This situation continued until the next Monday.

Boss Lin changed the place to set up the stall.

The popularity of Baihe was slightly weakened.

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Just when the whole network was looking for where Boss Lin was going in the new week.

Lin Zhou had already arrived in Jilin by private plane.

Yes, the location of this week's task was Dabai Mountain in Jilin, selling tofu on pallets.

The moment Lin Zhou got the recipe, he knew that this was a physical job.

Purely handmade tofu, just grinding the beans with a stone mill is already a very time-consuming task.

And he had to do the whole production process by himself. If he wanted to make the traditional handmade hot tofu in the recipe, which was white and tender like white jade, it was not an easy job.

There were requirements for the location and time of this week's task.

The stall time was from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. every day.

Half an hour later than the opening time of Dabai Mountain.

The stall license for Dabai Mountain was issued along with this week's task.

I don't know where the system got it.

Fortunately, there were no other requirements for the mission, otherwise, Lin Zhou really didn't know if he could sell tofu on Dabai Mountain.

Lin Zhou's routine was to go to bed after dinner and wake up in the early morning.

So after seeing this week's mission in the early morning, he immediately called Huang Zhenghao and asked him to arrange a private plane to take them to Jilin.

He was going to set up a stall on Dabai Mountain this week.

Of course, he had to arrange to go to Jilin's residence.

Huang Zhenghao took the dividends from Ziyuan Building, and his daily work was to manage Lin Zhou's property and help him deal with everything.

The mobile phone numbers given to Lin Zhou were all separate mobile phones, turned on 24 hours a day, waiting for Lin Zhou's instructions.

It was also because of his wide network of contacts.

Even at this point in the early morning, he could immediately arrange Lin Zhou's instructions and make calls one by one.

As long as he was willing to spend money and had a good relationship, these were easy to arrange.


After successfully arriving at Jilin's villa, Lin Zhou didn't care about resting and plunged into the kitchen.

Huang Zhenghao also asked people to buy all the tools he needed to make tofu.

Huang Zhenghao is already very skilled in buying houses and arranging real estate in various cities.

Uniform fine decoration, large kitchen villa, simple decoration style.

Then there are no more requirements.

Lin Zhou is so easy to talk to. In addition to his love of setting up stalls everywhere, he is really a very casual person.

The soybeans that have been soaked for more than six hours are cleaned.

Lin Zhou looked at the eye-catching stone mill on the kitchen grounds.

Such a large and well-preserved stone mill with a luster is also a good thing that Huang Zhenghao can find it in such a short time.

It's really good.

I'll give Huang Zhenghao a raise later!

Before the new task was refreshed, Lin Zhou was still wondering why the task reward was a small pill as strong as an ox.

What does he need such a big strength for.

But after seeing this week's task, he should understand that some task rewards are just to make him set up a stall better.

For example, the previous suona and this time's small pill as strong as an ox.

The task location was taken to Dabai Mountain. How can he not have some self-protection ability? I heard that there are many wild animals on the mountain.

And this stone mill, I'm afraid you can't grind without some strength, it's very heavy.

But in Lin Zhou's hand, it feels just so-so.

Put a spoonful of soaked beans into the stone mill, Lin Zhou gently pushed it, and the stone mill started to turn.

It was quite easy, directly grinding the softened beans into white bean dregs.

While tidying up the living room, housekeeper Sun saw Lin Zhou grinding beans through the open kitchen, and immediately put down the things in his hands and called Aunt Fang next to him to do it.

He walked to the kitchen in a hurry.

"Hey, sir, you just got off the plane, you should take a rest quickly, grinding beans is such a simple job, how can you do it, it's so tiring, if your hands are sore from grinding, how can you go out to set up a stall, I'll do it."

Then he rolled up his sleeves and prepared to take over the work in Lin Zhou's hands.

Lin Zhou looked at him and didn't say anything, and gave up his position to housekeeper Sun.

Then, I saw the relaxed housekeeper Sun, but after taking over Lin Zhou's work, his expression suddenly became difficult.

Lin Zhou looked at the stone mill in front of him in confusion.

What's going on? Why is it so heavy?

He saw that it was still very easy when he was grinding!

In less than two minutes, housekeeper Sun's face turned red because of the effort. Lin Zhou also knew that he was probably very strong now.

The pills produced by the system have always been of guaranteed quality, so he no longer has to worry about personal safety.

He was afraid that he would be killed by a punch if he made a move.

"Let me do it, you just clean up the villa."

Lin Zhou can easily and efficiently finish the work himself, so why should he let others work so hard.

There is no need.

Lin Zhou has always been a very good boss.

Housekeeper Sun and all the employees of the Ziyuan Building Management Office are aware of this.

"Thank you for your hard work, sir."

Housekeeper Sun blushed and gave up his seat.

Nowadays, people live a life of luxury. Unless they are physically strong, it is not an easy job to push such a large stone mill to grind beans.

"It's okay. I set up a stall every day and I am strong. You can just do something else."

Lin Zhou originally wanted to test the difference between his current strength and that of an average adult man.

Now that he has an idea in mind, he will not continue to embarrass Steward Sun.

Butler Sun knew that Lin Zhou didn't care, but he still walked out of the kitchen embarrassedly.

Then he took out his mobile phone and started searching for robots that can pull heavy objects.

Although the master is strong, he can't grind beans every day! How laborious!

Although he can't grind it, he can look at the tools!

Technology is so advanced now, right?

If not, just hire a strong bodyguard. The family really needs someone to do hard work.

Lin Zhou spent an hour to grind a pot of beans easily.

Harvested two full buckets of soybean dregs.

The bean fragrance of soybeans filled the kitchen. It smelled a lot and it was quite fragrant.

At this time, the soybean dregs were still very thick. It had to be diluted with boiling water and stirred evenly so that the soybean dregs and boiling water were fully mixed together.

Then began to filter.

At this point, it was difficult for Lin Zhou to handle it alone.

Butler Sun also came out of the mood of not being able to help Lin Zhou just now, and went to the kitchen to help Lin Zhou.

"All the bean dregs must be filtered out. You pull the gauze rack for filtering and shake it back and forth, and I will pour the bean dregs milk."

The two worked together and the soy milk was filtered out in a short while.

The remaining bean dregs were also squeezed clean with gauze.

Then it was time to cook the soy milk.

During the tedious production process, Lin Zhou did not feel tired, but enjoyed it.

Then it was time to do the technical work of mixing.

Lin Zhou carefully mixed the brine with the cooked soy milk.

While mixing, he slowly stirred until the soy milk was all condensed into a flocculent tofu.


(Doyin live broadcast typing, account: selling eggs and hamburgers)

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