With such a fragrant smell, they all felt it was a pity to clean it up.

I never thought braised duck was so delicious before.

I donโ€™t know how the boss braised the duck, but as soon as it was boiled, the aroma wafted everywhere in the villa.

"No wonder the recruitment requirement requires cooking skills. It turns out the boss likes to cook."


After they no longer needed help in the kitchen, the nannies gathered outside and chatted quietly.

They were selected from the housekeeping company early this morning.

At first, more people came, and they immediately did a general cleaning inside and outside the villa.

Then they were almost done, leaving some people behind, waiting for their employer to come over.

The rest were evacuated.

Everyone has just seen the employer, and this is the time to be curious about the owner.

"The boss is still very young."

"You can tell from the clothes and daily necessities arranged by the housekeeper that he is a young man, but he has no eyesight at all."

"Stop chatting and get to work."

When the housekeeper came out of the kitchen, he saw them chatting and came over immediately.

They have just come into contact with their employer. What if the employer is a rigorous person and sees them fishing while working and has a bad impression?

To be a servant for a wealthy family, you must do a good job on the outside.

It doesn't matter if you take it easy in private. When the boss is around, they must show their professionalism.

Several people immediately closed their mouths and lowered their heads to find work.

After Lin Zhou had marinated all the duck and vegetables, he turned off the heat and let the ingredients soak in the secret brine.

To be honest, Lin Zhou was also attracted by the fragrance.

Since being bound to the system, he has often been amazed by the food he made.

From a person who had no desire or pursuit for food to now loving eating and cooking, it is all due to the system.

I didnโ€™t expect that after reaching the full level of cooking skills, my understanding of ingredients and flavors would be so outrageous.

Any ingredient he gets his hands on can become delicious.

Itโ€™s also an awesome skill.

The key is that delicious food really brings happiness to people.

Especially when you are hungry, having a delicious meal will heal you in an incredible way.

After my appetite is satisfied, I lie there to eat and feel that the world is really beautiful.

Lin Zhou smelled the aroma of braised duck, walked to the deck chair in the yard, and lay down in the sun.

In the golden autumn of October, the sun is not as dazzling as in summer. Basking in the sun, blowing the breeze, and smelling the scent of osmanthus in the air make people feel comfortable.

Then Lin Zhou thought of the fish he had brought back and sat up from the recliner.

The servant standing guard immediately stepped forward and asked with concern: "Sir, is it the sun that dazzles my eyes?"

"No, you can kill and cut into pieces the fish I brought back. I will deal with it later."



Every new week is the busiest time for fans of Boss Lin.

It was okay before. Boss Lin only set up stalls in Jiangdong.

Since the stall was moved to another location, the fans' workload has increased.

Especially the old diners in Jiangdong, they have given up hope.

"Guess, Boss Lin will come back to set up a stall this week?"

"The probability is less than ten percent."

"Boss Lin has already traveled across three cities. I'm afraid he has already forgotten about Jiangdong Diners."

"Actually, there's no need to worry. Boss Lin is so popular right now. Unless he goes to a really rare place, otherwise he will be recognized. If we pay attention to online news, we may find him."

"It's useless to find him. It's too far away, I can't get along with him, and I don't have the money."

The poor migrant workers shed sad tears.

Since Lin Zhou changed cities, even if some people knew the location of the stall, they could only take a look. After all, just leaving requires time and money.

"It's the same for me. I can only look at the videos and photos posted by others and buy one to try. The taste is definitely incomparable to what Boss Lin makes."

"Don't worry, you're not the only one."

The country is so big, and Boss Lin still sets up stalls everywhere.

The location where tea eggs were sold last week refreshed everyone's understanding of where Lin Zhou sets up his stall.

Originally such a little-known town with no special place could still attract Boss Lin to set up a stall.

Moreover, the stall location is randomly on the shuttle bus to the town.

These fans who were not able to go to the scene to buy tea eggs watched the videos posted by past diners on the Internet, and they were greedy and laughing at the same time.

The location of Boss Lin's stall is not fixed, and no one knows which shuttle bus Boss Lin will appear on.

They went crazy looking for people one by one.

My legs are about to break.

There are also those who are running behind Dabao.

Dabao has always been a famous dog among Boss Lin's fans.

This video of leading a group of diners to look for Boss Lin after smelling the food is also very popular on the Internet.

The number of likes has exceeded one million.

Gao Jiazhi dares to say that he doesn't have as many fans as Dabao.

"It's been a day, and there's no news about Boss Lin online."

Gao Jiazhi worked at night and slept during the day. It was almost dark when he woke up. Seeing that there was no news about Boss Lin in the group, he was silently baffled.

Thanks to Dabao, Gao Jiazhi is quite well-known among Boss Linโ€™s fan base.

As soon as he bubbled up, members of the group immediately responded to him.

"No, everyone has been looking around. Some people have looked in various places in Jiangdong, but there is no news about Boss Lin."

"But don't worry, let the bullet fly for a while. Those who find Boss Lin will always be unable to keep their secrets."

Gao Jiazhi: "That makes sense."

After sending the message, Gao Jiazhi didn't rush to get up. He opened various social software and began to search for the latest news about Boss Lin.

This has become a daily routine for fans before they find Boss Lin every week.


At the same time, Lin Zhou had already arrived at a performance site on a tricycle.

Both sides of the street were very lively. Many people gathered before the performance began.

Compared to the old people who were already sitting in front of the stage waiting for the performance.

In front of the snack stalls here, there were young people.

There were young couples who lined up to buy snacks on a date.

There was a family of several people who bought some snacks together and watched the show later.

There were people coming and going.

It has been a long time since Lin Zhou set up a stall in such a lively place.

His appearance was well integrated into it.

He stopped at an open space and opened the sign with a small light. The four big words "Secret Duck Neck" immediately lit up.

Lin Zhou also put the braised ducks neatly in the glass cabinet and labeled them with the prices he had set in advance.

Foods like duck necks and duck feet are essential snacks for watching TV series.

As soon as Lin Zhou put out all kinds of ducks, a couple came over.

"Oh, there are duck necks. I've been looking for them for a long time and finally got them. How can I watch a show without duck necks!"

"Boss, give me a duck neck for twenty yuan."


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