Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 434 You get up first, let’s talk it over.

Now Dabai Mountain has become a hot topic because of the tiger, and it is a hot time.

Not to mention that they are also important figures in the incident.

In the morning, they had no experience, and they were still wandering around the scenic spot together.

It was not until they were peeped at by tourists, pointed and took pictures with their mobile phones that they felt something was wrong.

When they ran to a deserted place, they saw that the photos of tourists who encountered them in Dabai Mountain had been uploaded to the Internet.

Suddenly, there were more comments praising their love.

So the two of them did not dare to wander around at this time, and they stayed directly at the place where Boss Lin set up his stall yesterday.

The big cat has been lying there, and has not changed its place since morning. It is really patient!

"It's almost 12 o'clock, aren't you hungry?"

After waiting for a while, Liu Hang felt a little hungry when he didn't see Boss Lin. He looked at the time and it was 11:56!

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"A little bit, but when Boss Lin comes, we will have something to eat."

Thinking of this, Xiao Fan's fear was reduced a lot, and he was thinking about the hot tofu he ate yesterday.

"I used to see how they praised Boss Lin on the Internet, and I didn't have any idea. Now I just want to say that they are praising Boss Lin in a general way, and they don't show how delicious the food made by Boss Lin is. The vocabulary is poor, and they only know that it's awesome and delicious."

Liu Hang: "Then describe it, how to describe the tofu made by Boss Lin."

Xiao Fan, who was full of enthusiasm just now, was speechless.

He opened and closed his mouth, his mind was blank, and he couldn't think of any adjective to describe the shock that the tofu brought him.

It was the shock of eating cheap food like tofu in one stroke, which he never took seriously.

The tofu tastes smooth and sweet. The subtle and comfortable taste is amazing.

It turns out that tofu can be so delicious.

No wonder so many people like it.

But he can't describe it.

"Uh... a very comfortable taste. The original taste and taste of the ingredients are brought to the extreme in the field of tofu. Then the aroma of soybeans is very rich and mellow. With the sauce, it is fragrant and spicy, very good!"

Liu Hang listened to his description and looked at him in a wordless way.

He also said that others' praises are not technical, and your praise is not good either!

Liu Hang didn't want to talk and rolled his eyes at him.

Then while waiting for Boss Lin, they also saw fully armed armed personnel carrying weapons to patrol.

For the first time, they were deeply relieved and felt that it was because of yesterday's incident that the people in the scenic area began to arrange armed personnel to patrol for everyone's safety.

They also greeted the armed personnel enthusiastically.

Then ten minutes later, these people came back again. Although they were confused, they still greeted each other again.

But when they passed by for the third time.

Xiao Fan knew something was wrong. He looked at them with a look that said, "I'll see how many times you can run."

The armed personnel were embarrassed.

A big tiger was squatting here. They had to take a closer look. What if the tiger ran out and scared the tourists? Right!

They definitely didn't want to see if Boss Lin had a stall.

A group of people looked at each other. Just when the armed personnel were thinking about whether to find an excuse, Lin Zhou rode his tricycle and made a brilliant appearance.

"Boss Lin!"

The moment Xiao Fan saw Lin Zhou, he seemed to see a glowing savior.

He rushed over and scared Lin Zhou.

"What's wrong?"

Why is he reporting to the Lord of Heaven?

"Get up first, and talk it over."

Lin Zhou parked the car, got off and helped Xiao Fan up.

"Boss Lin, now only you can save me. If I don't explain it clearly, my innocence will be gone."


A group of people looked at Xiao Fan falling into Boss Lin's arms, their expressions shocked and confused.

Liu Hang, standing behind, covered his face directly, not wanting to admit that this was his friend, especially when there were rumors about them on the Internet. How dare he do that!

He doesn't want to save face!

"Boss Lin, look at this. Yesterday I bought a portion of hot tofu and took it to the ski resort to eat, and then a big cat spotted it... Someone posted it on the Internet. Now the whole Internet is spreading rumors about me and my brother, praising our love. We want to clarify it, but we are afraid that it won't be popular, so we thought about adding your stall in the clarification video."

After listening, Lin Zhou looked at Xiao Fan distressedly.

Unexpectedly, when he was throwing off the tiger, because this guy bought his hot tofu, he attracted the tiger.

So many people were frightened, and then it became a hot search.


Now there are such outrageous rumors again.


He didn't know what to say.

He lifted Xiao Fan up like a chicken.

Xiao Fan was sad, and when he was lifted up, his eyes widened and he was so confused.


What happened? Is Boss Lin so strong?

Xiao Fan stopped wailing after he was lifted up.

“Then record it.”

Seeing Boss Lin so easy to talk to.

Xiao Fan was very touched.

He took Lin Zhou’s hand and wanted to thank him again.

Then they made too much noise, which directly startled the big cat lying inside.

The big cat walked to the side of the road step by step with elegant steps.

After seeing Lin Zhou and the familiar tricycle, his eyes lit up and he let out a bright 'ooh'.

For a moment, the scene was as quiet as a chicken.

Everyone stood stiffly on the spot, listening to the tiger's voice from far to near, until they passed by them and ran to Boss Lin.

Everyone came into contact with the tiger at close range and were too frightened to move.

I saw Boss Lin taking over the tiger like Xiao Fan.

Such a big tiger, howling in front of Mr. Lin, is actually not cute at all, and even makes it a bit hard to describe.

But I’m envious.

That's a tiger!

He actually acted like a baby in front of Boss Lin.

It's really a long time to live.

"Let's go, I'll set up the stall first."

Lin Zhou was originally thinking about setting up such a boring stall. He should secretly disclose his whereabouts online. If tourists from the south could not be attracted, maybe local friends would be willing to come and have a look.

But he didn't expect that there would be diners and tigers waiting for him as soon as he arrived.

This feels really good.

He was used to such a lively environment, but he was really not used to the situation like yesterday.

Staying alone in the deep mountains and forests, keeping company with tigers.

It's scary to think about it. Although it was later discovered that the tiger just wanted to eat tofu, it was quite uncomfortable.

That's fine now.

Lin Zhou was in a good mood. After setting up the stall, he filled a bowl of tofu for the big cat and let it eat first.

Then when I looked at the diners, I wanted to ask them what flavor they wanted.

He saw a group of people standing far away from him.

Lin Zhou's mouth twitched.

He was too happy because he thought someone would accompany him during the hours-long stall setting up today. Unexpectedly, all the tigers came to him.

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