Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 502 Can Beggar Chicken give me a punch?

Seeing his boss's relaxed look, Xiao Xian felt more and more that his guess was correct.

Then he said to Lin Zhou: "Boss, can the next beggar chicken give me a punch?"

Lin Zhou looked very confused.

If it weren't for his dark eyebrows, his doubts would have been visible at a glance.

Why are you thinking about smashing the beggar's chicken?

Even though he smashed it easily, it was because of his strength.

But just taking it out of the oven, you can imagine how hot it is.

He only dared to do it while wearing gloves.

Otherwise, your hands will definitely be burned.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’πŸ‘πŸžπ•€π•™π•¦.π•Ÿπ•–π•₯

Now faced with the diners' requests, he really didn't know what to say.

"This is very hot, and it's not easy to break open."

Lin Zhou tried to persuade him, but when the diner insisted, he had nothing to say.

He packed the beggar's chicken in his hand, turned around, took out a beggar's chicken from the oven, put it on the chopping board, and handed it a new pair of gloves.

Xiao Xian excitedly put on his gloves and prepared to avenge his shame.

Whether he can raise his head in front of his brothers depends on this punch.

The tourists behind saw this and took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

The scene is sufficient.

Xiao Xian was a little shy all over.

When he was about to punch him, he suddenly thought that if he didn't punch away like the boss, it wouldn't be embarrassing to be photographed.

But it has reached this level. If he regrets it, he will lose face.

So I can only go up.

Xiao Xian gritted his teeth and punched the beggar's chicken with all his strength.

Immediately, the beggar's chicken didn't feel any better. His hands were sore and hot.

With a scream, he jumped up, his hands kept waving in the air, and his expression was twisted in pain.

Lin Yi on the side shrank back with lingering fear.

Fortunately, he didn't react as quickly as Xiao Xian, otherwise he would be the one who would be embarrassed.

When he turned around, he saw several people next to him taking out their mobile phones to take pictures, and he also took out their mobile phones.

He no longer intends to regain the lost face.

So just join the theater crowd.

"Hahahaha, Xiao Xian, the gap between you and the boss is too obvious. The beggar's chicken didn't move at all, and you were hit with a critical hit. Are you okay?"

The tourists who videotaped the whole process couldn’t help but laugh.

When Xiao Xian came back to his senses and realized what he had done, his face turned red.

His face was already dark, and now it was red all the way to his neck. It was really red and black, and those who looked at it couldn't help but want to laugh.

Seeing Xiao Xian's overly exaggerated performance also made the diners in line curious.

"Is it really that hard? How can it hurt like this after just one punch? Man, this is too weak."

Xiao Xian, who had stopped jumping, turned green when he heard this.

Insulted again!

But Xiao Xian couldn't refute, he frowned and looked at the man who was speaking and said, "You're not weak, come on, if you can punch him away, I'll call you daddy!"

Oops, is there such a thing?

There's a lot of fun to watch right away.

The diners around him pricked up their ears and stared with wide eyes.

Some onlookers even raised their mobile phones to take pictures.

Now it depends on how the men in line respond.

Men in line are inherently impulsive people, otherwise they would not speak out immediately when they see something suspicious.

Xiao Xian was so excited that he walked out with his sleeves exposed.

He looked like he was ready to take on the challenge.

The people around him were even more excited when they saw it, and their eyes were full of gossip.

I wish I could cheer and start a fight.

I just like the excitement of queuing up to buy something.

"Leave it alone, I'll do it. It's no big deal. Young people nowadays just have poor physical strength and can't even break open a mud ball."

As the man spoke, he walked up to Lin Zhou's stall and punched the beggar's chicken on the table.

When Xiao Xian saw this, he quickly stopped him.

Now everyone's attention shifted from the man in line to him.

"What's wrong?"

The man in line looked at Xiao Xian in puzzlement and asked. He looked like he didn't take him seriously, which made Xiao Xian's teeth itch.

Xiao Xian ignored him.

"Boss, bring me a new beggar's chicken."

Lin Zhou didn't expect that there was something about him involved.

Seeing this, he looked at Xiao Xian and then at the man in line.

At the nod of the man in line, he turned around and walked to the oven and took out a new beggar's chicken.

"Gloves for you."

If it happened once, he wouldn't let it happen a second time.

So, before the man in line started smashing it, he asked Boss Lin to get a new beggar's chicken.

Then smile and get ready to watch him perform.

The man in line simply dismissed the gloves handed over by Xiao Xian.

She turned her head to signal him to keep an eye on her.

Then he gathered his strength and punched the beggar's chicken that Lin Zhou had just taken out.

Lin Zhou opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't have time to speak.

The next second there was another scream in the air.

Victim +1.

Xiao Xian saw the man holding his hands and bending down in pain, with a satisfied smile on his face.

See, and refuse his gloves.

This is what happens.

Lin Zhou twitched his lips in horror.

"It's really hot and it's hard to open, so don't try it."

The man in line didn't leave any room for himself.

He grimaced in pain.

It hurts so much that I can't speak, and my face is so twisted.

Xiao Xian was very happy to see this.

"Hey, a grown man, how come you don't have this much strength? Is it not possible?"

After being ridiculed just now, now they can finally get back some face.

The two of them were embarrassed one after another.

It really made the people present watch enough excitement.

Xiao Xian's friends laughed and slapped their thighs.

Lin Zhou sighed helplessly.

In front of Xiao Xian and the men in line, he knocked the beggar chicken open with two punches.

These two hits did not cause much damage, but were extremely insulting.

Xiao Xian could not laugh anymore.

The two men relaxed for a while and looked at Lin Zhou embarrassedly.

Boss, can't you just hit a few more punches for your sake?

This way they can at least save some face.

Now don't they look weak?

They are all men. Others can smash the beggar chicken open with one punch, but they can't.

"Boss, you are really strong!"

Hearing the compliment, Lin Zhou nodded lightly.

He had already taken the powerful pills produced by the system, so how could he not be strong?

"Six are ready to be packed, here."

Lin Zhou packed six beggar chickens and handed them over in two or three moves.

Thinking about sending the guests away quickly.

If he continued like this, how long would it take for his beggar chickens to be sold out?

"Next, how many do you want?"

Behind Xiao Xian and the others were the two female tourists who were attracted by Lin Zhou to take pictures.

After waiting for a long time, the beggar chickens were finally out of the oven.

They were greedy for the smell.

But they were so excited to watch the fun that it was okay.

It was their turn now, and the two girls asked for two.

"Package or take away?"

Although this sentence sounded ambiguous.

But everyone could understand the meaning in seconds.

Package means to knock off the layer of mud on the outside of the beggar chicken and pack only the chicken.

Take away means to take away the mud balls together.

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