On the other side, Shangguan Xi and others who had eaten egg burgers were also discussing Lin Zhou on the plane back to school.

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"Have you seen the news? The boss who sells egg burgers is very famous. It is said that the boss Lin is the god of cooking."

For some reason, Shangguan Xi knew that the egg burgers were delicious and the boss was a good cook.

But when he heard the description of the god of cooking, he always felt embarrassed.

"We have missed too much in these years abroad. According to what is said online, this boss Lin has been popular for a long time. He sells food everywhere. The taste is so good. It is said that everything is delicious, and they are all roadside stalls that we can't eat normally."

Looking at the food shared by netizens, they are so greedy.

"But I saw online that Boss Lin's stall location and time and food are different every week. This week's egg burgers will end today. I don't know what to sell next week and where to set up the stall."

"Brother Xi, your intuition is really accurate. If we hadn't listened to you, we would never be able to eat such delicious egg burgers again."

"I think we can pay attention to this Boss Lin. If there is news, we can still catch up with him."

Shangguan Xi got on the plane and was not in a good mood.

His appetite was satisfied for a while, but when he thought that he would not be able to eat it in the future, he felt disappointed.

Then he thought of the unpalatable food in the school cafeteria.

When will this study abroad life end!

"I must pay attention to the news. Maybe I will have the opportunity to eat other food made by Boss Lin. I wonder if it is as delicious as the egg burger."

Shangguan Xi couldn't help looking forward to next week when he thought about it.

I hope there will be news about Boss Lin on the Internet.


After the task was completed, Lin Zhou still finished all the remaining materials before closing the stall.

As long as there were ingredients on hand, he couldn't leave.

Da Zhuang, who was standing next to him, saw that Lin Zhou was doing so well, and his beef and mutton vermicelli soup business was also booming.

Some diners bought egg burgers, but found them a little dry, so they came to his stall to drink a bowl of vermicelli soup.

Such a good thing, he didn't expect to encounter it one day, it was really hard to help but wake up with a smile at night.

"Boss Lin is going to close the stall?"

There were still diners eating at Da Zhuang's stall, and they happily came to help when they saw Lin Zhou closing the stall.

"Yes, the ingredients are all sold out, no, no, I can do this job myself."

The ingredients were all sold out, and the only things left were some empty buckets, which he cleaned up quickly by himself.

"What's the big deal, I haven't thanked you for bringing me so much business, I've been busy all morning, how about a bowl of mutton soup, I'll treat you."

Lin Zhou smiled and shook his head, "No, I have to go back, it's too cold outside, I can't stand it if I stay for too long."

After setting up the stall for several days, even though Lin Zhou has adapted to the temperature in the north, it's still cold!

Especially he had to keep making egg burgers in the cold wind, which was more difficult than setting up a stall under the sun in the summer.

At least in the summer, there were parasols on the stall.

But there were no windshields on the stall in the winter.

He could only wear more clothes to make himself more resistant to the cold.

"It's a bit cold. I guess it's going to snow. It will snow at the beginning of the month. It's too small. I didn't stay. It's snowing soon. I guess I can stay."

Lin Zhou listened to Da Zhuang's words and asked in confusion: "What does it mean to stay?"

Not a local, sometimes I can't understand what they say.

"Hahaha, I forgot you are from the south. It means to stay. You can see snow on the road."

Hearing about the snow, Lin Zhou's eyes lit up.

There is snow in the south in winter, but it is indeed not as thick as in the north.

When he thought that he could still see snow, Lin Zhou was a little excited.

"That's great. I haven't seen the heavy snow in the north."

"I saw the weather forecast that there will be heavy snow next week. You will be able to see it then."

Lin Zhou nodded, expressing his anticipation.

After packing up his things and submitting the task, he headed home.

When he got home, the task reward for this week was also credited.

After handing the stall cart to housekeeper Sun, Lin Zhou went upstairs to take a shower.

This is a habit he has developed recently. When he comes back from outside, he takes a hot bath first, so that the whole person will feel much more comfortable.

Lin Zhou soaked in the bathtub, sighed comfortably, drank a sip of red wine, and took a look at the task reward.


[This week's task reward: Language mastery skill has been issued! ]

Lin Zhou looked at the reward and his eyes lit up.

This reward is good!

It is very valuable. It is not only proficient in one language, but proficient in all languages.

Good guy, mom doesn't have to worry about my language barrier anymore!

After the skills were integrated, Lin Zhou began to think about where to go in the afternoon and tomorrow.

The task for next week has not been refreshed yet, so he can have a good time in the north.

Lin Zhou happily arranged his itinerary.

He has not been to the capital of Bailongjiang yet, and has only been to Baihe for a while, so he can go there for fun.

By the way, try the local specialties.

Lin Zhou, who has never been to the north, is full of curiosity about everything here.

After taking a shower, he came out and changed into the clothes prepared by his aunt, and dressed up refreshed.

Then he saw Butler Sun looking at him with a smile and asked.

"Where do you want to go today, sir?"

"I plan to go to Harbin for a day, and you can help me book a plane ticket, it doesn't matter in the afternoon or evening."

He had just closed the stall and had to take a rest.

"Okay, sir."

Butler Sun went down to make arrangements.

Lin Zhou had nothing to do, so he leaned on the sofa. Thinking of the anchors who came to live broadcast the morning market today, he curiously searched the Internet for Baihe Morning Market.

Then, as expected, all the information found was about him setting up a stall at the Baihe Morning Market.

After looking around, Lin Zhou also saw the news about Bailongjiang promoting the Baihe morning market.

And I also saw a video of a store visit taken by a blogger from E Kingdom at the Baihe Morning Market.

It seems that Shirakawa Morning Market is really popular now.

Fortunately, he finished setting up the stall this week before it became popular. Otherwise, I can't imagine how busy he would be with the original customer flow of the morning market and the fans he chased after him.

I just don’t know where I will set up a stall next week.

If we are still in Bailongjiang, we might even encounter heavy snowfall.

The snowy scenery is really attractive to him, who has lived in the South for his entire life.

See you when Lin Zhou is playing with his mobile phone.

Butler Sun efficiently booked the flight tickets and hotel, and also found a travel guide from Har Bing.

After lunch, Lin Zhou was ready to set off.

Lin Zhou went to play, and the housekeeper and others also had a holiday.

Butler Sun and the others are also from the south. Now they are following Lin Zhou on a business trip to the north, which is no different from stopping by for a trip.

These days, some places in Baihe have been visited by them.

Lin Zhou gave them a holiday.

They ran to the country of E across the river to see what they had learned.

It took a lot of effort to reach Baihe, which is just a river away from abroad. Why don't you go abroad to see more?


(Extra updates with gifts! Today is still the fourth update, please feed me!)

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