Lin Zhou's eyes really hurt when he saw the familiar dead faces of these old diners.

But I miss this atmosphere where everyone is making fun of each other.

Still quite interesting.

"Haer Bing is quite fun. The beggar chicken will be here for a while. Why don't you guys take a stroll around?"

After seeing these people causing trouble, Lin Zhou smiled and said.

It will take a while for the beggar's chicken to be ready. Wouldn't it be boring to wait in front of him one by one?

"No, it's Sunday today. Boss Lin, you don't know where you will go tomorrow. You will go have fun then."

"I mainly wanted to see Boss Lin. Hey, I didn't expect it was actually Boss Lin."

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"If Boss Lin's blackened video hadn't misled us before, maybe we would have recognized him a long time ago."

"No, by the way, Boss Lin, how did you get so smoked?"

Speaking of this, old diners are very curious.

As far as they know, Boss Lin has been keeping his stall clean for so long, even in the middle of summer.

There's not even a smell of oil fumes on me.

When they saw this video, they didn't think about Boss Lin at all.

It wasn't until Gao Jiazhi removed the head and ate it that he recognized Boss Lin.

I guess it’s God’s will!

"Want to know?"

Lin Zhou was wearing a mask, and the diners could not see the raised corners of his mouth.

But the tone of the words was wrong.

Old diners know a little bit about Lin Zhou’s character.

Immediately he shook his head in unison.

"No, no, we are just curious!"

"That's right, we can't disturb Boss Lin from being a beggar chicken, otherwise we'll be a sinner!"

Seeing that they were not fooled, Lin Zhou curled his lips in boredom.

Hey, old diners are not easy to fool, but new diners are still naive.

I originally thought about making a few more small black charcoal, but I didn't expect these old diners to be very good at it.

It's so unfair.

Don’t think he didn’t notice that these people even used his black photo as a screen saver!

You really think Boss Lin is shameless!

Lin Zhou sighed with regret, then turned around and walked to the oven to add fire, turning the fire to make it burn more evenly.

During this period, the smoke from the fire hit Lin Zhou's face.

You don't need to bake it all day, your face will be blackened after half a day.

It's just that he's wrapped tightly now, so he's not as eye-catching as before.

In a blink of an eye, the first batch of beggar's chickens were released.

Lin Zhou once again performed the scene of punching a beggar's chicken in front of everyone.

It was the first time for old diners to watch it live. Thinking of the popular videos, many diners imitated Boss Lin after buying the beggar's chicken and wanted to smash it open with a punch.

Things that ultimately failed.

They are also ready to move.

"Boss Lin, is it difficult to smash this beggar's chicken?"

After these days of setting up stalls, buying a beggar's chicken and smashing it on the spot has become a must-do for tourists.

Hearing the old diner's words, Lin Zhou knew what he was thinking and handed him an unsmashed beggar's chicken. .

"You can try it yourself."

"Oh, how embarrassing it would be if it couldn't be opened!"

While the old diner said this superficially, he kept moving his hands and quickly took the beggar's chicken handed over by Boss Lin.

Then with a wave of his hand he was about to perform.

"Now, everyone's eyes are on me, let me show you how to break rocks with my fists!"

Lin Zhou looked at this man's arrogant appearance, and his habit of being embarrassed came back again.

As a result, the diners in line were very cooperative, cheering and applauding one by one, and leaving a seat free.

The entertainment effect is full.

Lin Zhou seemed to have anticipated what would happen next.

Just lower your head and go about your own business.

Then with one punch, the old diner let out a scream.

The show ends here.

There were bursts of lamenting sounds all around.


"By the way, after so many days, has anyone succeeded in challenging the challenge?"

"I'm here every day, and none of them can be broken open with one punch, but some can be broken open if I keep punching them."

"That doesn't count. It has to be like Boss Lin, smashing it open with one fist."

"Speaking of which, Boss Lin is really strong!"

"When I didn't know that the stall owner of the beggar's chicken was Boss Lin, I felt that I was very powerful. Now that I know it is Boss Lin, I actually have a very normal feeling. Who can understand!"

"To be fair, Boss Lin has been setting up a stall, so he must be very powerful."

"Boss Lin, where is your new puppy? Some diners on the Internet described it as very interesting. Why didn't you bring it out? If you bring rice balls, we will definitely recognize it as Boss Lin!"

After hearing this, Lin Zhou looked at him as if he were a fool.

You’ve all told me the reason, why are you still asking me?

Maybe Lin Zhou's eyes were too straightforward.

The diner suddenly understood what he had not said.

He coughed twice embarrassingly.

"Well, Boss Lin, my beggar's chicken needs to be packed."

Lin Zhou nodded and took the beggar's chicken to pack.

The diners who had already gotten the beggar's chicken in front had finished taking pictures and started eating.

Of course, the photos taken are sent to the group.

After all, there are only a few people who go to Harbing.

As soon as this photo came back, everyone was salivating like crazy.


"I'm so greedy. This beggar chicken looks so tempting. The skin is golden yellow. I'm afraid it's a native chicken. The skin of the white-cut chicken made from the native chickens in my family is this color."

"It looks delicious. No wonder beggar chicken is so famous. I'm hungry just by looking at it."

"It's so delicious. The chicken is tender and fresh. Not only does it smell good, but the key is that you can taste the aroma of lotus leaves when eating the chicken. I don't know what kind of wine Boss Lin uses. There is a hint of wine in the meat."

"Ahhh, before I ate it, I wanted to see what Boss Lin's beggar chicken looked like. When I saw it, I was greedy again. Damn it!"

"I'm so greedy. I curse you poisoners who eat instant noodles without seasoning packets!"


Looking at the crazy looks of the friends in the group, the diners who had already eaten it suddenly felt that the beggar chicken in their hands was even more fragrant!

Lin Zhou has been setting up the stall for a long time.

Even if the old diners in Jiangdong bought and ate the beggar chicken, they were reluctant to leave.

They stayed in front of the stall to talk to Lin Zhou and chat.

After all, I haven't seen Boss Lin for a long time. If I miss this time, I don't know when I can meet him next time.

It was not until Lin Zhou closed his stall that these old customers reluctantly said goodbye to Lin Zhou.

"Boss Lin, we will meet again!"

"Boss Lin, I will miss you!"

"Boss Lin, see you next week, I will definitely find you!"

"Boss Lin..."

Listening to everyone's words, Lin Zhou thought he was back to Jiangdong for a moment.

Every week, he plays hide-and-seek with this group of old diners, playing the game of you hiding and I looking for you, you running and I chasing you.

Lin Zhou smiled and waved his hand, then turned around and left.

Then the old diners looked at Boss Lin's back and wondered, "Is Boss Lin darker than when he first came in the morning? I see that he has merged with the night and I can't see his eyes."

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