Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 450 I don’t think even if Boss Lin himself comes, he can’t beat us!

“I said your puppy understands human speech.

Ye Fanle was very happy. He had seen a dog that looked after a home and barked when it met people. This was the first time he heard of a dog that chased people without paying. It was really interesting.

"What's wrong?"

Not understanding the meaning of this sentence, Lin Zhou asked again.

"I told it I didn't pay, and it immediately stood up and stared at me."

Lin Zhou also looked at the rice ball in surprise. He didn't expect that this puppy could really understand human speech. He actually remembered what he had told him.

"Rice balls, my sister is teasing you. I've already paid for them."

Lin Zhou was afraid that it would catch up, so he quickly warned him.

Fantuan seemed to understand, and squatted down again. He glanced at Ye Fan and closed his eyes to rest.

Seeing this, Ye Fan laughed again.

Lin Zhou shook his head with a smile and continued to pack.

Then after tasting it, everyone was surprised.

"Damn it, this smell can only be attributed to Boss Lin's city branch boss. I don't think Boss Lin himself can compare to it!"

"No, it's delicious. But don't say that. We haven't eaten the food made by Boss Lin, so we can't compare it. If someone posts it online, be careful and be scolded by Boss Lin's fans. Those people are so cruel. !”

"No, don't bring trouble to the boss."

Lin Zhou's lips twitched as he listened to their cautious words.

I really can’t imagine what it would be like if he took off his mask now and was recognized by these people.

After thinking about it for a while, I decided to forget it and stop doing such nasty things.

Otherwise everyone will be embarrassed.

After a while, the evening self-study class at school ended.

The students also ran out in groups.

Everyone was very excited.

Today in school, many classes were discussing the Bobo Chicken served at the school gate during evening self-study. It was said to be very delicious.

So after class, everyone started rushing out.

One person rushed, and the others also started to rush, and then they moved forward at a sprint speed of 100 meters.

Come to the Bobo Chicken stall.

"Ah, why are there so many people!"

As soon as these students and students arrived, the number of people in front of Lin Zhou's stall immediately increased and they started queuing up.

When it comes to lining up, these students are the best at it. They line up neatly and beautifully.

Only then did the adults notice that the children were out of school.

Each person ordered some and took the initiative to give up his seat in front of the stall to these high school students.

"It's not easy for children nowadays. They have to go to class until ten o'clock, and then go home to wash and go to bed. If they read a book for a while, it's already 12 o'clock, and they don't even get eight hours of sleep a day."

"How can there be eight hours? Six hours would be good."

"Studying is stressful, and it's not easy to get into college."

"I'm probably hungry after studying so late. There are so many people coming to set up stalls at night."


Wu Qiuhao didn't need to squeeze. As soon as he came over, he saw his father holding two big buckets of Bobo Chicken in his arms.

Just as he was about to invite his friends to eat together, he saw them wailing in line.

"Don't you want to eat?"

"Qiuqiu, you eat first, and we'll wait in line to buy some~"

"Yes, you were treated to a treat yesterday. Let's come today."

We're all friends, so we can't always be friends.

Moreover, for a half-grown boy, it’s just when he can eat. He doesn’t feel comfortable eating too much, so he buys more and eats together, then he can eat as much as he wants.

Wu Qiuhao knew the character of his friends and did not force them. He just stood waiting with his father while eating.

One string for you, one string for me.

After eating for a while, Wu Qiuhao suddenly thought of his mother at home, paused, looked at his father and said.

"Old Wu, did you buy it for the beautiful woman?"

Lao Wu chewed for a moment, then looked at his son, and then at the Bobo Chicken in his hand.

"How about leaving some for your mother?"

"That's for sure. Mom smelled it yesterday. If I don't take it with me today, it will definitely be exposed."


"Don't call your mother beautiful outside. People who don't know can easily misunderstand her."

Wu Qiuhao also looked around awkwardly and gave up when he saw no one paying attention to him.

I'm used to saying it at home, but forget to change my words when I go out.

His mother likes people to call her beautiful, but now no one calls her outside, so she asks him and his father to call her at home.

Both father and son doted on her, so they just got used to it.

"Then I'll wait in line to buy some more. Your mother also likes spicy food."

Seeing that there were not many Bobo Chickens left, Lao Wu ran back to the team to wait.

Wu Qiuhao looked at his friends queuing up, holding Bobo Chicken and taking them to eat together.

Queuing is also boring.

This makes other people in line suffer.

My hungry stomach growled, and I had to listen to them discuss which skewers were the best.

“I think the tripe is the most classic, tender and crispy. It’s totally different from other Bobo Chicken’s overcooked tripe.”

"I think the kidney flowers are delicious. They don't have any peculiar smell at all and are very tender."

"The beef slices are also delicious, tender, delicious, so fresh, full of beef flavor, and the meat used is good."

“The chicken is amazing, not to mention tender, the key is freshness!”

"The mushrooms are delicious, especially the shiitake mushrooms. They are very juicy when you bite them. It tastes like chicken soup. I can tell when I eat it. These ingredients must have been cooked in chicken soup. This is the taste of the shiitake mushrooms I eat in chicken soup at home!"

What they talked about was called a high, and then everyone else was drooling.

What torture!

Fortunately, Lin Zhou prepared a lot of skewers today and there were still some when he sold them to them.

In addition, the ones that seem to cost three or five yuan, but if you pick a few or ten skewers at random, they will cost tens or even hundreds.

Everyone bought very restrainedly.

There were only a few people who bought like Lao Wu.

The more people who tasted the flavor, the more people gathered in front of Lin Zhou's stall, and then the more people lined up.

Lin Zhou took out a loudspeaker and shouted, "No more, no more, don't line up behind me."

Even if it was tied to the rice ball, after training, the rice ball was smart and could understand simple instructions such as asking people to go around the crowd.

The diners who were persuaded did not force it.

They were all students and had classes tomorrow. How could they have time to set up stalls everywhere?

They could only buy something else to eat and go home to rest.

High school students, especially those in the third year of high school, have such heavy learning tasks.

After selling all the skewers, Lin Zhou took the rice ball home.

In just these three days, he had completed more than 4,000 skewers.

10,000 skewers were still easy to complete.

It is estimated that if more were prepared, it could be completed in one day.

But Lin Zhou was not in a hurry.

Fishing during the day and setting up a stall at night. There is no need to complete something that only takes two hours at once. It is too tiring.

Actually, Lin Zhou was tired from the task of cleaning the market last week. It was really boring when the stall was set up for a long time and there were not many people.

It was late at night when he got home.

Aunt Fang was still waiting for him.

“Sir, you are back. Do you want to have some supper before going to bed?”

This week, Lin Zhou’s work and rest schedule was quite normal. He went to bed at 11 or 12 o’clock at night and got up at 7 or 8 o’clock in the morning.

Everyone’s work and rest schedule also became normal.

But someone had to get up early to prepare breakfast, so everyone worked in two shifts, one night shift waiting for Lin Zhou to get off work, and the other morning shift preparing breakfast and buying vegetables.

(Chapter 6, there is one more chapter.)

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