Even the regular diners from BBQ Week just asked casually. Mr. Lin had so many diners that he never thought that Boss Lin would remember him.

Because he was mentally prepared and had no expectations, when he heard Boss Lin say that he remembered him and accurately stated the situation at that time to prove that he really remembered him, the old diners were really excited and didn't know what to say.

Boss Lin is not just setting up stalls at random without telling everyone the address, as said on the Internet. It is a game played by rich people, and he deliberately sneaks everyone away to play.

Boss Lin is obviously very normal and treats every diner seriously.

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I just want to randomly set up stalls to see the scenery in different places and bring the ultimate delicious enjoyment to people in different places!

In the eyes of old diners, Lin Zhou's filter is eight hundred layers thick.

Even things he hasn't responded to can automatically fill his brain.

Boss Lin's craftsmanship is so good that he is willing to set up a street stall to do business so that everyone can taste his craftsmanship. The price is not expensive. For foodies, he is like a living Buddha.

Anyone on the Internet who is a black Lin boss will be trolled to death by a group of diners.

So to another extent, Lin Zhou can be regarded as an Internet celebrity with no negative reviews on the entire Internet.

Back to the scene.

After Lin Zhou served everyone the tofu, he saw the diners who had traveled far away before. This time, he didn't know whether it was because there were too many people or they were used to big cats. They didn't go very far, so they just found a place to squat nearby. Eat tofu.

There are also people squatting in front of the big cat, wanting to feed it.

Lin Zhou:? ? ?

No, you went all the way to eat hot tofu and didn’t forget to bring food to the big cat?

"This is fresh raw beef, the big cat will definitely like it!"

Lin Zhou couldn't help but look at the man who fed the big cat raw beef.

Although these people are outrageous, they are also cautious.

When feeding, he also knew to keep his distance from the big cat, and took the beef with a long clip and brought it to the big cat for feeding.

The big cat actually ate it and refused to refuse anyone who came.

This wonderful scene made the diners eating hot tofu watch with gusto.

There are delicious food to eat and programs to watch, so it’s not a loss!

After feeding such a well-behaved big cat for a week, Lin Zhou saw that the mission had refreshed a new location, and when he wanted to leave, he felt really reluctant to leave!

I have never had a pet before, and I have never experienced this kind of joy of feeding.

After feeding tigers for a week now, I suddenly have the urge to get a pet.

It's a pity that the big cat can't be taken away.

Unless he has a zoo.

New week.

Even if the task is refreshed.

Going to change places.

Lin Zhou watched Butler Sun lead the people to pack their luggage, but still couldn't get excited, so he lay on the sofa and sighed.

Xiao Li, who was carrying luggage, could hear Lin Zhou sighing as he passed by.

When he walked up to Butler Sun, he asked in a low voice: "Uncle Sun, is it okay for you to do this, sir?"

Butler Sun must have discovered Lin Zhou's bad mood, but he understood Lin Zhou.

It's only been two days since Xiao Li arrived, so it's normal to have such worries.

"We just have to do our own thing about the things that sir hasn't mentioned. Sir doesn't like to be disturbed."

Xiao Li knew that Butler Sun was giving him a hint and nodded seriously.

He had just come to work, and he was still getting used to Boss Lin's habits.

With Xiao Li, the work in the villa is progressing more smoothly.

Packing things up is much faster.

Everyone gets along well with each other.

Lin Zhou also gradually got used to the life of multiple bodyguards at home.

After everything was packed, Butler Sun walked up to Lin Zhou to talk.

"Sir, everything is packed and sent to Sichuan."


This week's mission location is Sichuan-Chengdu. It is not a time-limited mission, but a quantity mission. Within a week, a total of 10,000 skewers of Bobo Chicken were sold.

There is no requirement on time or location, so it is quite a free task.

They can all be considered welfare tasks.

The food also fits his impression of Si Chuan.

Lin Zhou was still looking forward to it.

But when I thought about not being able to pet big cats after leaving Dabai Mountain, my interest was not that high.

No wonder so many people like to keep pets.

This feels really different.

Sighing again, Lin Zhou said calmly, "Then let's go."

With Xiao Li, there was no room for him in one car, so Lin Zhou bought another nanny car.

Last week's reward was 300 million in cash. Compared with skills and magic pills, it can be called a black hand.

The last thing he lacks now is money.


In one day's work, we arrived at Sichuan, the capital.

While Lin Zhou was resting, Butler Sun and his people had already packed up the new residence.

Lin Zhou was tired of living in the villa.

This time, Huang Zhenghao bought a large flat in the city center to live in.

Real estate is also a type of asset. Lin Zhou quite likes to hoard houses. Maybe in the future he will be able to achieve the achievement of having real estate in every city where he has set up stalls.

Give him the pleasure of collecting.

After waking up, Lin Zhou rejected Butler Sun's idea of ​​purchasing ingredients and drove to a nearby vegetable market to buy vegetables.

Enjoy life.

Then after buying groceries and coming out of the vegetable market, I heard a small whimpering sound.

If it weren't for his sensitive ears, it would be easy to ignore it.

Lin Zhou followed the sound curiously.

I saw a puppy hiding under the trees in the green belt.

He lay miserable inside to keep warm.

The feeling of dying.

Just when Lin Zhou was interested in pets, he couldn't bear to part with the big cat. He couldn't bear to see such a situation.

He quickly took the puppy out.

The puppy looked small and was wet. It had just rained in Chengdu, so he probably got wet.

Lin Zhou relented and sent the puppy to a nearby pet store to clean it up. Lin Zhou looked at the little mixed-haired dog and knew that it was a stray dog ​​that no one wanted.

There is no variety to speak of, and they are not very cute.

If they were let out, they probably wouldn't survive this winter.

Lin Zhou thought for a while. There were several people in the family, so raising a puppy shouldn't be a problem, right?

Mainly because he has a bond with this puppy.

He happened to have left Big Cat and wanted a pet.

It was my first day in Chengdu again, and I suddenly wanted to go out and buy groceries by myself.

We met like this, not by fate.

"Sir, the puppy has been cleaned, fed, checked by the doctor, and has no health problems. It was also given injections. Do you want to adopt it?"

Anyone who can work in a pet store loves pets.

I knew that Lin Zhou picked up this puppy in the green belt.

Clean up now.

If Lin Zhou doesn't want it, he can't let the puppy continue to wander. He can keep it in a store or send it to a stray dog ​​rescue center.

"Well, I plan to adopt."

"Please prepare all the things you need to raise a dog. If you want them to be good, don't worry about the money. Send them to this address."

Lin Zhou took the pen and paper at the front desk of the pet store and wrote down his current residence.

Then hand it to the pet store employee.

The pet store employees' eyes lit up when they heard this.

Big customer!

Oh my god, such a big customer who is not short of money is so rare to find!

There are a lot of things you need to keep a pet.

What’s even better is that you don’t have to worry about money.

This this……

I simply don’t know what to say!

"Okay, sir, don't worry, we will definitely make arrangements for you."


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