Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 403 I'll move the tables and chairs for you!

What a great opportunity!

Da Zhuang felt that he finally had a place to use his skills.

When he thought that Boss Lin could give him some pointers after closing his stall, Da Zhuang's heart was filled with excitement.

His skill in stewing beef and mutton soup could not be compared with Boss Lin's.

It was a rare opportunity for many people to get pointers from a cook as good as Boss Lin.

Moreover, Boss Lin did not charge money and did not ask for his help. He really wanted to thank him but could not find a chance.

Now seeing these tourists buying vermicelli soup in front of Boss Lin's stall and having no place to sit and eat, he thought of the tables and chairs on his stall.

"Come sit here, I'll move the tables and chairs for you."

Da Zhuang looked at the tourists who were looking for a place to eat vermicelli soup, waved his hand and shouted at them.

The two female tourists were worried about where to eat. They ordered a lot of meat, unlike the diners on the roadside who could drink the vermicelli soup directly along the edge of the bowl.

They had to find a table to eat.

The uncle selling sesame cakes next to them also felt that business was coming, and walked over enthusiastically to help.

Lin Zhou's stall was so big, it was full of ingredients and pots, and there were really no folding tables and chairs.

I didn't expect everyone to be so enthusiastic. Seeing that diners had no place to sit and eat, they all took the initiative to help move tables and chairs.

Lin Zhou looked at Da Zhuang gratefully.

Da Zhuang also received Lin Zhou's meaning, and his face was red with excitement.

I don't know if it was the cold wind or something else.

The two female tourists originally planned to find a place to sit on the roadside nearby and eat first.

It's so delicious!

The food made by Boss Lin was really greedy just by watching others post videos.

It wasn't until they really smelled the taste that they realized that the picture was nothing compared to the fragrance.

Two large pots of broth were heated on a high fire, rolling and bubbling.

A colander of vermicelli was put in, and it was directly cooked in the boiling broth, greedily absorbing the umami flavor of the broth, and gradually became transparent.

This small spoonful of vermicelli was put into the broth, and it didn't affect the temperature of the soup base at all.

Now they were holding this delicious vermicelli soup in their hands. The fragrance was so close that they couldn't bear it for a second longer. They just wanted to eat it quickly.

With the place provided by Dazhuang,

the two girls also saw the old man selling sesame cakes who moved the tables and chairs for them.

Feeling the enthusiasm of the Baihe people, the two girls went to the sesame cake stall and bought two sesame cakes.

It seems that when northerners eat vermicelli soup in the morning, they will eat some cakes or something to go with it.

The old man selling sesame cakes looked at the diners queuing in front of Lin Zhou's stall happily.

He was happy that these diners would buy his sesame cakes after buying vermicelli soup.

He was happy that their northern city of Baihe could be seen by everyone one day. More and more people came to Baihe for tourism in the past few days.

As a result, the income of various places in Baihe has increased a lot.

People coming to travel means consumption.

Especially their morning market, there are too many people and the business is so good that the business hours are extended from 5 am to 10 am.

After all, the morning market is the morning market. At around 10 o'clock, tourists will not visit the morning market, but go to find local delicacies for dinner.

Looking at the number of tourists today, it is estimated that there are more than the previous two days!

The old man selling sesame cakes packed the sesame cakes for tourists with a smile, and then took the time to call his wife at home and asked her to knead some dough and send it over. Business is good today, there are many tourists, and I am afraid that there will not be enough to sell.

Lin Zhou scalded the noodles and scalded the meat.

The temperature outside Baihe was below zero, and the meat became cold soon after it was taken out of the pot.

It was still the kind of cold that would freeze after being left for a long time, so the diners would take the meat they ordered in the colander again, put it in the boiling broth to heat it, and then pack it.

The taste of the diners was just right.

Yu Sheng came to the folding table and chairs alone with two servings of beef and mutton vermicelli soup.

Da Zhuang moved all the chairs on his stall to the open space.

Since there was a place to sit nearby, everyone was willing to go far away and carry the vermicelli soup to find a place to sit and eat.

The packaged vermicelli soup was packaged separately in dry and wet parts, and the meat was also packaged separately.

When eating, pour the vermicelli soup into the broth first.

This broth made from big bones and meat is so delicious.

The soup base does not taste like the clear and flowing water in the mouth, but has a slight sense of heaviness. The rich taste melts in the mouth, as if you have tasted a mouthful of essence.

It is so delicious that it makes people's tongues shocked, and saliva keeps secreting in the mouth, as if to express that they want more.

Unable to help himself, Yu Sheng picked up the bowl and gulped down a few big mouthfuls to relieve the shock brought to his taste buds by the extremely delicious beef soup.

And when he drank the soup in big mouthfuls, the slippery vermicelli just slid into his mouth along with the action of drinking the soup.

This vermicelli is really slippery!

No wonder some local diners don't even need to sit down, they just stand in front of the stall with the vermicelli soup, doing business and drinking at the same time.

It turns out that you can drink it into your mouth as soon as you drink it.

Not only does the vermicelli have flavor, it also has the deliciousness of beef soup, moist, slippery, and very chewy and elastic.

It tastes so good in your mouth.

This is just drinking the soup base and vermicelli, it's already so delicious, I can't imagine how delicious these meats are!

The beef slices, beef shank slices, beef brisket, and beef offal that Yu Sheng was craving for were all poured into the vermicelli soup.

The vermicelli soup that I just drank was instantly full again.

Each kind of meat has about five or six slices, and when added together, it is really rich.

Finally, a luxurious beef rib is added, which is a big bowl full of it.

Yu Sheng couldn't wait to take a photo, and then he couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks and put a piece of beef brisket into his mouth.

The square pieces of beef brisket are about the size of a thumb.

Just one bite at a time, the beef is very meaty, and the beef brisket that absorbs the soup is also very tender and refreshing. The not too soft taste allows the beef brisket to retain a bit of chewiness.

Chewing, the mouth is full of beef aroma.

Not only is there no fishy smell, but it is also very fragrant!

Yu Shengle's eyes narrowed, and after eating a piece of beef brisket, he picked up a piece of beef shank and ate it.

The slices of beef shank are simply tempting.

Each piece is distributed with crystal clear beef tendons, like a painting floating in the vermicelli soup.

A piece that is neither too thick nor too thin, when you eat it, you can taste the freshness of beef and the chewiness of beef tendon, it is simply amazing.

The key is that each type of beef is not dry in your mouth!

The fresh and juicy taste, matched with the soup and vermicelli.

Yu Sheng couldn't stop eating one bite after another.

Then he looked at the two girls at the table next to him, who added chili oil to the vermicelli soup.

A layer of red chili oil floated on the milky white soup.

Smelling the spicy fragrance in the air, Yu Sheng couldn't help but be greedy!

His eyes couldn't help but fall on the chili oil on the table.


(Today, there will still be five chapters, please use love to generate electricity! ps: I am typing in Douyin live broadcast!)

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