Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 397 This is a recognition of his craftsmanship!

After housekeeper Sun and the aunts cleaned the villa, the remaining work was to wait for Lin Zhou's instructions. There was no other work to do.

They followed Lin Zhou's schedule and did not rest well.

While Lin Zhou was still not back from setting up the stall, they quickly took a nap so that when Lin Zhou came back, they would have the energy to take care of him.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→𝟿𝟼sʜᴜ.ɴᴇᴛ

Everyone had a clear division of labor.

Lin Zhou came to Baihe Morning Market all the way.

This situation of setting up a stall in the same place for two consecutive weeks was the first time Lin Zhou encountered it.

It felt quite novel.

He rode a brand new stall bike to a familiar location.

The big brother who sold beef and mutton vermicelli soup next door was also making preparations.

Seeing that the egg burger stall in front suddenly had a shadow, he looked up in confusion.

After the Baihe Morning Market has been on the news for two days, everyone has learned from the guests who came to check in and play that the southern guy who sells egg burgers is not ordinary.

After searching, I found out that he is very well-known in the south and is also very famous on the Internet, but they just don’t pay attention to these.

I didn’t expect that Boss Lin would come from the south to their northern morning market to set up a stall.

Unfortunately, according to their stall-setting habits, they only set up a stall in one place for one week, so it’s a pity.

Da Zhuang was still immersed in a feeling of loss.

As a result, he looked up and saw a familiar stall-setting figure.

"Boss Lin!?"

Da Zhuang's eyes were full of disbelief.

Subconsciously, he rubbed his eyes, trying to confirm whether the person in front of him was Boss Lin.

Judging from his figure and equipment, he looks like Boss Lin.

But it’s a new week, Boss Lin shouldn’t appear here to set up a stall.

When Lin Zhou heard Da Zhuang’s call, he raised his head awkwardly and raised his hand to say hello.

"Good morning."

After getting a response, Da Zhuang noticed that although Boss Lin had come to set up a stall.

But he was not selling egg burgers, and the stall cart had also changed.

"Good morning, good morning, Boss Lin, you, you..."

Da Zhuang looked at Lin Zhou excitedly and incredulously, and didn't even pay attention to the sign on Lin Zhou's stall.

He even stuttered when he spoke.

Looking at him, Lin Zhou felt guilty and didn't dare to speak.

Last week, the two stalls were still good brothers. He sold egg burgers, and the big brother next door sold vermicelli soup, with cakes and soup, and the partners were very well matched.

Then this week, the two became competitors.

It's really unpredictable!

"Boss Lin, didn't they say that you change the place every week?"

Lin Zhou nodded, and explained while packing up and setting up the stall.

"Not entirely, I mainly look at my mood."

Lin Zhou couldn't explain his behavior either.

So he had to lean on his mood, the uncertain direction.

Finding excuses for his irregular way of setting up the stall.

Da Zhuang didn't think there was anything wrong with what he said, but gave a thumbs up in admiration.

Then he was about to ask Boss Lin what delicious food he would sell this week. Looking at such a big stall, it didn't look like he was going to sell egg burgers.

Then he saw Lin Zhou open the light board on the stall.

The big words "Beef and mutton vermicelli soup" on it almost blinded him.


Boss Lin doesn't sell egg burgers anymore, but sells beef and mutton vermicelli soup like him!

For a moment, Da Zhuang lost control of his expression.

He looked at Lin Zhou in disbelief.

As if he felt the pain of being backstabbed.

Aren't they the best partners?

"I'm really sorry, it's a bit bad for me to set up a stall here, sorry, I'll change places."

When Lin Zhou knew that there were egg burgers in the morning market last week, he deliberately changed places.

I was in a hurry when I came today, and for a while, I habitually came to the place where I sold egg burgers last week and forgot to change places.

He was also hesitant at first, but he thought that he would only set up the stall for a week, and he sold 200 bowls a day, and there would be so many diners who didn't buy it. At that time, his brother's stall would be next door.

He thought it would also boost business.

So he took the task.

When Da Zhuang heard that Lin Zhou was going to change his stall, he hurried forward to be stopped.

"Hey, what is Boss Lin doing? I'm not the only one selling vermicelli soup in the morning market. What's the big deal? You only sell it for a week, so what's the big deal? You have good skills and good business, and my stall has lost business. Isn't it good to say this to me? Isn't it polite?"

Da Zhuang was just surprised for a moment, and there was no other emotion.

He also knew the people queuing in front of Boss Lin's stall.

Every day when the stall was closed, there were a large number of people who didn't buy vermicelli and were reluctant to leave. Then, they couldn't eat egg burgers, so they would come to his stall to drink vermicelli soup.

Now that the two of them sell the same food, wouldn't the customers who didn't buy Boss Lin's vermicelli soup come to his stall to eat?

Thinking of this, Da Zhuang became excited again.

"Boss Lin's egg burgers are so delicious. Did he want to sell vermicelli soup after tasting my vermicelli soup?"

Da Zhuang felt a little shy when he thought of this possibility.

This is recognition of his craftsmanship!

Lin Zhou was stunned, as if he didn't expect the big brother next door to react like this.

But then he saw that he was so happy, and nodded.

He was a little guilty to begin with, and it was okay to make the big brother happy.

"Big brother, I'll make you a bowl of vermicelli soup to taste my craftsmanship?"

The big brother was generous, and Lin Zhou was not stingy either, and immediately asked the big brother to taste his craftsmanship.

Da Zhuang was indeed curious about Boss Lin’s skill in making beef and mutton vermicelli soup.

The egg burger was so delicious, but I didn’t know how the vermicelli soup was.

Da Zhuang was still confident in his beef and mutton vermicelli soup.

Not to mention other places, his business was the best on this street in the morning market, which was enough to prove his skill.

Now Boss Lin was selling beef and mutton vermicelli soup, so it was just right for him to compare his skills.

“That’s great, I’m really curious.”

Da Zhuang immediately ignored his own stall and stood next to Lin Zhou, watching him make beef and mutton soup.

Lin Zhou brought down buckets of beef and mutton soup in two or three moves, and then turned on the fire to continue boiling.

A large bucket of soaked vermicelli was also brought down.

This large bucket made Da Zhuang subconsciously want to help.

As a result, he saw Lin Zhou bringing it down lightly, and his eyes widened.

Unexpectedly, Boss Lin looked like he didn’t have much strength, but he turned out to be quite strong.

"Is your beef and mutton vermicelli soup a southern recipe? It looks a little different from mine."

From the mutton soup that was boiled to a white color, Da Zhuang could tell the difference.

The soup base he boiled was the color of clear soup.

There was no such milky white color.

"My method should only represent myself, not the south."

Lin Zhou thought for a while and replied.

The recipes given by the system really don't have any distinction between the north and the south.

They are all the best recipes for a certain food.

It can be said that the taste and method are unique.

After hearing this, Da Zhuang got closer to see Lin Zhou's method with great interest.


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