"Should we remind Mr. Lin that this is a bit too dangerous? Although this tiger, no, big cat, looks very well behaved and can imitate the meow of a cat, it is a wild tiger after all!"

"It's okay, there are thousands of wild animals in Dabai Mountain, and some animals like to play with people, but tigers are indeed a bit dangerous."

"Oh my god, this is not tofu, I feel like I'm eating a fairy product."

"Indeed, the tofu is tender but not rotten. It tastes good when you pick it up and stick it with the dipping sauce. The aroma of the tofu blends with the taste of the dipping sauce while chewing, which is fragrant and spicy, but the spiciness only provides the umami taste, so delicious!"

"So this is what hot tofu tastes like, so delicious!"

There are tourists who have never eaten hot tofu before, and they are really amazed after tasting it.

One by one, they squatted on the side of the road, holding an iron basin in their hands, and their faces were full of sweetness.

"I went online today and saw that some of Boss Lin's fans were paying a lot of money to beg for Boss Lin's position. I didn't expect Boss Lin to come to Ji Lin."

"That's right, who would have thought that."

"It smells so good. When I go to return the bowl later, I have to ask Boss Lin if he is setting up a stall in Dabai Mountain this week."

"Even if Boss Lin is setting up a stall in Dabai Mountain this week, I don't think many people will come. First of all, Boss Lin's fans are mostly in the south, which is too far away from Ji Lin. Secondly, there is a tiger."

They can see that the tiger is probably attached to Boss Lin.

There will be tofu to eat, and the way it lies there really looks like a big cat.

Boss Lin is still trying to get his hands on it.

In fact, Lin Zhou was also afraid.

But this tiger is howling at him for a bite of food. Who can stand it!

It is probably because it is afraid of scaring him. The sound is much smaller than the howling sound when it finds that he has escaped.

Who understands, such a big tiger is just lying in front of you, letting you touch it at will, and it is really cruel if you don't touch it.

After a while, the tiger finished eating the tofu in the iron basin first. Lin Zhou didn't notice it yet and was still petting the cat, but the tourists who felt the beast's gaze felt the deadly gaze falling on them.

This strong gaze made people's scalps numb.

The tourists seemed to feel like they were being pushed by the beast. When they raised their heads nervously, they saw that the tiger, who had been eating tofu with his head down, had raised his head and stared at them at some point.

"Fuck, has the tiger finished eating tofu?"

The tourists with good eyesight saw that the iron basin in front of the tiger was empty, and they immediately increased the speed of eating tofu.

"Boss Lin, run, the big cat has finished eating tofu."

The tourists who were worried about Lin Zhou didn't care whether speaking loudly would anger the tiger, and just wanted Boss Lin to stay away from the tiger.

Otherwise, it would be so dangerous!

Lin Zhou stopped his hand when he heard the sound, took two steps forward, and saw the big cat tilted his head and squinted his eyes and whispered "Awoo".

Very well-behaved.

So he tilted his head and looked at the tourists who were shouting in confusion.

The expressions of the man and the tiger were so synchronized that the tourists were silent.

"Is this tiger a spirit?"

"I guess it is. Wild animals are all smart."

"I feel that this tiger should not pose any threat to Boss Lin."

"I also think that it can change its face. It was clearly staring at our tofu just now."

Lin Zhou didn't know what happened. Seeing that the big cat had finished eating tofu, he put away its iron basin.

He guessed that the diners' tofu would also be finished.

Lin Zhou repeatedly disinfected his hands.

The tiger didn't leave after eating, but lazily lay beside Lin Zhou's stall like a guard.

The fans who saw Boss Lin's excitement dared not say a word.

Lin Zhou had never encountered such a quiet stall scene.

The diners ran far away from him, and they didn't dare to say a word except to order and pay.

The armed personnel saw this scene and felt that if Boss Lin didn't leave, the tiger would probably not leave.

So after eating the tofu, they all withdrew.

As long as the tiger doesn't go to crowded places in the scenic area, it's fine.

The diners finished eating and left one after another.

Lin Zhou saw that his time was not full, so he became bored again.

It was rare that the diners left before he closed the stall, and he was a little uncomfortable.

Lin Zhou sighed leisurely.

It was really magical.

No one was with him, so Lin Zhou had to turn around and let the big cat play.

With a little strength in both hands, he lifted up the Siberian tiger that was taller than him.

The tiger was lying down to savor the food, but suddenly it was lifted up, and its eyes widened.

It looked at Lin Zhou stupidly.

When their eyes met, Lin Zhou saw the confused tiger, and he also knew how strong he was now.

He just had a sudden idea to try how strong he was and whether he could lift a tiger.

It still looks very easy now.

It was just that the tiger was stimulated.

Lin Zhou tried both hands, and then prepared himself mentally, and lifted the tiger with one hand, just like lifting weights.

When Lin Zhou had enough fun and put the tiger down, the tiger looked more docile than before and shrank back timidly.

Lin Zhou patted the tiger's head to comfort him.

After playing for a while, the time was up.

Lin Zhou planned to pack up and close the stall.

It was a tough stall today!

He had to go back and rest to relax.

"Big cat, go play, I'm leaving, see you tomorrow."

After saying this, Lin Zhou rode away on his tricycle without caring whether the tiger understood or not.

This was the first time that Lin Zhou did this kind of time-consuming task, and he was not used to it.

After selling out, he had to wait until five o'clock before he could leave.

When Lin Zhou left, the tiger did not chase him, and seemed to be still immersed in the confusion of being lifted up.

On the other side, the tourists who had already left Dabai Mountain also sighed.

This afternoon, it was not long, but it was so wonderful.

It was so wonderful that it seemed like a long time had passed.

"It feels like a dream, eating such delicious tofu, and meeting Boss Lin who is being looked for by the whole network, and then seeing the tiger!"

Back in the car, Xiao Fan couldn't help but sigh.

Then the next second, he saw a lot of unread messages on his phone, and clicked them with some confusion.

He saw screenshots sent by many friends.

"Xiao Fan, is this you?"

"Xiao Fan, is that you who was carried by a princess?"

"Brother, you know you are famous, now there are videos of you crawling out of the tiger's mouth and being carried by a princess on the Internet!"


Xiao Fan flipped through the messages one by one, and his expression became more and more ferocious.

"Damn, it's all your fault. Why did you want to carry me like a princess? Can't you just carry me on your back? Or drag me and run!"

Xiao Fan didn't expect that after all these things, he would still face online breakdown.


Liu Hang was looking at the navigation and was a little confused when he heard this.

The things have all passed, why can they still bring it up.

Besides, in that tense moment, who could think of anything else? Seeing Xiao Fan unable to stand up, of course the first reaction was to carry him and run!

"My innocence!"

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