A dish of braised beef opened the conversation of the guests.

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They kept talking about the topic of Boss Lin.

Even the business tycoons were not immune to this and forgot all the business talks.

"This braised beef is good, not chewy, and retains the elasticity, fragrance and taste of beef."

"Old Zhang is still good at eating. I heard that the two families are neighbors. Wouldn't it be possible to eat Boss Lin's cooking often? Are there any houses for sale in the Royal Capital? I'll go buy one."

"Don't tell me, it makes me think about it. Although we can't go to his house for a meal, we can go to Old Zhang's house for a meal."

"I'm about to retire. When I retire, I will buy a villa in the Royal Capital and live with Old Zhang in my old age."

"You have a good idea. If you have a way, get me one."

When the dishes came later, everyone tasted them. They were not bad, but they were much inferior to the braised beef in front.

When the dishes were removed, the people in the kitchen were prepared for the leftovers, but they were still a little panicked.

These guests outside were the CEOs of major groups and listed companies in the country. It was not an exaggeration to describe them as bigwigs. If these people were not satisfied with the dishes they cooked, their future prospects could be imagined.

"Don't worry, the last dish was Boss Lin's braised beef. Everyone just finished Boss Lin's dishes and ate the next dish. They felt the difference and must have felt that it was not so delicious. It was normal to have leftovers."

The head chef saw that the chef who made this dish was a little worried and walked up to comfort him.

As chefs, they were all prepared after eating Boss Lin's dishes, and they knew the difference between them and Boss Lin.

After this shock, they recovered quickly.

"It's okay, my cooking skills can't be compared with Boss Lin's. Everyone has tasted Boss Lin's dishes and then eaten mine. I'm afraid I can't finish it myself."

Next, almost all the dishes removed had leftovers.

These dishes came from different chefs.

Seeing that everyone's dishes were equally unpopular, everyone felt strangely balanced.

Until the roast duck came out, the atmosphere in the banquet hall ushered in another wave of enthusiasm.

"Oh my god, this is the three-in-one roast duck?"

A slice of cucumber, a slice of roast duck skin, and a spoonful of caviar on top, it looks really beautiful.

But the portion is really small!

"Is this the roast duck made by Boss Lin?"

The waiter who served the dishes heard the guest's question and nodded gently with a smile: "Yes, please enjoy."

Since it was made by Boss Lin, they won't be polite.

A whole piece of roast duck skin, with soft dough in the middle, crisp cucumber, spicy chives, and sweet noodle sauce, the roast duck is placed on the top layer, and then a spoonful of crystal clear caviar is piled on it.

The overall ingredients are the ingredients of Beijing roast duck.

But they are combined in such a delicate and new way.

It makes people want to drool just by looking at it. For a moment, they can't wait to pick up the chopsticks and put the whole roast duck tower into their mouths.

This bite!

With a pleasant crisp sound, the taste of the roast duck stacked into a tower is gradually entering the mouth, and the oil in the roast duck skin can't be restrained and bursts in the mouth first.

The oily and fresh fragrance, coupled with the mellow and sweet sweet noodle sauce, followed by the spicy scallion, and chewing with the chewy dough.

It is really a feast for the mouth.

The salty, fresh and cold taste of caviar, as the teeth chew, it seems like water droplets burst in the mouth, and it is so delicious that people can't help but squint their eyes and enjoy it.

"It's delicious!"

"It's delicious. I didn't expect roast duck to be like this."

"Yes, the ingredients used are all commonly used ingredients for Beijing roast duck, but when combined together, the taste is completely different."

"There is also a Chinese roast duck roll next to it."

The first is roast duck skin with caviar roast duck tart skin, and the second is roast duck roll.

"This is very similar to the Peking duck I had before, but it's wrapped very thoughtfully."

Holding the complete roast duck roll in hand, I took a bite of half of it.

It's really nice to be able to eat all the ingredients with just one bite.

The roast duck tart crust is made of roast duck skin.

This roast duck roll uses the best meat from the duck breast. Two slices are placed in one roast duck roll. The tender and fragrant roast duck meat on the crispy roast duck skin is served with spicy shredded green onions, cucumber shreds, and sweet noodle sauce. The taste is very different.

The roast duck pancake is thinner and tougher than the roast duck pita pancake, with a chewy texture. When you eat it in your mouth, the wheat aroma of the flour is rich, and it feels like eating a staple roast duck roll.

It's a palm-sized roast duck roll, a small piece, not enough to eat!

It's gone in two bites.

Then I looked at the last roast duck with an unsatisfied look.

A thick piece of roast duck, soaked in brine, is like the way to eat Nanjing roast duck.

Three kinds of roast duck, one new roast duck pita, one Beijing roast duck roll, and the remaining one Nanjing roast duck, each of which is one or two bites, really amazing.

Beijing roast duck and Nanjing roast duck are very different in appearance, fragrance, and taste.

First of all, the duck is different.

Then the roasting method is also different.

The way of eating is also different.

One is to roll it up with pancakes, scallion shreds, cucumber shreds and other ingredients.

The other is to pour a special marinade and soak it.

The roast duck, which was originally crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, was soaked in the marinade, and it had the sweet taste of the marinade. The marinade was sweet, and when you put it in your mouth, the marinade on the roast duck would drip into your mouth first.

The sweet and fragrant marinade was tasted in this way.

The tender duck meat was soaked in the marinade, absorbed the soup, and then eaten in the mouth. The moist taste made people want to eat it with a bowl of rice.

This salty and sweet sauce is really good with rice. When paired with the softened roast duck skin, even if it is not crispy, it has a soft, chewy and fresh taste, which is unique!

It is completely different from the previous Beijing roast duck.

Different flavors, different tastes, both are equally delicious.

For a while, I couldn’t tell which one was better.

"I think it has to be Beijing roast duck. It's no exaggeration to call it the best duck in the world."

"Nanjing roast duck is obviously more delicious. If I cut half a duck and add this marinade, I can eat two bowls of rice."

"What do you know? The roast duck pita just now was so fragrant. I feel that the meat of the roast duck is not as delicious as the skin."

"It's just that the portion is a little small. It would be better if there were more. I didn't eat enough!"

"That's right, who can eat such a small portion?"

"There are so many dishes. Everyone knows that there will probably be dozens of dishes later. Just wait."

"If you ask me, it's better to let the dishes made by Boss Lin appear as the finale. After tasting Boss Lin's skills, how can I eat the skills of other chefs? The contrast is too strong."

"To be honest, before eating the braised beef, I was still praising the wedding chef for hiring a good chef. Each dish has its own characteristics, good meaning, and is delicious. I didn't expect Boss Lin to be the king."

"Yes, no wonder everyone knows that the Zhang family knows Boss Lin, and they all say they want to try Boss Lin's skills."


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