By three o'clock in the morning, the kings of scrolls had already arrived at the morning market one after another.

This kind of midnight watch can also make the empty morning market exude a different kind of liveliness. This is the first time Baihe people have encountered it.

If it hadn't been for the timing of the underworld, I'm afraid many people would have come to watch.

As tourists' queue times get longer and longer day by day, vendors' working hours are getting longer and longer in order to prevent early visitors from facing an empty morning market.

The morning market used to get busy only at 5 or 6 o'clock.

It's already crowded at three o'clock now.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

The first tourists who arrived at the morning market were shocked to see the extra heating sheds that had been opened overnight.


"Isn't Bai He very considerate? It snowed just yesterday, but the heating tent has been set up today?"

"Oh my God, what is this?"

In an instant, the greenhouse was full of wonders, and everyone noticed the newly moved food ordering machine in front of Boss Lin's stall.

Maybe people from Baihe Cultural Tourism also know that these tourists come to eat the food cooked by Boss Lin, and each one is more expensive than the other.

Starting at five o'clock, then four o'clock, then three o'clock.

In order to take care of the tourists' playing experience, after the heating shed was installed, on-duty personnel were also arranged to be on duty.

When the first visitor arrived, the staff on duty dutifully explained to everyone the function of going to the greenhouse and how to use the number-taking machine.

"It's been snowing and the temperature is cold in Baihe recently. With the number-taking machine, everyone doesn't have to wait in line outside all the time. You can wait in the greenhouse until Boss Lin comes out and wait for your number to be called."

When the tourists heard that there was such a good thing, they all looked at the person on duty like a good baby, waiting to hear his explanation.

The entire staff on duty felt like they were giving lessons.

"The way to use the number-taking machine is to scan your face, and each person takes a number. After Boss Lin comes out of the stall, he will line up according to the number, so that everyone does not have to wait outside all the time. After taking the number, go to the heating shed and wait. Today there are still It’s snowing heavily. Please keep warm. There is a water dispenser in the corner of the greenhouse. You can help yourself with hot water!”

This thoughtfulness really moved these foreign tourists.

Even the old diners in Jiangdong felt ashamed when they saw the Baihe people announcing Boss Lin's location without reservation.

When they found out about Boss Lin, they were all thinking about how to hide this and that, for fear that too many people would know and they wouldn't be able to eat.

I never expected that Xiang Baihe would promote it like this to attract tourists and improve the facilities for Boss Lin's stall location.

Look at the folding tables and chairs added on the side of the road, as well as the heating tent that was set up just after the snow fell, and the number-taking machine has been taken into consideration. It’s really hard to believe!

A group of diners took their numbers and stayed happily in the heating tent.

Waiting like this is indeed much better than queuing in the cold wind two days ago.

Then Xiaoyu looked at the foreigners in a group of people walking not far away and asked curiously: "But what should foreigners do if we line up like this?"

She and Xu Xiaoshuai arrived early, took their numbers, and stayed in the greenhouse for a long time.

The greenhouse is very large, and diners who know each other well gather together to chat and play on their mobile phones to pass the time.

"Swiping your face doesn't require an ID card. You should just get your number the same way."

Xiaoshuai understood what Xiaoyu meant, looked at the number plate in his hand and replied.

"That makes sense."

Xiaoshuai followed Xiaoyu's words and looked out and saw Shangguan Xi and his party.

Compared with the few who came before, this time they came in force of ten people.

"Look, you heard me right. If you come early, you don't have to queue. If you come again at dawn, you may not be able to eat."

Shangguan Xi and his party were studying abroad. Even if they paid attention to Boss Lin's news every day, they saw that Boss Lin was still setting up a stall at the Baihe morning market, arranged the things at hand, and rushed to Baihe only a day later.

After getting off the plane, I didn't bother to rest. I put my luggage in the hotel and rushed to the morning market without stopping.

"Boss Lin opens the stall at five o'clock. We came so early and there is no queue in front of the stall. We may be able to eat the vermicelli soup today!"

Shangguan Xi couldn't be happier looking at the empty streets in front of him.

It was better for him to come up with a solution than to rely on these teammates. He couldn't just watch from the other side of the river like last time and almost be regarded as a spy.

The others also gave him a thumbs up when they saw that there was no need to queue.

Then the group of people walked to where Lin Zhou was setting up a stall and saw the person on duty standing next to a machine.


What kind of machine is this? We didn’t have one last week.

"Hello, are you waiting in line for Boss Lin to come out of the stall?"

The staff on duty looked at their group, half of whom had foreign looks, and tentatively asked them in Chinese.

Shangguan Xi nodded when he heard this.

"Please take your number and queue up here. There is a heating shed across the road. After taking your number, just wait in line and wait for Boss Lin to come out of the stall to call your number."

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Xi let out a confused voice: "Huh?"

Aren't they number one?

Shangguan Xi followed the gestures of the person on duty and looked back in confusion.

Then I saw a huge heating tent with many people gathered inside.

The other men and women who didn't understand also followed his movements and looked back in confusion.

"So everyone there has already taken their number and is queuing up, right?"

Shangguan Xi felt his throat become dry as he spoke.

This slap in the face must have come too quickly.

Just now he was feeling proud that he had arrived early and there was no one in line, but in the blink of an eye he realized that he could not keep up with the speed of domestic upgrading.

There was no number machine and heating shed before.

After just a few days, the whole street feels very different.

This is too exaggerated!

Seeing a few more people coming over here.

Shangguan Xi quickly explained the current situation to everyone in English, and then a group of people lined up to get numbers.

Then walked into the heating shed.

As soon as they entered, the heat hit them in the face.

It was really magical that so many people gathered together to wait for Boss Lin to set up the stall.

And everyone's topics were very interesting.

They were all talking about what food they had eaten made by Boss Lin, and guessing where Boss Lin would set up the stall next week.

Today is Thursday, and there are only a few days left this week, so they have to study it carefully.

Shangguan Xi and others, after listening for a while, couldn't help but join the chat army.

"I feel that although Mr. Lin's stalls seem to be irregular, there are still some rules. For example, the first place to be discovered is Jiangdong. It is said that Mr. Lin's home is in Jiangdong, which is normal. Then it is the surrounding cities of Jiangdong, and then it comes to the north. Does it mean that Baihe is Mr. Lin's base in the north, and then around Baihe, he is expanding the surrounding cities?"

The diners in the crowd threw out their own ideas. It happened that everyone gathered together to wait for Mr. Lin. It was very boring, so it was better to talk about something useful.

"It is possible. If you want to confirm this guess, you have to see where Mr. Lin will set up a stall next week."

"I think it will not be in Baihe next week. Mr. Lin has set up a stall twice in the same place. It is already outrageous. I dare not think there will be a third time."


(Card, this is a daily update of the chapter before yesterday. Now I am writing today's update. I am typing on Douyin live broadcast!)

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