Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 287 My shoes, who stepped on my feet?

It's pointless to squeeze in this car.

Of course, before leaving, there are some important things that should be asked clearly.

"Boss Lin, are you still setting up the stall today?"

While packing tea eggs for the diners in line, Lin Zhou nodded and replied: "There are still at five or six in the evening."

"Then can those of us who have eaten in the morning still buy them?"

"Yes, there are plenty of tea eggs, don't worry, you can all eat them."

While talking, Dabao had already run up to him, and he jumped in front of Lin Zhou and lay down, which scared the diners in line.

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"Oh my god, where did the dog come from?"

"It must be Dabao, Dabao's dog has a very sharp nose, and he can always find the smell from a long distance."

"Can dogs get on the bus?"

The diners have such rules in the city.

In the countryside, it's really hard to say.

This time, Dabao got rid of everyone and arrived at the destination first. No one pulled it, so it got on the bus directly.

The driver who was also eating tea eggs while waiting for others waved his hand.

"It's okay, it's okay. There are chickens, ducks, geese, and everything else on the bus. It's okay as long as it doesn't bite people."

Oh my god, it smells so good.

The driver ate a tea egg in two bites and then took a sip of tea from the teacup.

The big brother who collected the ticket money also collected money from the new diners one by one.

Everyone lined up to buy tea eggs, which made it easier for the collectors to collect money one by one.

"Dabao... doesn't bite people... is very well behaved..."

Gao Jiazhi, who caught up, panted and said intermittently.

He was seen clinging to the door, talking for a long time, and looked like he was about to faint at any time, which made the diners in the queue watch the excitement.

With the comparison of Gao Jiazhi and others, it seems how lucky they are.

They did nothing but waited at the station. On the bus that came, Boss Lin was waiting for them with tea eggs.

Some of the diners who followed behind were even worse than Gao Jiazhi. As soon as they came, they clung to the door and fell to the ground.

People who didn't know thought something was wrong.

Only the big brother who rode the battery car was like nothing happened. He parked the car and got on the car directly to line up.

He didn't expect that none of these people thought of renting a battery car.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but suggest.

"I don't remember which street it was, but when I was looking for Boss Lin, I passed by a vegetable market, and there was a used car shop next to it. There were many electric cars at the door, and you could rent a car there."

Seeing the surprised look of a group of diners, Xiao Wu gave a detailed address.

These are all the boss's customers, and their arrival is also a good thing for Linshui Town.

With more people taking the bus, the number of buses has increased in the past two days.

And so many people coming here must stay and eat, go shopping, etc., which will also bring income to the town.

So Xiao Wu very enthusiastically told these diners where they can rent a car in the town.


Lin Zhou ran to several stations and sold more than 200 tea eggs.

Most of the tasks for this week have been completed.

There are still two pots of tea eggs to sell at five or six o'clock.

I'm afraid I can complete the task tomorrow.

Lin Zhou rode his tricycle back with a relaxed look.

By the way, he picked up Pan Yuan who was fishing all night and went back to his residence together.

This man is really obsessed with fishing, and he actually fished all night.

"Look at all the big fish I have here, more than ten. I don't want any small fish. Do you like fish? I'll give them to you."

Pan Yuan was carrying more than a dozen big fish, stringing them together and hanging them on his body. When he saw Lin Zhou, he showed them off proudly.

Lin Zhou:......

Since Lin Zhou met Pan Yuan, he has received all kinds of fish from him every now and then.

Now it's a headache to see fish.

"If you can't finish them, keep them first."

Lin Zhou sighed and cleaned up a room for Pan Yuan, fearing that he would die suddenly.

Then he looked at his residence and saw that there was no place to keep fish, so he killed them all.

The best way to deal with these fish is to make them into wine lees fish or smoked fish.

The fish treated in this way will shrink significantly, and then they can be put away. If they can't be eaten, they can be given away. It's a good way to deal with fish.

If he had known that Pan Yuan was so good at fishing, he wouldn't have posted it on WeChat Moments.

There were so many fish all of a sudden, and they couldn't be eaten. They couldn't be eaten at all.

After killing the fish, cut them into pieces and marinated them with salt, and then sent them to the balcony to dry.

The sun is not as strong as in summer, so it will take a day or two to dry.

Then Lin Zhou had nothing to do and didn't want to go fishing.

The house was full of the smell of fish.

He leaned on the sofa with headphones on and played games.


In the evening, Lin Zhou saw that Pan Yuan was still asleep, so he picked up the small tea eggs and put them on a plate for him to eat when he woke up, and packed the rest to do business.

This time, he went to a slightly farther station to sell them under the leadership of Xiao Wu.

Old diners have strong purchasing power. Several nearby stations sold out the tea eggs within a few buses.

Many places were not reached.

After running to different places several times, he sold two pots of tea eggs and called it a day.

The next day, more people came to Linshui Town on Saturday than yesterday.

It was the weekend, and many diners took the opportunity of the holiday and rushed to Linshui Town overnight.

As a result, all the hotels and accommodations in Linshui Town were directly full.

Linshui Town is really too small.

It is impossible to receive so many diners at once. Many people couldn't find a place to stay, so they brought their own tents or just stayed in the car for one night.

Seeing Lin Zhou's appearance, everyone was very excited.

"Ah ah ah, Boss Lin, I saw Boss Lin."

"Don't squeeze. I was here first. Let me get in the car first."

"Hurry up and get in the car!"

"No, who pushed me!"

"I smell the fragrance of tea eggs, Boss Lin, I want tea eggs!"

The diners waiting at the station saw Lin Zhou sitting on the shuttle bus. As soon as the door opened, they swarmed up.

Don't give in to anyone.

There are only so many seats in the car. With so many of them, it is still a question whether they can all squeeze in. Of course, they will not be modest.

More than twenty people got on the bus together, and the front door of the bus was almost squeezed.

The driver looked on and stretched out his hand to persuade, but he didn't know how to speak.

There were already passengers on the bus, and there were people standing in the open space.

Seeing the situation at the door of the car, I couldn't help but step back. The competition was too fierce.

"Oh my god, this is scarier than the subway during the morning rush hour at work. How can such a small bus fit so many people into it?"

"My bag, please stop squeezing it. My bag is squeezed in."

"My shoes, any of you stepped on my feet!"

Lin Zhou, who was originally standing next to the seat selling tea eggs, was in this crowded situation.

Protecting the tea eggs with difficulty.

Xiao Wu protected him, and the two of them were squeezed back step by step.

Until he was squeezed to the back door. Under the impact of the crowd, he was squeezed out of the car.

Lin Zhou got out of the car and stood on the side of the road with a confused look on his face, holding tea eggs. His hair was messed up, and his clothes were torn askew by someone who didn't know who. He was in a very embarrassed state.

Xiao Wu wasn't much better either.

The two looked at each other, looking at each other.


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