"How come you, a southerner, want to do business in the north?"

Hearing Lin Zhou's accent, the elder brother next to him immediately became interested.

Even watching Lin Zhou packing things was interesting.

Oh my god, southerners are so cute.

He came out to set up a stall, pushing a small cart, wearing cute clothes, and wearing a hat. Although he was tall, he was round in his clothes, which made people feel like a child for no reason. It was very fun.

The elder brother was very excited and was full of curiosity about Lin Zhou.

This book was first published on πŸ”πŸ— Book Barβ†’96𝘴𝘩𝘢.𝘯𝘦𝘡, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

Lin Zhou moved all the ingredients out while chatting with the elder brother.

"You want more people to taste the food I make."

The elder brother immediately gave a thumbs up when he heard such aspirational words.

"Good boy, you have ambitions. Give me an egg burger. I want to taste the egg burgers made by you southerners."

"What kind of fillings do you want? Fresh pork is 10 yuan each, cheese and ham is also 10 yuan, and fresh beef is 13 yuan each."

The eldest brother was originally very excited, but after hearing the price, he was confused.

The egg burgers in their Baihe morning market also put pork, one is 3 yuan, two are 5 yuan, why do southern guys directly charge 10 yuan.

Brother, you can't take back what you said.

I just reluctantly asked for a pork and egg burger.

Ten yuan each, he would buy four egg burgers from other stores in the morning market!

"Then give me a pork one."

Lin Zhou nodded. He was just about to make an egg burger, and he was in business. It was really good.

"Do you want spicy food?"

"Something spicy."

Hearing the eldest brother's request, Lin Zhou started to work directly.

The heated iron plate is empty, but Lin Zhou is going to make a few more. When it is half done, if there are no customers, he will turn down the heat and fry it slowly. This way, the fragrance will continue to spread and attract the customers passing by.

Because of the pork burger that costs ten yuan, the elder brother came out from the back of the stall to watch Lin Zhou make it.

He can also chat with him by the way. He is very curious about Lin Zhou now.

The young man is indeed an outsider. In the local area, an egg burger sold for ten yuan, and the stall would be smashed.

But it looks good.

He is also in the catering business, and he can still tell whether the ingredients are fresh or not.

Fresh eggs, or local eggs.

The color of the egg yolk is not yellow, but orange red.

Beat it into the grid and fry it on the high-temperature iron plate, and the fragrance comes out directly.

Then put the fresh meat.

This fresh pork is also good. Look at the color. The light pink color is very fresh. Put it on the stirred eggs.

Then pour the batter into the grid next to it, pick up the fried golden and crispy eggs at the bottom, and cover them with the batter.

In this way, the fresh pork filling is directly sandwiched between the batter and the eggs, and is cooked in the continuous heating, fresh and tender.

The batter and eggs are tightly attached to both sides, and the other half of the egg will be wrapped in the half-cooked batter.

Some chopped green onions and vegetables can be added in the middle, which is really nutritious and delicious.

Think about it, there are eggs, meat, vegetables, and staple foods!

"Your egg burgers in the south are more varied than ours."

The eldest brother looked at the ingredients on Lin Zhou's table, with chopped green onions and coriander, chopped pickles, chopped carrots, and corn kernels.

"I haven't eaten your egg burgers yet. Is there any difference between mine?"

Lin Zhou came to Baihe at night. He slept for a while and came to set up a stall when he got up. He didn't have time to go around and eat.

I'll talk about it after completing the task.

"We seem to just put some eggs and fresh meat here, and then add some green onions at most."

The overall method of making egg burgers is similar, just like stacking people.

First make the egg and pork filling, then make the outer pancake, and when all are half solidified, stack them together to form a burger.

When it is fried golden and crispy and full of appetite, it is ready.

"One day when I don't set up a stall, I will try it. Can I eat all of these?"

Lin Zhou asked habitually.

The eldest brother smiled heartily, "I will eat all of them. What's there to be picky about?"


Lin Zhou wears a lot of clothes, so it is really a bit laborious to make it.

But it doesn't affect his operation.

Egg burgers don't require superb cooking skills.

You just need to pay attention to the heat, and the outside is fried golden and crispy, and the inside is not cooked or overcooked.

These are all things that Lin Zhou is familiar with. He can fry the most perfect egg burgers with his eyes closed and smelling.

"Your egg burger is ready."

Lin Zhou looked at the fried egg burgers on the machine, picked up one and put it in the bag, and handed it to his elder brother.

This is his first customer in the north.

I don't know if the taste of northerners is the same as that of southerners.

Every time he sees the dietary differences between the north and the south on the Internet, he is a little worried.

The elder brother was also very excited when he took the egg burger.

There are egg burgers on this street in the morning market, and he usually eats them.

But it's the first time he has eaten an egg burger for ten yuan.

I have always heard that prices in the south are high, and it seems that prices in the south are really high.

An egg burger can sell for ten yuan.

If he goes to the south to set up a stall to do business, wouldn't it make more money than setting up a stall locally.

The confused thoughts in the elder brother's mind just now disappeared instantly after taking a bite of the egg burger.

The elder brother was originally rough, and when he was stunned, his expression unconsciously became fierce, which made Lin Zhou, who had been paying attention to him, nervous.

What's wrong?

Not delicious?

It shouldn't be!

"Brother, is it to your taste?"

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Lin Zhou asked tentatively.

When the elder brother heard Lin Zhou's words, he came back to his senses and slapped his thigh directly. His voice was so loud that Lin Zhou, who was unprepared, was shocked.

"Oh my god, this is not delicious, this is too delicious!"

The elder brother's voice directly attracted all the passers-by around him.

Then Lin Zhou saw the elder brother holding an egg burger and calling out to the people who were looking over: "Brothers and sisters, come and try the egg burgers in the south. They are so good. The taste is completely different from ours. How come they are so delicious!"

Lin Zhou stared at the elder brother in a daze. In a blink of an eye, he called several customers over.

They all reacted a little.

Are northerners so enthusiastic?

This is the first time he has seen someone help him attract customers.

And the people here are very familiar with each other. When they are called, they respond enthusiastically.

"Really? I said this kid doesn't look like someone from our area."

"I just saw it and was wondering which kid came out to sell egg burgers. They look pretty good."

"Come one, I'll try it too. It smells pretty good."

Looking at the diners coming over one after another, Lin Zhou's first reaction was that there was no need to turn down the fire on the stove. Just fry it until golden and serve!


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