Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 393 What are you doing? Are you queuing up to get your eggs delivered?

The anchor was really scolded and his face turned green.

There were some foreigners in the crowd. They didn't understand the situation at first, but they all stood up and pointed at a man. When they figured out the cause and effect of the matter.

The words scolding the anchor were mixed with Chinese and foreign languages.

The people who were close to him sprayed saliva on the anchor's face.

He was still broadcasting live, didn't he have any face!

The anchor immediately gave up and raised his hands to surrender.

"Wrong, wrong, I don't want 50, I want five!"

After hearing him change his words, the originally excited crowd instantly quieted down, as if they were not the ones who scolded just now.

They scolded one by one with dry mouths, but now they calmed down and spoke more gently.

"If there are five, how many are left in total?"

The anchor behind took out his mobile phone and turned on the computer, while forgetting the specific number.

Lin Zhou watched the scolding battle on the side and was greatly stimulated.

Northerners are different. They talk like they are fighting.

They seem to be making sense, but in fact, once they can't make sense, whoever has the bigger fist will have the final say.

Lin Zhou saw this and became more cautious in his words.

He first took a look at the remaining batter. There was still a small half bucket left, so it was no problem to make one or two hundred egg burgers.

There were also a lot of eggs. He brought a lot of ingredients today.

So there should be at least 180.

"There should be one or two hundred."

The anchor holding the computer got the reply from Boss Lin, smiled happily at Boss Lin, and then calculated.

"Let's count two hundred, five per person, and only four people can be sold. In case someone doesn't want five, then there will be about fifty people."

"Let's see how many people are left?"

"About forty or fifty."

They have already lined up at the front. Looking back, except for counting one by one, they can only see a rough estimate.

"Then can each person buy at most five?"

After the anchor finished calculating, he took the microphone and spread the news.

For a while, the crowd in front of Lin Zhou's stall was like there was a host hosting some kind of event.

Uninformed passersby thought there was some kind of event and gathered around to watch the fun.

"What are you doing? Are you queuing up to get eggs?"

The old man looked at the stall surrounded by the crowd. He didn't see Lin Zhou or the signboard, but only saw the word "eggs". He was so happy.

"Oh, they're giving away eggs again. What's the purpose this time? Are you still scanning the code to join the group?"

As the old man said this, he was about to run to the back of the line to queue up.

The diners in line who heard this were confused, but they also pulled the old man in line in time.

"Uncle, we're not queuing up to get eggs. We're queuing up to buy egg burgers. There are too many people and we're discussing the purchase limit."

When the old man heard this, his face fell immediately.

"We're not queuing up to get eggs. We're getting a microphone and making it look so real. What are you doing?"

The old man had a loud voice, and the anchor who was speaking with the microphone was embarrassed even though he was thick-skinned.

When the old man saw that there were no eggs to be taken, he turned around and left.

Before Boss Lin had a batch of egg burgers out of the oven, these people finally notified everyone in line and reached a consensus.

Lin Zhou's mouth twitched.

He had been setting up a stall for a long time, and he could encounter anything.

"Okay, as long as you have no objection."

After saying this, Lin Zhou looked at the first anchor who had just asked for fifty.

Asked him what flavor he wanted.

"What flavors are available now?"

Lin Zhou knew that some people came for the first time, and some people didn't know what to choose, so they wanted to try all five flavors, so this batch of egg burgers had all five flavors.

"All five flavors are available, which one do you want, I'll help you get it."

After Lin Zhou finished speaking, he took out the packaging bag and prepared to pack it.

Since there are all five flavors, what else do you have to choose? Of course, all five flavors are needed!

"Then I'll take one of each flavor."

Anyway, he can only buy five.

The overwhelming wealth has passed him by.

So how can he maximize the benefits of these five egg burgers?

Before the anchor could think it through, Lin Zhou packed five egg burgers and handed them over.

"Please enjoy, they are just out of the pan, hot inside, and there are sauces next to them, you can add them yourself."

There were too many people, and Lin Zhou didn't have much time to serve them carefully one by one, so he could only provide semi-self-service.

The diners waited for a long time to get the egg burgers, but they didn't care about this detail.

You can do it yourself and you can put any sauce you want on it, which is good.

The anchor who put different sauces on five egg burgers found a place with less space and started to show the egg burgers to the fans in the live broadcast room.

"Everyone can look at the egg burger in the host's hand. Boss Lin is really worthy of his reputation. You can't smell the fragrance, it's really fragrant."

"Look at the color of the egg burger. It can't be said that it's golden on both sides. It's fried in 360 degrees without dead ends. The color is golden and shiny. It's really appetizing."

"And the feel, you can imagine that the thin layer of the shell is crispy, but the overall feel of the egg burger is fluffy and soft."

"Look, the host holds it in his hand and pinches it. It actually bounces back. Can you believe it?"

"Really, I can't help it. Let me eat it first and tell you while I eat."

As the host talked, his mouth began to drool.

After saying that, without waiting for the feedback from the barrage, he just took a bite.

Good guy, the audience in the live broadcast room watched helplessly as half of a round egg burger was bitten off by the host in one bite.

"Ah ah, Dashachun, what are you doing!"

"We have worked so hard to give you likes and rewards. Anchor, do you really not consider giving one to the fans?"

"Oh my God, this is the egg burger made by Boss Lin. I really want to eat it!"

"Damn it, this is the first time I hate that pixels are so good. I'm so greedy to see them."

"Oh my god, host, you are not a human being. I heard the crispy crunching sound after taking one bite. I can't imagine how delicious this freshly baked egg burger is."

"I really want to eat it. Host, tell me, if you can give me an egg burger, I can fly to you, but it will only take a few hours!"


The audience in the anchor room stared at the anchor, who was interacting with them just now and introducing egg burgers.

After chewing an egg burger the next second, everyone fell silent.

I saw his eyes widened, looking at the egg burger in his hand in disbelief, and chewing it incessantly.

It can be seen that this tastes really delicious.

Otherwise, no one would use the special effects of the gifts, and they would not be able to attract the attention of the anchor.

The crispy egg burger has tender eggs inside and delicious pork when you bite into it.

His first bite was the most classic egg burger with egg and pork flavor.

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