The farm rewarded by the system is very large, backed by a mountain, and the location is not remote, but it is very clean. There is a highway nearby, there are no large facilities around, there are only scattered village houses, and the environment is very good.

The farm has comprehensive facilities, not only cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks, geese and other livestock, but also vegetables, everything available in the market and not available here.

There are also ponds and farmed fish and shrimps.

Lin Zhou, Uncle Zhang and others, led by the staff, walked around and looked at the fields, where there were workers watering vegetables and feeding ducks, which was very interesting.

"Many of the farm's employees come from nearby villages and are very experienced in farming. All vegetables are grown organically and the livestock are fed grain..."

Xiaobai, who is responsible for the daily management of the farm, suppressed his excitement and introduced the situation on the farm to Lin Zhou and others in a serious manner.

This book is first published on πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96π“ˆπ’½π“Š.𝓃ℯ𝓉, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

Fortunately, when he was assigned to manage the farm, he always managed the farm very carefully and responsibly.

He knew everything about the farm, big and small, otherwise he would have been completely blinded by the sudden arrival of the big boss.

And he knew it all!

The big boss came to the farm today because he is selling barbecue at the farm gate this week!

Think about the delicious food he missed because he was sent to the farm!

Sure enough, God treated him well!

The people in the building must be jealous to death.

I can't think about it, I can't even think about it, I can't hold back the smile on my lips.

Xiaobai led the way and introduced the situation of the farm to Lin Zhou.

Zhang Jianjun on the side listened to his clear and logical report, nodded appreciatively, and then said:

"I'm quite interested in the vegetables grown in the fields over there. You guys can chat and I'll go over and take a look."

As an outsider, it was not easy for him to be present in this kind of work reporting scene.

Even if Lin Zhou didn't care, as an elder, he had to pay attention.

If you have a good relationship, you must also pay attention to propriety.

Lin Zhou nodded with a smile and asked Butler Sun and the others to go shopping without having to follow him.

Seeing this, Xiaobai waved to the employees not far away, and immediately called two people to take them to visit the farm.

Then Lin Zhou and Xiaobai went to the office.

After understanding the current situation of the farm and the subsequent development plan, Lin Zhou had no objections and signed his name.

The entire farm is very large, and even if he sets up a stall for his own use, he won't need much. As a supplier, providing ingredients for some high-end restaurants is also an input, and the farm itself can operate.

Farmed vegetables and other ingredients will not be wasted.

"Just take responsibility for the things here. If you have anything, you can discuss it with Mr. Huang, or of course you can come to me."

Halfway through Lin Zhou's words, he felt that as a boss, he seemed a bit irresponsible, so he added another sentence at the end.

As an employee under Lin Zhou, Xiaobai had a basic skill in understanding the habits of the big boss.

Hearing this, his expression didn't change at all. After the work report was finished, the topic naturally brought up the topic of setting up a stall this week.

"Don't worry, Boss Lin. I will take care of the farm so that you won't have to worry about the ingredients in the future. Just give me a call and the ingredients will be on hand."

Xiaobai is also young and full of energy.

Lin Zhou smiled and patted his shoulder.

"Hey, little guy, let's set up a stall at the farm gate this week and have a lively carnival barbecue week. You can eat as much as you want!"

Lin Zhou obviously also knows how much inspiration the delicious food he cooks has for his employees.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Xiaobai's eyes suddenly light up.

He looked at Lin Zhou with excitement.

"Boss, is it really...really?"

Can you really eat as much as you want?

Oh my god, he never dared to do this in his dreams. At most, he thought about queuing up to buy the delicious food cooked by Boss Lin.

"That's necessary. How can you run out of food on such a big farm? I don't believe it?"

Lin Zhou had his own understanding of the task.

At the end of summer, the carnival barbecue week, the word carnival is used. What if it is not crazy enough and joyful enough?

"Also call the employees of the building. Summer is coming to an end. Let's treat everyone to a good meal. At seven o'clock in the evening, I will set up a stall at the gate of the farm to have a barbecue."

This week's tasks have clear task descriptions, as well as task locations and time limits.

But there is no specific number of skewers sold, or the price.

Then Lin Zhou understood what it meant.

As long as the scene is close to the theme and meets the mission description, wouldn't it be enough to have a carnival barbecue week?

When Xiaobai heard that he had to call his colleagues in the building, his happiness suddenly dropped by 0.01.

"Boss, if I say they don't like barbecue, would you believe it?"

When Xiao Bai thought about the delicious food he missed out on when he was sent out, it was now his turn and he still had a piece of the pie from the people in the building.

Lin Zhou was holding a cup of tea and had just taken a sip. When he heard these words, he almost spit out a sip.

"Do you believe it?"

Lin Zhou coughed and laughed at the same time, and was immediately amused.

You kid, you are really not afraid of being beaten.

"Do not believe."

Xiaobai clutched his secretly heartbroken chest, shook his head sadly and said.

After that, he sighed and sent a message in the company group to inform everyone to come over for barbecue after get off work in the evening.

Not to mention how excited the building employees were.

Xiaobai knows that the people in the company are quite good.

After seeing that the boss didn't need him to follow, he went to greet the employees and slaughtered cattle, sheep, and pigs.

And all kinds of vegetables had to be arranged.

All the ingredients on the farm that could be used for barbecue were arranged!


On the other hand, the old customers in Jiangdong City were a bit tired of setting up stalls this Monday after Lin Zhou didn't come back to set up stalls for many consecutive times.

No one asked for leave to find Lin Zhou.

It was during lunch break and after work that people were organized to search Jiangdong in a carpet-style manner.

One benefit of Lin Zhou's popularity on the entire Internet was that everyone had more manpower.

Even during the break, the entire Jiangdong City, districts and streets were carpet-style searched, and the manpower was spread out.

There were also some big fans who directly jointly paid money and asked programmers to make a small program to find Boss Lin.

The small program showed the entire map of Jiangdong. Every registered person could register to find Boss Lin according to the regional division, and then the places found at each time and place could be marked on the map, and all users could see it.

There are as many fans of Boss Lin in Jiangdong as there are people looking for people.

With this small program, everyone's carpet search efficiency has become higher.

There will be no ineffective work and repeated search for the same place.

Basically, the whole Jiangdong city can be searched in the first two days of each week.

"Hey, where do you think Boss Lin will set up his stall this week?"

The man walked weakly on the street. He rested every Monday. Since he ate the delicious food made by Boss Lin, he basically spent every Monday rest day looking for Boss Lin.

(Hehe, secretly typing behind your back!)

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