Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 413 Oh, I met a foreigner who can speak Chinese!

Another five o'clock, Lin Zhou arrived at the morning market on time.


Looking at the scene with more people than yesterday, there was no surprise at all.

Since he saw the video posted by Baihe Culture and Tourism at noon yesterday, he was mentally prepared.

It was expected that there would be more people coming today.

Thinking that the old diners were basically from the south, they would definitely not be able to bear such cold air, so it was a serious matter to quickly set up the stove and let everyone drink vermicelli soup.

"It's too cold now, you don't have to come so early to wait for me, it's easy to catch a cold, you can wait until the market opens, or come at dawn, it will be better."

Lin Zhou knew that some people who didn't eat the day before would come very early the next day to prevent themselves from not being able to eat.

But Baihe is not Jiangdong, the temperature is too cold, don't make everyone sick by then.

These diners in the front happened to be the king of the king of the roll, and they didn't know what to say when they heard Lin Zhou's words.

It is definitely better to come early than late, at least you will not miss out on food.

And if you come early, Boss Lin will most likely not limit purchases.

At three in the morning, they can stay up.

But if they get up at five or six in the morning, they really can't get up.

So they would rather come early to queue up, eat vermicelli soup and go to sleep, rather than queue up early in the morning and wait, and there is the risk of not being able to eat.

That is something that may not be rewarded.

They will not do it.

"Boss Lin, we haven't slept yet. It's just right for us to go back to sleep after eating vermicelli soup."

Even Lin Zhou felt that these people were too greedy when he heard that they hadn't slept yet, not to mention the group of locals behind them.

Speaking of this, they feel very uncomfortable.

A group of locals set up a group and discussed coming to Boss Lin's stall early to queue up for vermicelli soup to avoid tourists.

As a result, when they arrived at the morning market at three or four o'clock, they saw thirty or forty people standing in front of Boss Lin's stall!

Upon asking, they were all Boss Lin's old customers.

I know that Boss Lin's customers are fierce, but I didn't know they were so fierce.

The most people come from Jiangdong, and then there are diners from Koucheng and Nanjin.

Compared with the new diners in Baihe, they can indeed be called old diners.

The old diners, every one of them, are very good to Baihe people.

Boss Lin has been to so many cities to set up stalls, and Baihe people are the most authentic.

He generously told everyone where Boss Lin's stall is, and even contributed to Boss Lin's stall.

Look at this street, how many seats have been added in a short time for tourists to eat and rest.

And after dawn, there are still staff on duty and staff who solve tourists' problems at the morning market.

The service is so good.

So even though so many tourists have come for so long, there has not been a single comment on the Internet that the experience of traveling in Baihe is not good.

All good reviews and posts recommending everyone to travel.

Then there are more people from Baihe's own country to travel, and those people from Eguo who are attracted by egg burgers are confused.

The Eguo diners had no advantage in front of a group of old diners.

Before a large number of Eguo people came, the vermicelli soup in front of Linzhou's stall was almost sold out.

So the Eguo diners who had not eaten for two days in a row also learned to be smart.

They arrived in Baihe to stay one day in advance, and then came to the morning market to queue up early in the morning.

Then even though they came very early, there were still many people in the long queue in front of Linzhou's stall.

Some Eguo people held their heads in their hands at that time, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Oh my God! Don't these Chinese people need to sleep at night? They come to queue up so early before dawn?"

"My beloved vermicelli soup, I can only smell it every day but can't eat it. Why is God torturing me like this!"

The diners in line didn't understand what these foreigners were saying, but judging from their emotions, they seemed to be quite upset.

Then a Eguo person who could speak Chinese came over.

"Hello, I want to ask what time I can queue up for this and can I still buy it?"

Oh, I met a foreigner who can speak Chinese!

Although the tone of voice is a bit strange, at least there is no communication barrier.

"It is estimated that it is not available. Boss Lin only sells 200 pieces a day. If you come before dawn, there is still hope. Now it is definitely gone. Those of us who come later probably can't buy it."

This E country person who can speak Chinese is actually a blogger. He has fans in China and E country. The general content of his videos is to make some videos about the differences between E country and China, and the number of views is quite high.

This time, Baihe Morning Market is also popular in China and E country.

She is preparing to shoot a video to catch the heat.

To shoot a video, she must have done some research and knew that the most popular stall in the morning market is Boss Lin's stall.

She also did her homework on who Boss Lin is.

I thought that the light would be good in the morning, and the video effect would be better, but I didn't expect that I couldn't even buy it in the morning.

The long line felt like there was no end at a glance.

"Thank you!"

This E country blogger understood what the diners said.

Then, facing the Eguo diners who were watching nearby, he told them the information he had just inquired about.

Now the Eguo diners also knew that if they wanted to eat the food of this stall, they had to line up before dawn.


Lin started selling vermicelli soup at 10:00 on Friday, and it was almost 11 o'clock when he finished selling it and closed the stall.

After he closed the stall, the remaining diners continued to eat despite their hunger.

The first stall they went to was Da Zhuang's.

These days, Da Zhuang was helping Lin Zhou.

Lin Zhou would give him some pointers when he was free.

For example, before stewing beef and mutton bones, they need to be cleaned and baked in the oven until they are golden brown on all sides and the fat is baked out before they can be put into the pot for stewing.

For roasted bones, not only the fat is baked out, but also most of the fishy smell is gone, and then there is no difference between stewing with hot water and stewing with cold water.

When stewing, the oil must be removed, otherwise the soup base will be greasy.

As for the ingredients, the simpler one is roasted onions.

Cut the oil-free and water-free onions into two halves, put them in the iron pot and burn them, then put them in a gauze bag and throw them into the soup base for stewing.

After boiling over high heat, when the soup turns milky white, turn on low heat and keep the soup in a slightly boiling state.

In this way of stewing, the soup will not decrease for five hours.

In the middle of this, the meat can be put into the pot and cooked to the right degree and then taken out.

Of course, in addition to onions, some ingredients, spices and Chinese medicine are indispensable.

After Lin Zhou's guidance, Da Zhuang now entertains tourists every day when Lin Zhou is busy.

When Lin Zhou closes his stall, it is time for him to take over the diners who did not buy in front of Lin Zhou's stall.

"Don't worry, come one by one, find a seat first, and order the vermicelli soup directly."

Da Zhuang is also very busy, and he pulled his old father, mother, father-in-law and mother-in-law to help.

After Lin Zhou left, the business in front of the stall became the most popular on the whole street.


(Another chapter of gifts and updates, sleep, sleep, please use love to generate electricity!)

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