Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 326 This is simply the biggest surprise in ordinary life!

On the way to the farm, several old customers calmed down from the excitement of finding Boss Lin, and began to consider whether to update the news of finding Boss Lin on the mini program.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

"Let's update it. We have a revolutionary friendship for so long, and there is no limit on the quantity. It should be enough to eat."

"But what if a large army comes and the quantity is limited? Or should we update it after we finish eating?"

"That makes sense. We are not saying it. We will say it after we have eaten enough!"

"Okay, then it's settled!"

Several people reached a consensus in an instant and followed Dadong into the farm.

Although they felt guilty about the food they had not eaten yet, they were not selfless enough to snatch food from the tiger's mouth and share the food they had not eaten with everyone for free.

At least they had to wait until they had eaten enough before saying it.

So other friends, just wait!


Can't think about it. When I thought about them finding Boss Lin, I couldn't help laughing out loud.

It's so exciting!

This is simply the biggest surprise in ordinary life!

"Hello, handsome guy, I want to ask, are these people outside Boss Lin's diners?"

When the old diners came here, they saw a large group of people sitting there after eating and drinking, and their eyes were really red with jealousy.

But it is definitely more important to find Boss Lin first.

Now Boss Lin has confirmed that he will set up a stall to sell barbecue at the entrance of the farm this week, and those issues that they didn't have time to pay attention to have attracted their attention.

Who are these people? They actually found Boss Lin before them on the first day and had already eaten barbecue.

This must be found out to see if it is luck or private information.

And these people look very familiar with Boss Lin!

The old diners have been suffering from the whole network and can't find Boss Lin's traces for a long time. Now they finally see some traces of Boss Lin's news, of course they don't want to give up.

"Ah, we are all Boss Lin's employees."

Dadong explained with a smile.

"What? Boss Lin has employees?"

The old diners were dumbfounded.

Does setting up a stall still need employees?

Can I eat the food made by Boss Lin for free?

Boss Lin, can you see if they can do it?

The old customers seemed to have found a new channel to contact Boss Lin, and they surrounded Dadong enthusiastically.

"Well, handsome guy, I want to ask, how did you become Boss Lin's employees?"

For a moment, Dadong really didn't know how to answer this question.

"The boss has many businesses, and I don't know if you can become the boss's employees."

Even when they became Boss Lin's employees, they didn't know that the boss was Boss Lin.

So as an employee, he didn't know this question.

"Yes, yes, yes, you must ask Boss Lin."

"As Boss Lin's employees, can you often eat the food made by Boss Lin?"

The old customers were most concerned about this question, and they looked at Dadong eagerly after asking.

If this is true, they are so jealous!

That's Boss Lin's meal, and someone can eat it privately, which makes them jealous!

"That's not the case. The boss goes to various places to set up stalls every week, and we don't know where the boss sets up stalls."

Dadong answered the old customers' questions very officially.

It's not in vain that I've been an assistant for so long. At least I've done a good job in receiving people.

Dadong smiled and pushed open the kitchen door.

He picked up the menu prices sorted out by his colleagues on the cabinet and introduced the ingredients on the table to these people.

"This is beef skewers. There are different parts. It depends on what you want to eat. All the ingredients are the livestock slaughtered today, and there are freshly picked vegetables and fruits. They are all produced by Boss Lin's farm and orchard. They are very healthy, naturally grown, and organic food."

"At present, a cow, a sheep, a pig, and two chickens have been slaughtered. As for vegetables, basically all the vegetables available on the market are available on the farm."

The old diners looked at this scene in amazement.

They have a clear understanding of the online rumor that Boss Lin is a rich man.

No wonder he is so willful and sets up stalls everywhere. He says he is not short of money. It turns out that he is really not short of money!

Who has a stall with a farm and orchard? It's unheard of!

The roadside stalls are not worthy of Boss Lin's identity!

"Is there a price list?"

If they didn't know that these ingredients were freshly prepared on the farm, they might just take whatever skewers they wanted without asking the price.

But after hearing what Dadong said, they got scared.

Not to mention anything else, even people who don't buy vegetables know that organic ingredients are more expensive than ordinary ingredients.

The price of anything with the word organic doubles.

They don't dare to take it casually.


Dadong handed over the price list in his hand.

This list was made by Xiaobai and his men after the passerby diners arrived. It has all the ingredients currently on the farm, which is very comprehensive.

Maybe the old diners had expected the price to be too high before, so they were relieved when they got the price list.

It's okay, it's okay, they can afford it.

As long as it's not at the level of steak that costs three thousand yuan, they can afford it.

"I want one skewer of each of these different parts of beef. I love beef. I can forget about mutton because I can't stand the smell. I also want pork. I want one skewer of pork belly, a handful of small skewers of pork hind legs, two skewers of chicken skin, which I love. I also want one skewer of chicken heart. Do you have any?"

Dadong replied while recording: "The chicken hearts are gone. There are limited chicken hearts on a chicken. We kill the ingredients now, so they will be gone after they are eaten."

There are too many things to order, and the old diners didn't hesitate to order other things.

A few people got together and ordered a skewers on a tin plate. They basically ordered all the skewers in the kitchen, except for the ones that no one liked.

This is the barbecue made by Boss Lin. You don't need to think about it to know that it is delicious. Who can resist it!

Dadong calculated the price for a skewers on a tin plate and sent it to Lin Zhou to grill.

Then he took a few people to sit down at an empty seat.

Seeing that the boss's diners came over, the employees spontaneously cleaned up the sanitation mess and cleared out the tables and chairs.

It's just that they ate too much, and they were so full of skewers that they were full of their throats when they did some work.

"Oh my god, I won't eat so much next time. I feel like I can vomit if I burp."

"Okay, take a break. Don't bend over and vomit. It will increase our workload."

"My stomach hurts because I'm so full. It's so uncomfortable. If I hadn't been so full, I would have wanted to eat more. I've never eaten such delicious barbecue. As expected, the boss knows whether it's good or not as soon as he makes a move!"

"Stop talking and work quickly. Who is throwing skewers on the ground while eating? We have to pick them up!"

"No, buy some disposable bamboo skewers tomorrow and throw them away after eating. The stainless steel skewers need to be washed!"

"Thank you for the dishwasher. Clean up the table quickly!"


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