Xiaobai smiled and explained: "No, setting up a stall is our boss's hobby, and the farm is the boss's warehouse of ingredients.

In just a short while, the passerby received three critical strikes.

His eyes were a little distracted.

As an ordinary person, this was the first time he encountered such a thing, which really refreshed his understanding.

It turns out that there are really rich people whose hobby is setting up stalls and have farms as food storage.

No, why does this look so much like Boss Lin online?

Rich people also like to set up stalls.

"Boss Lin?"

The passerby and diners came to their senses and subconsciously blurted out Boss Lin, which surprised Xiaobai.

Is this just anyone who is a fan of the boss?

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝔰𝔥𝔲.𝔫𝔢𝔱

"Yes, our boss is Boss Lin."

Hearing Xiao Bai's words, the passerby diners hesitated for a moment, then confirmed: "Is it Boss Lin who likes to set up stalls everywhere on the Internet, the one who sells Western food and plays the suona?"

Xiaobai still nodded.


After the passers-by reacted, they suddenly became excited.

Boss Lin, who so many people couldn't find online, just appeared on his way home?

Xiaobai looked at his excitement and found it quite interesting.

Their boss seems to be quite popular recently.

Maybe it's because as employees, although they miss the delicious food made by the boss, they basically know what the boss is doing, so they are not as excited as the fans online to see the boss in person.

"The barbecue made by our boss is always delicious. You are in for a treat today."

The passerby was so excited that he wanted to take out his mobile phone to share the good news, but then he thought of something and asked: "Will Boss Lin set up a stall here this week to sell barbecue?"

"You have to ask Boss Lin yourself about this."

As a considerate employee of the boss, Xiaobai had no intention of depriving the boss of the fun of setting up a stall.

After bringing the person to the stall, he went to the side to do other things.

Lin Zhou watched the passers-by and diners go in. He was so excited when he came back that he wanted to come up to take photos and sign autographs. Is there anything he didn't understand?

This look is so familiar.

Ever since he became popular on the Internet, he often meets fans like this when he goes out to the stalls.

Now I am used to it and have learned to distinguish it.

For example, diners who only want to eat after coming here are likely to be regular diners.

Then the people who pay attention to him after coming over are most likely fans.

Because his charm is obviously not as good as his delicious food.

As long as everyone tastes the food he cooks, everyone's attention will be on eating, and they will only care about where he sets up his stall, with or without purchase restrictions.

Lin Zhou felt sad just thinking about it.

"Boss Lin, are you selling barbecue here this week?"


Lin Zhou nodded in response and put the skewers ordered by the guests on the oven to bake.

When the passers-by and diners heard this, they felt a little more excited.

Thinking that no one except him knows where Boss Lin is now, if this news is roasted, it would not be too much to ask those people who spend a lot of money to seek Boss Lin's position to treat him to skewers, right?

This makes him come to eat every day, but he can't afford it!

The calculations of passers-by and diners were crackling.

After asking Boss Lin about the stall's opening time, I started to make plans in my mind.

He just ordered some kebabs, which cost more than a hundred.

I really can’t bear to eat it to my heart’s content.

After all, he is a migrant worker with a monthly salary of three to four thousand. Boss Lian Lin’s food is so popular in Jiangdong, and this is the only time he has encountered it.

If he didn't take advantage of this luck and eat two more meals, he would be sorry for himself!

But wouldn’t this be bad?

The passerby has an honest character and has never done anything like this before.

Seeing the skewers he had selected in Boss Lin's hands, smelling fragrant in an instant, he couldn't help but sniff.

"Boss Lin, do you think I can share your stall location with others?"

The passerby asked hesitantly, looking very confused.

"It depends on you. I don't care. People will find out anyway."

Lin Zhou watched him struggle for a long time, thinking he was going to say something, but he didn't expect to ask this.

"That's it..."

Even with Lin Zhou's words, passers-by and diners were still confused.

After much hesitation, the kebabs he ordered were ready.

"Please use your skewers slowly."

The delicious food is in front of you, and the rich aroma is thrust into your nose.

The moment the passerby took the plate, there was no thought in his mind.

There is only this kebab in front of me.

The beef skewers are the darkest in color and are roasted to a burnt brown color, exuding a wisp of fragrance. Cumin and chili powder are sprinkled on the skewers and adsorbed on the fat.

The high temperature stimulates the aroma of the ingredients, and the aroma of the meat skewers becomes more intense. People who smell the aroma are salivating. They don't even care that the meat skewers have just been grilled and are still steaming. They just want to eat the skewers.

If you listen carefully, you can hear the fat of the meat skewers bubbling.

The passerby picked up the meat skewers and took a big bite.

Then he couldn't help but let out an exclamation.


The piping hot meat skewers exude heat and a little scalding juice when biting into your mouth. The umami flavor is blended with the charred aroma of the charcoal grill. With the spicy toppings, you won't squeak when you eat it.

This is the most primitive barbecue method. Freshly killed ingredients are directly marinated and grilled over charcoal. The meat is rich in aroma and umami.

After one bite, the pleasure of eating meat and skewering filled his heart, making it impossible to be distracted.

He quickly bit off another large piece of meat and chewed it thoroughly in his mouth.

After finishing a skewer of beef, he focused his attention on the pork belly skewer.

A long piece of pork belly was cut into thin slices and put on the iron skewers. Both sides were roasted to a golden color, and all the fat was roasted out.

The volume looked a little smaller than when it was raw, but it was still very substantial.

When the fragrant pork belly was bitten in the mouth, the crispy outer shell on the surface had a mellow feeling of eating oil residue. With a crisp sound, it felt like the fat bursting in the mouth when biting into it.

The thick pork belly was roasted, and the outer layer of fat was all roasted out, leaving only the fragrance of the meat itself. The thick taste of the three layers of pork belly inside was fully reflected at this time.

People were conquered by this pork belly in one bite.

"Hmm! It smells so good!"

The passerby thought about how to describe the taste, but he couldn't describe it.

It was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and it was very well made. It was not overcooked to get all the oil out, which made it hard to eat, nor was it undercooked, with too much oil, which made it too greasy to eat.

The flavor of the seasoning was also very strong, so fragrant that people ignored the greasiness of the pork belly to a large extent, and just wanted to chew it and feel the deliciousness.

The passerby diners ate without raising their heads, completely ignoring the things they were tangled up with.

After eating two skewers of meat, he set his eyes on the grilled eggplant covered with garlic.

He saw this eggplant growing fresh on the branches when he passed by the farm vegetable garden just now. It was so purple and black that you couldn't see it clearly under the lights at night, but the surface was reflective, and it looked delicious at first glance!

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