Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 51 I didn’t expect you to have this hobby?

Zhang Jianjun was confused when he saw these ingredients.

His impression of candied haws was still on the hawthorn fruit that cost two yuan a string when he was a child.

Who would have thought that there are so many varieties of candied haws now?

The chef uncle and the nanny aunts following Zhang Jianjun also nodded in agreement.

As servants of rich families, they naturally thought that those who could be on good terms with their employers and live in the royal villa must be rich people.

I just wondered if Lin Zhou made so many candied haws that they would be too much and couldn't finish them.


This thing is not durable.

I never thought that Lin Zhou, as a rich man, would actually do a small business and sell candied haws.

"Not much, not much. I set a goal for myself this week, selling 500 strings of candied haws a day!"

Zhang Jianjun and others:......

"Okay, we are not idle, let's work."

"This is our chef, Master Li, housekeeper Sister Wang, and Aunt Zhang. They have all worked in my house for many years. Are you alone?"

Zhang Jianjun briefly introduced everyone.

He looked around. Lin Zhou's villa was a little bigger than his, with a garden and a swimming pool, but it looked very messy and no one cleaned it up.

"Yes, I just moved in not long ago, and I haven't cleaned it up yet. Even the cleaning staff only knew about this service yesterday when they asked the private housekeeper."

I feel tired when I mention Lin Zhou.

I really haven't enjoyed the life of a rich person, and I don't know many services.

"Do you want me to introduce you to a few people? Sister Wang is very proficient in talents."

As a rich person, of course, there is more than one property. When there are more houses under his name, people need to take care of them. Sister Wang is in charge of the management of these people.

Although Sister Wang likes to watch TV dramas about urban overbearing CEOs, she is very capable, so Zhang Jianjun gradually got used to Sister Wang's style of doing things.

"Mr. Lin, you can tell me if you need anything. You are the master's friend. Just tell me if you have anything."

After Zhang Jianjun introduced, Sister Wang smiled like a housekeeper, dressed in a black suit, and bowed to Lin Zhou meticulously.

Lin Zhou had never encountered such a serious look and a special address. He widened his eyes in shock and took a step back.

The look in her eyes when she looked at Zhang Jianjun clearly showed that she didn't expect you to have this hobby?

Being called master?

Zhang Jianjun perfectly received Lin Zhou's meaning, and his mouth twitched.

I regret bringing Sister Wang out a little!

"Well, I really need it."

Seeing Sister Wang look like you said it, Lin Zhou felt relieved to make the request.

"We do need a housekeeper to take care of the villa, the garden needs someone to tidy up, and the house needs someone to clean. I like to cook, so I don't need a chef, but I need an assistant to help me prepare ingredients and do some other things."

"I don't like too many people at home."

Sister Wang understood, nodded, and went to make a phone call.

Lin Zhou wanted to give him a thumbs up for his efficiency.

In the past few weeks, he didn't need too many people to set up the stall, and he could do it alone.

But this week's amount of candied haws is too large, and such a large villa also needs someone to take care of it. He lives more comfortably, and setting up the stall every day is already very tiring. He doesn't want to worry about these little things in life.

If it weren't for the servants who came to Uncle Zhang's house today, he wouldn't have thought of hiring anyone.

It's really a sudden wealth, and the mentality hasn't changed yet.

After a while, Sister Wang found a suitable person and asked Lin Zhou the time for the interview.

Lin Zhou thought about it and set the interview time at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.

At 8 o'clock, he should be back from buying ingredients.

After the matter was settled, everyone started to string fruits at the table.

Hawthorn fruit deseeding, this job requires deseeding without destroying the shape of the fruit, which requires a certain level of technical content, and was handed over to Master Li.

Sister Wang strung strawberries, red strawberries, one on a wooden stick.

Peaches had to be cut into pieces, while Aunt Zhang cut them and Uncle Zhang strung them.

"You only strung one in this string, and it was gone in one bite."

Zhang Jianjun said to Lin Zhou who was boiling sugar in the kitchen.

"There are many varieties, and the quantity is small, so customers can try more flavors."

Lin Zhou found a perfect excuse for himself.

After all, there are so many strings, he can't sell 500 strings of candied haws even if he works hard all day!

When you are away from home, all the settings are given by yourself.

You can't tell the truth, you can only make up for yourself against your will and establish your personality.

Lin Zhou shed a tear for himself in his heart.

This task is getting more and more bizarre.

If it weren't for the reward, this task would really be impossible to do for a day!

By the way, this genetic modification liquid is really amazing. He has been busy all morning and didn't feel tired.

He dared to say that with his current physical fitness, climbing Qinhuang Mountain would be easy, and it wouldn't take an hour or two!


Seeing that there was very little water in the pot, it was boiling very fiercely, and the sugar had already produced small and dense foam, like light golden beer.

Lin Zhou picked up the chopsticks and dipped them in the syrup, and he could already pull out a little thread.

At this time, the sugar was ready and the fire had to be turned off immediately.

If the time is too long, the color of the sugar will turn brown. If you can obviously pull out a thread, it means that the sugar has been burnt and lost its original sweetness. It tastes bitter, a bit like Shuanghuanglian.

So boiling sugar seems simple, but it actually tests the chef's control of the heat.

After the sugar is cooked, you can make candied haws.

Uncle Zhang and his friends have strung a lot of fruits.

Lin Zhou brought out a large pot of sugar and gently turned the strung haws against the foam on the boiled hot sugar, and coated them with a thin layer.

Master Li saw the trick at a glance with this simple action.

As a chef, he could naturally see how difficult it was for ordinary people to do the actions that Lin Zhou easily mastered.

The process of dipping in sugar seems simple, but it requires skills.

If the sugar is too thick, you can't bite the fruit when you eat it, which is a failure.

The sugar should be dipped in a thin and even layer, and the fruit inside can be clearly seen.

Put the fruit skewers dipped in sugar on the water board to cool for two or three minutes before enjoying.

The so-called water board is actually a smooth wooden board that has been soaked in clean water for a long time, and the temperature is low. At the same time, the wood is absorbent, which can help the candied haws cool and set.

Lin Zhou saw that Uncle Zhang was craving for candied haws, so he quickly dipped a few strings and let everyone try them.

For successful candied haws, the sugar coating on the outside will cool quickly after being dipped in sugar and will be crispy when bitten, and will not stick to the teeth at all.

There is no problem in eating it immediately after making it.

Looking at the crystal clear, red candied haws in front of them, everyone's mouths began to secrete saliva uncontrollably.

I haven't eaten candied haws, but the thought of it makes me drool.

In addition, it is coated with syrup and has a hint of sweetness, which makes it very appetizing.

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