Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 411 Many people from the northern region went to Baihe to look for Boss Lin.

Xu Xiaoshuai raised his head from work and looked at his assistant.

His eyes seemed a little puzzled.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

What does Baihehuo have to do with Harbin? Why can't Harbin buy tickets to Baihe?

The assistant perfectly understood his unspoken doubts and explained in a different tone: "Boss Lin is also in Baihe, so... there are many people in the northern region who go to Baihe to find Boss Lin."

Xu Xiaoshuai understood and nodded to show that he knew.

Seeing that he had no other instructions, the assistant left the office with a calm expression.

After returning to his seat, the calm expression was completely unbearable.

It's good in the early morning. I can still go to the morning market to find Boss Lin after getting off the plane.

I can catch the first batch to eat vermicelli soup without delaying the following things.


Oh my God, I'm so happy. I didn't expect that he was going to Baihe on a business trip, and Baihe would release a message to notify Boss Lin to set up a stall in Baihe.

Sometimes surprises come too fast, and it's really hard to adapt!

In the office, after Xu Xiaoshuai finished his work, he thought of what his assistant had just said, and he also took out his phone to search for news about Boss Lin.

Then the first promotional video of Baihe Cultural Tourism came out.

It had the exact time and location of Boss Lin's stall.

There were also facilities prepared for Boss Lin's diners around, all of which were very complete.

Xu Xiaoshuai was confused.

This series of operations really confused him, a native northerner.

He continued to watch the video.

Then his expression became more and more strange.

What Baihe people spontaneously drove to pick up and drop off foreign tourists for free.

The fruits that were not sold individually at the morning market were sold one by one to southern tourists.

And the fruit cut plate...

All of these shocked these northerners.

For a moment, Xu Xiaoshuai had a sense of being abandoned.

They have lived in the north for so many years, and they have never seen anyone spoil them so much!

Especially there are foreigners mocking them on the Internet.

That sentence "Your mother doesn't want you!" is really dazzling.

Fortunately, he is not from Baihe. He is just a little shocked as he is from the north, but he is definitely not upset.

At 11 o'clock in the evening, Xu Xiaoshuai and his assistant had rested well and rushed to the airport together, waiting to board the plane.

The airport was not very crowded before, but it was crowded and busy late at night.

"So many people!"

The assistant followed Xu Xiaoshuai and looked around. At this time, there were still people rushing to catch the plane, and it seemed that they were carrying luggage and were all going to Baihe for tourism.

I didn't expect that Baihe's popularity would attract so many people to travel during this time when it is not the peak tourist season. It's really good.

They are all from Bailongjiang. They are happy when any city is popular.


Then after sitting down in the first-class cabin of the plane, Xu Xiaoshuai closed his eyes and rested his mind. Then as the plane took off, he couldn't help but look at the girl next to him who had been studying the Baihe travel guide since boarding the plane.

The delicate eyebrows and gentle temperament gave him a very special feeling.

"Are you going to see Boss Lin?"

Looking at the girl who was constantly looking at the map of Baihe Morning Market and the surrounding situation, Xu Xiaoshuai asked tentatively.

When Xiaoyu heard his words, she immediately raised her head and looked at him.

The four eyes met, and because of the word Boss Lin, the distance was shortened.

Xiaoyu was traveling alone, and was worried about not being able to share and talk with someone, but she didn't expect to meet a companion who seemed to be going to see Boss Lin.

"Are you also going to see Boss Lin?"

Xiaoyu was very surprised, and then she found that this big brother was so tall that she had to look up to talk even when she was sitting.

Xu Xiaoshuai nodded naturally.

Although he was on a business trip, it didn't conflict with going to see Boss Lin.

And he originally planned to go to the morning market to eat a bowl of vermicelli soup made by Boss Lin after getting off the plane, and then go back to the hotel to rest.

"Yes, are you going to Baihe for a trip?"

"Yes, yes, I saw the news and wanted to go to Baihe. Then all the tickets to Baihe were sold out, so I bought a plane ticket to Harbin, and then transferred to Baihe in Harbin. Although it's a bit late, I will definitely arrive in the morning. I will go to see Boss Lin after getting off the plane."

Xiaoyu was worried about where to express her excitement. When she met Xu Xiaoshuai, she turned into a chatterbox and talked all the time.

Xu Xiaoshuai didn't expect to see a quiet little girl so energetic and full of energy in the middle of the night.

In an instant, Xu Xiaoshuai was ignited by Xiaoyu's enthusiasm, and ignored the surrounding environment. Only Xiaoyu's smiling face was left in his eyes, and he said something enthusiastically.

Xu Xiaoshuai didn't listen to a word.

After Xiaoyu talked for a long time and didn't get a reply, she saw that this person kept staring at her, his eyes were glued to her face.

Xiaoyu was uncomfortable talking.

"What are you looking at?"

"I'm sorry, it's the first time I've seen such a lively person, I offended you."

When Xu Xiaoshuai said this, he couldn't bear to look away from Xiaoyu.

The atmosphere between the two of them instantly became ambiguous.

It can be seen that the girl was embarrassed, and Xiaoshuai also realized that he was too direct.

People in the south are not as direct as people in the north. Xiaoshuai retracted his gaze and introduced himself with a smile.

"Hello, my name is Xu Xiaoshuai, I'm from Harbin, I'm on a business trip to Baihe, I'm going to the morning market to eat the vermicelli soup made by Boss Lin after getting off the plane, do you want to join us?"

"Have you booked a hotel? There are many tourists in Baihe now, so it may be difficult to book at the last minute."

After Xu Xiaoshuai finished the previous sentence, he immediately threw out the next sentence without waiting for Xiaoyu to refuse.

It was still the important issue of accommodation, which immediately drew Xiaoyu's attention to accommodation.

"Ah, I didn't book a hotel. I wanted to eat the vermicelli soup made by Boss Lin first, and then find a hotel."

Xiaoyu was confused when she saw the message from Boss Lin. How could she plan her itinerary carefully and book a hotel in advance?

It would be good if she could book a flight, transfer successfully, and arrive in Baihe.

As long as she could eat the vermicelli soup made by Boss Lin, the rest would be put aside.

"It's okay. I often go to Baihe on business trips. Many hotels have members. I will ask for you when the time comes."

In a few words, Xu Xiaoshuai first expressed that the two had the same itinerary, then he was very familiar with Baihe, and he was very careful to find that Xiaoyu came in a hurry and must not be well prepared.

Successfully brought the two closer.

When they got off the plane, they chatted all the way and exchanged contact information.

We really talked about everything from family background to relatives, work, love, etc.

The flight lasted more than an hour, and we chatted the whole time. Time passed very quickly.

When we got off the plane, we both liked each other, so it was natural for us to go to see Boss Lin together.

"Let's go outside. There are local buses in Baihe that take tourists to the morning market for free."

Xu Xiaoshuai was afraid that the two of them would break the social distance if they took someone in the car just after they met, so he asked his assistant and the driver to go first, and he accompanied Xiaoyu to take the car arranged by Baihe, which was safer.

Xiaoyu had no objection, but was relieved.

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