"Boss, the porridge you sell every day is different?"

Xie Hong and the others thought that the porridge they had yesterday was the porridge with preserved egg and lean meat, and today it was still the porridge with preserved egg and lean meat.

Unexpectedly, the boss sold sweet potato porridge today.

Although sweet potato porridge is delicious, it is not as delicious as meat.

It is too light, and it feels suitable for drinking when you are sick.

It is also a bit thin, like drinking sugar water.

No, it is more like soup.

It quenches thirst, but it does not fill you up.

"Yes, what's the point of eating the same thing every day."

Lin Zhou will only sell a fixed type of food when the system task stipulates a certain food.

"What will you sell tomorrow?"

Hearing this, a group of squatting college students looked up at Lin Zhou, obviously very curious.

Xie Hong really likes to drink the porridge cooked by Lin Zhou. It is comfortable to eat and does not feel greasy. If he can eat such delicious porridge every morning, he will have the motivation to get up early.

If he knows what porridge the boss will sell tomorrow, he will not come if he doesn't like it.

Climbing mountains every day, no matter how strong the body is, it can't stand it.

"I'll sell abalone porridge tomorrow."

Business is not good today. Lin Zhou guessed that it was because sweet potato porridge is too cheap in everyone's impression, so it can't be sold at a high price. Everyone thinks that a bowl of 100 yuan is not worth it, so more people ask, but less people buy.

We still have to make some porridge that is worth the price, so that business will be better.

Although completing the task is the main thing, it is also interesting to set up a stall.

Lin Zhou thinks that earning money with his own hands is more meaningful, and it also makes his life colorful in this world, so that he will not live a life of eating and waiting to die, doing nothing every day, and living a life without goals and meaning is not suitable for him.

When seeing the diners eating the food he made, they were shocked and exclaimed that it was delicious, which was really a very happy thing.

So he cares about the good or bad of the stall business!

"Wow, abalone porridge!"

Yao Chao has never eaten abalone since he was a child, but he has only heard of it, and he immediately became interested.

In fact, his family is average. His parents only give him 1,000 yuan a month for college living expenses, which is only enough for him to eat.

He can't afford to eat too good.

As the saying goes, the young man eats up the old man. He is in his 20s, which is the time when he can eat.

The living expenses given by his parents are not enough, so he earns money by playing games for others in private.

Sometimes he can earn hundreds of dollars from a single order if he is lucky, so he can afford to drink porridge that costs 100 yuan a bowl.

Except for going out to dinner with friends, he basically doesn't go out to eat anything specially.

When he heard about abalone porridge, he realized that he had never eaten it before.

"I haven't eaten abalone porridge either, but I have eaten abalone. It's very fishy and hard to chew. It's not delicious."

The middle-aged uncle next to him disagreed and said, "It depends on what kind of abalone it is. After the dried abalone is soaked and stewed, it looks a bit like preserved eggs when cut open. It's runny and chewy. The taste is very good, but it doesn't taste very good. It depends on the seasoning."

"New abalone tastes a bit like scallops. It's okay as sashimi, but it's not very good when cooked. It's hard to chew."

A group of college students looked like they had learned something new. They listened to the middle-aged uncle's words and nodded as if they understood.

"But if you cook porridge, it should be very fresh."

Xie Hong asked Lin Zhou with a foodie look that it should be delicious.

Lin Zhou looked at their foodie look and nodded woodenly.

Is there anything bad about the food he made?

But it can also be seen that this group of people are indeed foodies, otherwise they would not become repeat customers.

After all, when Lin Zhou saw that Zhou's stall was on the top of the mountain, he didn't think there would be repeat customers.

Who would climb a mountain just to drink porridge!

I didn't expect that he would have repeat customers!

"Then we'll come again tomorrow morning!"

A group of college students instantly became excited and chatted.

Originally, it was quite lively when five college students got together yesterday, but I didn't expect that there would be eight today, just like a group of ducks quacking next to them.

Lin Zhou lowered his head and looked at them, his expression helpless. If it were an anime, he would probably have three black lines slowly sliding down his forehead at this moment.


Lin Zhou closed the stall today at about the same time as yesterday.

Although the amount of porridge prepared was less, it was not popular and sold slowly. It was already afternoon when he closed the stall after selling it all.

When he got home, he still cleaned up and went to bed.

After all, climbing a mountain is really too physically demanding!

So he still didn't think of the diners who had been waiting for him for two days by the Daming Lake.

Eight o'clock in the evening.

The diners stood at the intersection of Huaguoshan Road, waiting so eagerly!

"No, where is my big bun stall?"

"It's eight o'clock, brothers, the boss of the bun stall hasn't come yet!"

"No way, the boss won't come again today?"

"What's the situation, why doesn't he come to set up the stall? Has the boss changed the place?"

"I don't know!"

"No, I'm going to mobilize my circle of friends to ask if anyone has seen the boss of the bun stall."

Those who have many friends immediately thought of the saying that more friends mean more roads.

The buns made by the boss of the bun stall are so delicious. If someone has eaten it, they will definitely not forget it, and maybe they can find the location of the boss's stall.

"Maybe it's just that the boss has something at home, I'll come back tomorrow."

There are also those who firmly believe that Lin Zhou just didn't come to set up the stall because of something, and maybe he will come back.

The owner of the barbecue stall not far away saw this scene, and an idea flashed through her mind.

When she returned home after closing the stall at night, she pulled her husband to discuss it.

"Husband, what do you think about us changing our career to selling buns?"

The owner of the barbecue stall: ? ? ?

"No, wife, you can't have this idea if you haven't eaten the buns!"

Just sell barbecue, why do you do whatever you want.

"Look at how many people come to buy buns these two days. If we also sell buns, we will definitely make more money than barbecue!"

Besides, she can make buns. Her family was in the breakfast business in the early years. Why can't she sell buns!

"Are the buns you make as delicious as those sold by others?"


The owner of the barbecue stall choked. She had to admit that the buns made by the bun stall were indeed delicious. I can't think of anyone who can make better buns than that. They don't have that skill!

"What else can we say? When customers buy our buns, the difference between the two is too big, so we won't be able to do it for long."

"Besides, the boss of the bun stall has only been away for two days, and he might come back. When he sees us stealing his business, how can we buy buns!"

Having said that, the owner of the barbecue stall was very jealous when she saw so many customers returning empty-handed.

"I don't care, I want to try. At worst, we can stop doing the bun business when the boss comes back. We have the equipment at home, so why don't you make money?"

The boss lady didn't believe it. Her intuition told her that she would definitely make money by switching to selling buns with this favorable wind.

"That's it!"


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