Fortunately, it was a cumulative task, so he didn't have to punch in every day. He could wake up from a nap before heading to Baihe. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ

After receiving the task, Lin Zhou took a shower and went to bed.

He almost fell asleep just now.


Slept until dawn.

When he got up, the Zhang family father and son were already waiting for him to have breakfast in the private banquet hall.

At the long table, Zhang Jianjun sat on one side, Lin Zhou sat next to him, and the newlywed couple sat opposite him.

Seeing that the two of them didn't even have any expression changes before and after the wedding, Lin Zhou's little thoughts of eating melons were all in vain.

"Here you are, have you rested?"

When it comes to holding a wedding, the bride and groom's families are the most tired.

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But their biological clocks are too strong. No matter what time they go to bed at night, they wake up at seven or eight in the morning.

Lin Zhou came to the private banquet hall for dinner, drank coffee, and read the news.

"Have you had a good rest? Why are you up so early?"

Lin Zhou looked at the time. It was half past eight. The coffee cups in front of these people had been full. They probably had been up for a while.

"It's my biological clock. I can't help it."

Although Zhang Jianjun has retired, his biological clock has lasted for decades. He can't adjust it in a short time.

"By the way, it's a new week. Where are you going to set up your stall this week?"

The Zhang family has been neighbors with Lin Zhou for so long. They have a close relationship and know Lin Zhou's hobbies and habits.

To be honest, they are also very curious about where Lin Zhou sets up his stall every week. It's very novel.

"Go to Baihe."

Zhang Jianjun just waved to the housekeeper to serve the food, and then he was stunned when he heard this unfamiliar place.

Lu Qian reacted immediately. Baihe is just one street away from the foreign country. The morning market in Baihe is very famous. She used to go there with her friends.

After hearing this, she guessed that Lin Zhou would set up a stall there.

"Is it the Baihe morning market?"

Lin Zhou nodded.

Zhang Jianjun and Zhang Mingyuan also reacted immediately.

Lin Zhou's current destinations are basically a few cities near Jiangdong. They didn't react to running so far.

"Going so far, it will probably be winter in Bailongjiang in November. Have you prepared your winter clothes?"

"Ordinary warm clothes are not enough. The winter there is much colder than ours. The outdoor temperature is below zero all year round. Do you want to set up a stall so far away?"

Zhang Jianjun said with some worry.

His son went abroad to study in his early years, but he never cared so much about him.

This shows the position of Lin Zhou in his heart.

When people get old, they need to find some use for themselves in the younger generation, need company, need to chat, and need care.

Zhang Mingyuan and Zhang Jianjun's father-son relationship has been so many years, and even if it has eased, they can't be close to each other, chat, climb mountains, and gossip.

It can be said that the appearance of Lin Zhou brought new vitality to Zhang Jianjun in the most uncomfortable stage after retirement.

Lin Zhou happened to have just come to this world and had no relatives, so he needed this company.

The two of them became closer because of a mountain climbing trip and being neighbors.

Breakfast was served, Lin Zhou smiled and poured a cup of soy milk for Zhang Jianjun, then slowly spoke to ease Uncle Zhang's mood.

"I sent a message to Huang Zhenghao, he will arrange it, don't worry, Uncle Zhang."

After being reminded by him, Zhang Jianjun also remembered Huang Zhenghao.

He had also met this person during the barbecue week, and his comprehensive management ability was indeed good, suitable for being Lin Zhou's agent.

He was careful and loyal, with a mind, but a positive mind, and was a good subordinate. Lin Zhou was still a bit good at judging people.

"That's good, if there were no guests here, I couldn't leave, otherwise I would definitely go with you."

Zhang Mingyuan, who was opposite, heard this and finally raised his attention from the work daily report and looked at his father.

The older his father got, the more obvious his thoughts were.

It felt like he wanted to throw all these stalls to him and run to eat and drink with Lin Zhou behind him.

"You can come find me when you're done."

Lin Zhou saw Zhang Mingyuan's eyes and couldn't help laughing, so he replied.

Zhang Jianjun's expression immediately became happy.

"That's right, these two are going on their honeymoon soon, and I'll be left alone at home. If you don't leave, I can still go find you to play, but you're going to Baihe, so far away, so I'll be lonely."

"Dad, didn't you say that we're going on our honeymoon, and you'll help me manage the company?"

Seeing that the old and the young had to discuss it, Zhang Mingyuan's domineering aura could no longer be maintained.

After pretending for a long time, no one paid attention to him.


"It's okay, online management is fine."

Zhang Jianjun didn't miss this opportunity and waved his hand directly.

Zhang Mingyuan was so angry that his eyes widened. How could this be the same!

Luke Lu was the same as Lin Zhou. As long as the father and son were against each other, he would not say a word and sit aside to watch the show.

By the time they had decided who was the winner, breakfast was over.

Most of the guests were leaving today.

They still had to see them off.

Lin Zhou also packed up and prepared to go back, and then asked Butler Sun if they wanted to go on a business trip with him to Baihe.

When Huang Zhenghao received Lin Zhou's message in the early morning, he started to have people buy a villa in Baihe and arrange the itinerary.

It was already a day later when Lin Zhou took a private plane and brought his butlers to Baihe.

"Boss Lin, your stall car is in the garage of the villa."

"The villa has been cleaned. Do you want to see your room now?"

The staff responsible for receiving Lin Zhou and others picked up Lin Zhou at the airport and drove everyone to Huang Zhenghao's newly bought villa.

The villa area closest to Baihe Cultural Street.

Lin Zhou looked at the decoration of the villa and nodded with satisfaction. It was the simple style he liked.

This time he had brought a housekeeper and a nanny, so Huang Zhenghao arranged for the cleaning staff to clean the villa inside and out, and no one was arranged to take care of him.

With familiar people, Lin Zhou also adapted well to the unfamiliar city.

Compared with the normal temperature in the villa, the sub-zero temperature outside did make Lin Zhou switch from autumn to winter.

"Sir, then you take a rest first, we will go to clean up your room first."

Aunt Fang and Aunt Xu, this is the first time they have been on a business trip with Lin Zhou, and they are so far away.

After arriving at the villa, they are not tired, but excited.

They carried the luggage very vigorously to clean up Lin Zhou's room.

Butler Sun negotiated with the staff who picked them up.

Because they have to travel with him, Lin Zhou also raised the salary of the housekeepers from November, and signed a ten-year contract, with a monthly income of tens of thousands.

Following the boss, not only can they travel everywhere, but they can also eat the delicious food made by the boss. In just a few months, the salary has increased to tens of thousands a month.

The enthusiasm of the housekeepers and the aunts for work is so great.

They want to sell themselves to Lin Zhou!

Others do the work, so Lin Zhou is free. With nothing to do, he went to the garage to study his stall car this week.

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