Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 41 Chinese people do not cheat Chinese people

"Wow, so much seafood!"

Everyone was very surprised when they saw all kinds of oceans in the bowl!

In their seafood porridge, the prawns are whole, and the big oysters are also whole, white and fat, and they look very tender at first glance!

"I'll eat first!"

The person who took the seafood porridge first, ignored his companions, took the porridge and a spoon and went to find an open space nearby to eat.

The fragrant seafood porridge doesn't even need a lid. When you get it, you can't wait to scoop a spoonful into your mouth.

For a moment, the strong aroma of seafood and the fragrance of rice were intertwined, filling your mouth with fragrance.

"So fresh!"

Hearing this exclamation, those companions who had not yet started to eat became anxious. As soon as they got the porridge, they ate first as a sign of respect, and then gave up their seats to the people behind them while eating.

Mainly for greed.

"Hey, why is this seafood so fresh? It tastes so crispy and tender in the mouth, my goodness!"

This is due to Lin Zhou, who after boiling the rice, cut the seafood into pieces in order of durability and put them into the porridge. The seafood reacted immediately when it encountered the thick and hot porridge water, forcing out its umami flavor and the texture of the meat. It also reacts and becomes fragrant and crispy.

Especially the pickled squid at the bottom of the bowl, which is cooked in hot porridge. When eating, stir it evenly, mix it with rice porridge and eat it in your mouth. The texture is tender, crispy and delicious.

"This is so delicious!"

The continuous compliments and the expressions of diners who couldn't put it down made passers-by very curious about this seafood porridge.

A young couple who came for a date climbed to the top of the mountain.

When you smell such delicious seafood porridge, you will naturally want to eat it.

But one hundred yuan for a bowl made her a little hesitant.

After all, it's something from a scenic spot. If it's delicious, a hundred yuan is worth spending. If it's not delicious, you've been cheated.

The girl was very hesitant.

As a boyfriend, a man can see a girl’s hesitation.

I dragged my girlfriend to a group of college students in a very social manner and started asking questions.

"Hello, is this seafood porridge delicious?"

At the top of the mountain, except for some older people climbing for exercise, this group of college students seemed easy to talk to.

After all, for college students, everyone knows simple things and will not lie to others.

"It's delicious! We have been eating it for several days in a row. We get up early every morning just for this bowl of porridge."

"It's great, Chinese people don't lie to Chinese people, it's really delicious!"

"It's really delicious. The fragrance of rice is blended with the deliciousness of seafood such as scallops and scallops. The fragrance comes out naturally, not the way many porridge restaurants use many seasonings to make it. One hundred It’s really not expensive!”

Cao Hongxin's girlfriend also talked to the girl seriously.

They look like sisters. Trust me, they are really delicious.

After the girl ate this Amway, she was immediately ready to buy a bowl.

"Go and eat quickly. It will be gone in a moment, and the boss will make a pot of it."

After hearing this, the young couple immediately felt nervous and walked to Lin Zhou to buy porridge.

"Boss, please have two bowls of seafood porridge."


Lin Zhou happily picked up the packing box and started filling the porridge.

There is not much left in the pot of porridge.

Business is really good today.

Sure enough, no one can resist seafood porridge that is all seafood.

As soon as the lid is opened, who wouldn't be confused when seeing so much seafood?

Moreover, the fresh flavor of seafood porridge is simply not comparable to ordinary porridge.

Lin Zhou quickly filled two bowls of porridge and handed them to the diners, and Lin Zhou earned another two hundred yuan.

"The spoon is in the bamboo basket, take it yourself."

After Lin Zhou finished speaking, he saw a familiar figure walking over.

Did he read that correctly?

Isn't this a mountain climber?

"Uncle, have you come to Qinhuang Mountain to exercise today?"

Lin Zhou was quite happy to see Zhang Jianjun.

He has been hiking alone these past few days, and he misses the atmosphere of climbing mountains with Uncle Zhang. If there are people chatting with him, he will feel that time passes quickly.

"If you're not around, I won't be able to climb the mountain alone."

One old man and one young man just started chatting.

Xie Hong, who was paying special attention to Lin Zhou, nodded clearly after hearing this.

No wonder the boss wants to come to the top of the mountain to sell porridge. It turns out that he has always been in the habit of climbing mountains.

He was still wondering why he came to the top of the mountain to sell porridge.

Now there is an answer!

"Bring me two bowls of seafood porridge. The abalone porridge my son bought here yesterday is also delicious. It's as good as the steamed buns you make!"

Zhang Jianjun swallowed subconsciously when he thought of the taste.

As people get older, their appetites increase.

Unlike when I was young, I didn't care at all about what I ate. Eating was just to maintain life. As long as I wasn't hungry, I often forgot to eat when I was busy.

I am also retired, and I am free all of a sudden. I have nothing else to do, but my attention will be focused on these small things.

I pay more attention to aspects such as body, eating, and life.

His stomach is also not good. He has stomach problems all year round and gets stomachaches if he is not careful. This is because he did not pay attention to his health when he was young. He only ate one meal a day when he was busy, and his stomach gradually became bad.

Now that I am old, I would like to take care of myself.

Since eating the food made by Lin Zhou, he found that his stomach didn't hurt that much.

The Chinese porridge nourishes the stomach, it is much more effective than those medicines.

"Okay~ Yesterday I saw Brother Zhang and his blind date coming to buy abalone porridge, and they were holding hands. It seems that you won't have to worry about your daughter-in-law soon."

Lin Zhou said as he finished the porridge and handed it to Zhang Jianjun.


Zhang Jianjun was extremely surprised, with a look of disbelief on his face.

When he asked Zhang Mingyuan yesterday, the boy was very cold and dismissed him with just a "okay" sentence. Unexpectedly, in a place he didn't know, they actually held hands and climbed a mountain together.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, this kid didn’t tell the truth to his father.

He would give Lao Lu a call as soon as he got back, maybe this marriage would actually come true.

I heard that the little girl from the Lu family is a kindergarten teacher and she likes children very much. How wonderful! He likes children. Maybe he will be able to have a grandchild soon after marriage. Moreover, he is a kindergarten teacher and can take care of children. He is really a perfect choice for his daughter-in-law.

I don't know how many people in the circle are thinking about the girl from Mr. Lu's family. He has to make a decision for his son quickly.

"You don't know?"

Seeing Zhang Jianjun's face showing surprise and then laughing in a daze, Lin Zhou shook his body coldly.

"My son has a cold face every day. I guess he has read too many novels about CEOs and feels that he has the temperament of a domineering boss and talks too little. I can't ask any questions."

Lin Zhou heard what Uncle Zhang said and thought about it carefully. Uncle Zhang's son seemed to be an indifferent CEO.

Even when he was drinking porridge, his face showed no expression and he spoke very little.

Didn’t expect to read The Boss novel in private?

Lin Yiyi was speechless when he thought of that scene.

Isn't this what little girls like to watch?

It seemed that he could tell what Lin Zhou was thinking.

Zhang Jianjun was also a little embarrassed. Did he accidentally undermine his son?

"This is also my wife's fault. My wife used to like reading novels about domineering presidents..."

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