and leave? Why did they come twice this time?

Without waiting for the person in charge to inquire about the situation.

Jiang Ci and others left.

The person in charge was panicked.

Took my confidant to the office to discuss what happened.

After the inspectors left, the workers were not so nervous about their work.

It was noon, and everyone finished their work and prepared to eat.

A group of people gathered together, and the topic was naturally about the leaders who came to inspect.

"I saw those leaders were still drinking milk tea. Before, each of them was holding a cup of milk tea and drinking it."

"Do we sell milk tea here?"

"I don't know, that thing is very expensive, I only bought it for my girlfriend."

"I seem to hear that it was bought at the entrance of the supermarket."

"Which supermarket entrance? Isn't there a small supermarket at the entrance of our place? At the entrance of that supermarket?"

"I don't know, I'm a little curious and want to try it. I'll go and take a look."

The man who spoke was ready to go out to the construction site to take a look.

The worker next to him laughed and said jokingly: "You little stingy guy, are you willing to buy milk tea?"

"What's the matter? You don't allow me to be extravagant!"

The man smiled and slapped his coworker. In fact, the workers on the construction site have a high salary. It's really a joke to say that they can't afford a cup of milk tea.

It's just that it's not easy for everyone to make money, so they can't bear to spend it.

The man was just curious. He had been working on the construction site for so long, but he had never seen anyone selling milk tea.

He wanted to see what was going on.

"I'll go and take a look. Can anyone set up a stall in our remote place?"

Another coworker stood up, and the two patted their buttocks and walked to the door together.

"It's quite comfortable to bask in the sun at noon. If there is someone selling milk tea, let's enjoy it today, drink a cup of milk tea, and bask in the sun."

"I'll go and take a look. That thing is too sweet. I don't like it."

While talking, the two walked to the door of the construction site.


(ps: There are five chapters today, and this is the first chapter update!)

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