(For those who can't continue, the last chapter has been modified. You can read it again. If you can continue, you can read the modified version. Just continue eating.

Lin Zhou continued to make egg burgers under the watch of a group of people.

The round grids were not fully used before, but now there are many customers, so they can be fully used.

First, beat fresh eggs into a row of grids, then stir them one by one, sprinkle with chopped green onions, and cover with ingredients.

While frying, pick up the batter bucket, one spoon is the amount of a round grid, pour two rows in turn, and just make ten egg burgers.

When these ten egg burgers are combined, the remaining twenty grids can be used again.

A group of diners waiting for egg burgers found Lin Zhou's actions very interesting.

This is a food making game The operation is smooth and error-free.

And the amount of each grid is consistent. This is something that can only be done with practice.

Su Xi and his group of foreign students were very surprised.

"Boss, how many years have you been selling egg burgers? It's really amazing!"

Lin Zhou was silent for a while after hearing this.

How many years has he been selling egg burgers?

How long would it take to convert a few hours into years?

Lin Zhou thought about it silently and finally gave up.

He doesn't seem to be very good at math.

"Today is the first day of setting up a stall."

Lin Zhou told the truth, but it sounded like nonsense to Su Xi and others.

He was so skilled on the first day of setting up a stall. Is it true?

But the boss obviously didn't want to tell them, so he wouldn't get an answer if he asked any more, so he might as well wait and eat.

One egg burger per person just now , it was gone in a few bites, and I didn't eat enough.

I still have to wait for the next one.

Several people who had been partying all night and hadn't eaten yet were now standing in front of Lin Zhou's stall, staring at the egg burgers in the round grid. Lin Zhou was scared by their eyes.

I wish I could give them all to him!

From time to time, I had to ask, "Boss, can I eat it?"

His eyes never left the egg burgers, as if he was afraid that they would be gone in the blink of an eye.

"Not yet."

Is there any need to ask this? Judging from the color, the color of the upper and lower pancakes is still white, not as golden as the later ones.

I guess I have to wait a few more minutes.

Lin Zhou's hands are fast. When the first batch of egg burgers came out of the pan, the second and third batches of egg burgers were already fried.

The hot egg burgers were wrapped in oil paper. When packing in bags, Lin Zhou would ask them if they want to apply sauce.

Egg burgers have their own flavor. Some people like to eat the crispy and crispy outside and tender inside.

Some people like to apply wet sauce to make it taste different. There are sweet and sour ketchup, sweet and spicy sauce, salty and fragrant seafood sauce, and spicy and fragrant chili sauce.

Some people like to split the egg burger in the middle and add some ingredients.

In short, there are enough ways to eat an egg burger the size of a palm.

Lin Zhou satisfied them one by one.

That is Lin Zhou's service attitude.

If this is an egg burger sold by locals, there are so many requirements. It's really up to you to eat it or not. There are many ways.

Da Zhuang, who has been paying attention to Lin Zhou, has to admire his service attitude.

He couldn't help chatting with the diners at his stall.

"The southerners' stalls are different from ours."

"That's right. The egg burger in front is just egg and meat, not so fancy. They make it really exquisite."

"The key is that they have a good temper and are willing to meet so many requests."

"It has to be delicious. I tried one and it tastes really good. There is a reason why they dare to charge ten yuan."


The few diners from Eguo who came later were attracted by the egg burgers and were recommended by Su Xi. They waited for a long time.

After chatting for a long time, they saw the first batch of egg burgers coming out of the pot, but they were all bought by the diners in front.

They were dumbfounded.

Then they chatted again.

Lin Zhou looked up at Su Xi in confusion.

Because he was the one who translated it just now.

"Ah, it's okay, boss, you do your thing, they just asked when their egg burgers will be ready."

Su Xi only reacted to this sentence.

But Lin Zhou looked at them as if they had said a lot of words just now.

Since they translated it this way, he just listened to it this way.

"It will take a while."

Su Xi nodded after getting the answer and then relayed it to the Eguo diners.

In fact, they just wondered why their egg burgers were not in the pan, and both sides briefly explained it.

But it is too troublesome to translate it completely. Why do you have to say so much about something that can be explained in one sentence?

Maybe this batch of egg burgers was made by them, and they tasted better than the previous one.

In fact, this flavor was selected and combined according to their own taste.

It must be more in line with their personal taste than the flavor that Lin Zhou made casually before, so it seems to be more delicious.

The batter is soft and delicious, the eggs are tender, and the pork is delicious. How can it not taste good when combined together?

One bite, the layers of taste are so delicious.

The six people couldn't help but admire while eating, and this look made the Eguo diners next to them who hadn't had their turn yet very greedy.

Swallowing saliva is a small matter.

If you can't eat it yourself, just watch the people in front of you eat happily.

After waiting for the second batch of egg burgers to come out of the pot, they ended up packing them and they were still theirs!

They obviously couldn't eat them, but they watched helplessly as the egg burgers they had been waiting for so long went into other people's stomachs.

This kind of torture really makes people feel the same way!

Hearing the chatter in Lin Zhou's ears...

"How many egg burgers did you buy? Isn't it our turn yet?"

Su Xi and his group took the egg burgers and divided them equally among the six people.

While taking the time to answer the questions of these E people.

"We bought thirty, it's almost done. We only have four of the next batch of egg burgers, and the rest are yours."

As for the people who came just now, they will have to wait.

Lin Zhou's speed in making egg burgers can't keep up with the speed of these people eating.

These international students are the best signs.

Standing in front of Lin Zhou's stall, Lin Zhou makes one, and they eat one.

A hot egg burger, in their hands, is finished in less than a minute.

In this chilly weather, holding a hot egg burger, I was so happy.

The food was a bit dry, so I ordered a bowl of vermicelli soup at the vermicelli soup stall next to me.

"Oh my god, this trip is really worth it. Why don't we go to Eguo to play, and just stay here to eat egg burgers. We can eat as many days as we can, and go back when we have to go to class."

"Okay, I think this method is okay."

"It's okay, we can take both into account. We will come to Baihe Morning Market in the morning to eat egg burgers, and then go back to Eguo after eating. It's only a seven-minute boat ride, what are you hesitating about?"


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