Then the bus on the other side of the road came first, and Lin Zhou immediately took Xiao Wu to the other side of the road.

"The bus on this side has just left. Since the bus on the other side is coming, let's go to the other side first."

Lin Zhou changed his mind in a second while holding the tea egg.

Who would wait for the bus when it comes?

Xiao Wu listened to Lin Zhou in everything. The two of them got on the bus one after the other, and the diners who had not yet reached the station were all staring with wide eyes.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝘴𝘩𝘶.𝘯𝘦𝘵


Before they ran to the place, Boss Lin got on the bus in the opposite direction.

They were so close to Boss Lin, but they missed him twice, right under their noses!

At this moment, a group of diners deeply realized what it meant to be destined to be together.

So this is what it felt like.

They made all kinds of efforts, but in the end they could only watch Lin Zhou pass by them again.

"Boss Lin, don't go, wait for us~"

The distance was a bit far, Lin Zhou and Xiao Wu didn't hear it, and just followed the bus.

The diners who hadn't run to the front were desperate.

The time was just missed, the bus at the opposite stop arrived, and Boss Lin got on the bus.

If they had arrived a little earlier, they would have met him!

They have learned their lesson this time and will never let Boss Lin squeeze them down again.

"Why are you still standing there, chase him, maybe you can catch up, and watch Boss Lin slip away from us?"

"As the saying goes, things don't happen more than three times, this is the second time, there will definitely be no third time."

"Yes, yes, compared to those who have no news about Boss Lin, we have at least found Boss Lin, aren't we better than them?"

After saying this, the bored diners suddenly became passionate again, and ran to catch up with the bus where Lin Zhou was.

These diners, who came here this week, may not have done much else, but their daily running steps are definitely among the best in the circle of friends.

With them, it is difficult for Lin Zhou not to complete his task.

Without using the last day of the card, Lin Zhou completed his task on Saturday morning and was about to close the stall.

This made the embarrassed diners who finally caught up with him break their defense.

"Boss Lin! Are the tea eggs gone?"

"I cried out, and I really wanted to cry this time."

"Brothers must learn from the lesson. We originally met Boss Lin, but because we were too excited, Boss Lin squeezed us out of the car, and we missed the tea eggs."

"I couldn't run behind and lost him. I finally found him, but the tea eggs were gone again!"

"Oh my God, what a hard life we ​​have!"

"If God lets me go back to the past and gives me another chance, I will never let everyone squeeze out of the car for Boss Lin this time!"

Other diners who were originally unaware heard these people's crying, and the content revealed in just a few words was really too much.

The diners who heard it all widened their eyes.

"Good fellow, this is the first time I've met such a ruthless group of you. Who is a good person buying food and was squeezed out of the stall by the stall owner? You guys smashed the pot before you even had your meal!"

"What a sin!"

"Hahahahahaha, sorry, I couldn't help it!"

"Oh my god, Boss Lin, as the person involved, do you have anything to say?"

Lin Zhou was pulled by a group of diners, and he was helpless.

"I happened to be standing at the back door, there were too many people, there was no way..."

Lin Zhou smiled and helped the diners to save some face.

"Boss Lin, love us again, are you still selling today?"

The tea eggs in the morning are gone, but there were some in the afternoon before.

We can still look forward to it.

"No more, there was no sauce before I went out this morning."

Upon hearing this bad news, a group of diners cried even louder.

"Boss Lin, please don't. My child came here overnight, and he ran all morning but didn't get to eat a tea egg. Can you give me a taste of the remaining soup? It smells so good!"

The tea eggs were sold out, but there was still some stewed soup in the thermos.

The fragrance was in the bucket, and it was very strong.

Even though everyone was surrounding Boss Lin, their eyes couldn't help but fall on the stewed soup.

Without the tea eggs, the stewed soup was still fragrant.

The tea fragrance with the stewed smell was really attractive.

It was just around your nose, and it couldn't be shaken off.

The charm of the tea fragrance was special. The stewed smell was a blend of many spices and Chinese medicinal materials. The two fragrances blended together, it was hard not to attract people's attention.

Lin Zhou:......

This diners are really not picky!

"What do you want this stewed soup for?"

Lin Zhou was surrounded by a group of diners, and his thighs were hugged.

"You can use it to stew meat or pour it over rice. We definitely don't want to waste it."

"We were afraid that Boss Lin had nowhere to throw away the stew, so we thought of giving it to you to drink."

Lin Zhou helplessly held his forehead.

Today, he was afraid that he would not be able to leave unless the thermos bucket was completely emptied.

"Okay, okay, I'll pack it for you."

"Tomorrow, I'll sell the last batch of tea eggs tomorrow morning. It just so happens that tomorrow is the last day of Sunday."

Faced with so many hungry people and the diners who just came, even if the task was completed, Lin Zhou thought that the local eggs collected from his home had not been consumed yet, so he could sell them for another day.

After hearing the news that there would be tea eggs to eat tomorrow, the diners who had been pretending to cry for a long time got up and prepared to line up for the stewed soup.

If you don’t buy tea eggs, you can take some stewed soup back to mix with rice to satisfy your craving.

Lin Zhou cried to death.

These diners really didn’t let go of anything edible.

After the stewed soup was distributed, Lin Zhou could finally retreat.

The diners watched Lin Zhou riding away on the tricycle and dispersed.

When begging for food, everyone is an accomplice.

When fighting for food, everyone is an enemy.

This relationship is not suitable for close personal relationships, so as to avoid meeting Boss Lin and feeling guilty for not notifying him.


Lin Zhou submitted the task when he closed the stall.

When he got home, the task reward for this week had already arrived.

[Ding——Task reward: God-level driving skill]

Oh, it’s actually a skill.

It just so happens that his driving skills are not good, and he really needs this.

The sports car at home is almost a decoration.

Lin Zhou was very satisfied with this week's reward.

Tomorrow is the last day.

When the time comes, I will sell tea eggs in the morning, go fishing in the afternoon, and wait for the task to refresh before deciding the next arrangement.

Lin Zhou nodded with satisfaction with his arrangement.

Very good, just like that, it was decided happily.

Thinking of these two days, because of the arrival of these diners, the whole Linshui Town exudes new vitality.

There are more pedestrians on the road and people doing small businesses on the bus.

In addition to him selling tea eggs, there are also people selling milk and mineral water, and their business is pretty good.

No matter where you are, there are people who can do business.

His tea egg business is good, and some people see it and think about selling soy milk, milk, water drinks and other businesses.

Eating tea eggs alone is indeed a bit choking.

Lin Zhou didn't think there was anything wrong with it. It can boost the economy of the town, even if it allows these people to make more money for a short time, it is a good thing.


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