Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 285 The weather is pretty good today.

All the bus drivers in the town knew that there was a tea egg seller this week.

They had been informed in advance, so they were not surprised to see Lin Zhou selling tea eggs on the bus.

Not to mention that Xiao Wu was a good person, and he would give cigarettes to the drivers of any bus.

On the first day, he gave cigarettes to every driver.

Ten yuan for a tea egg, but the drivers had never been willing to spend money to buy one to try.

Now, watching two diners holding a tea egg in their hands like a treasure, eating it with a look of enjoyment, he also swallowed his saliva.

"Well, young man, give me two too."

Lin Zhou turned around and showed him the empty thermos bucket with an embarrassed smile.

"Sorry, master, it's sold out."

The driver:......

I finally made up my mind to splurge, but I didn't eat it.

"Then everyone sit down... ready to leave."

When the bus arrived at the stop where Lin Zhou and Xiao Wu parked their tricycles, Lin Zhou said hello to the diners and got off.

Then there was a bucket of tea eggs on the car.

"Hehe, I didn't expect I still had a bucket!"

Xiao Wu really didn't expect it.

When he arrived at Linzhou Community, Lin Zhou was already waiting at the entrance of the community on a tricycle.

The two chatted for a while and went directly to the station.

"The boss is still foresighted."

You should praise when you should, this is what a responsible lackey should do.

"Is the boss worried that there are too many fans, and if they are sold out at one time, the diners on other buses will not be able to eat?"

Lin Zhou glanced at Xiao Wu and shook his head calmly.

"No, it's all in one pot."

Xiao Wu:......

"Ahem, let's ride to another station."

Xiao Wu felt that he had flattered too much, lowered his head to find his electric donkey, got on it and sat down, pretending to be very busy.

"Let's go,"

Lin Zhou didn't care about Xiao Wu's psychological activities, followed him on the tricycle and followed him.


In a blink of an eye, diners who couldn't wait to buy tea eggs posted the news online.

After getting a wave of attention, a large number of netizens rushed to Linshui Town overnight.

The next day, early in the morning.

The diners who had slept all night and had not eaten breakfast were ready to go to various stations to wait for the shuttle bus and Boss Lin.

As a result, when they arrived at a station, they saw a dozen people gathered at the station and didn’t think anything was wrong. Yesterday afternoon, they met many people waiting for Boss Lin.

Anyway, there are many stations.

So they came to the first station, and saw that there were still a dozen people standing at the station, and felt something was wrong.

Why did this person look more than yesterday afternoon?

A group of people who didn’t believe in evil ran to several stations in a row, and there were people at each station.

They realized that Boss Lin’s location might be completely exposed.

Yesterday, only a resident in the town revealed a photo with Boss Lin, saying that Boss Lin set up a stall in Linshui Town.

Because Linshui Town is really remote, there are no local people on the Internet.

So many people are skeptical. Without the news on the scene, most people will not risk affecting their lives and chase after him without hesitation.

After all, we have to live, work, and go to school.

In addition to the diners who have no worries and are completely free, they came on the same day with the idea that they have nothing to do anyway, so they just run a trip.

The rest of the diners came overnight after confirming that Lin Zhou was really selling tea eggs in Linshui Town.

For example, the diners who still have to go to work have already calculated that Boss Lin must have set up a stall to sell tea eggs in the morning, and there is already Wang Ziming's proof.

Then they rushed over to eat tea eggs overnight, and they only need to take a day off, and they can come back to work.

No problem at all.

And today is Friday, and those who don’t work on Saturday and Sunday calculated that taking a day off today and coming overnight means that they can stay in Linshui Town for three days. Isn’t this exciting?

Eating tea eggs made by Boss Lin for three consecutive days, how can it be a good thing!

So one night passed.

All the stations in the town were occupied by fans.

Lin Zhou has been setting up a stall for so long, and the diners he has accumulated, plus the fans he attracted by the explosion on the Internet last week.

It was fully reflected at this moment.

Xiao Wu had received the news in advance.

When he arrived at Lin Zhou's house at seven o'clock, he opened the door and asked Lin Zhou how many tea eggs he had prepared.

"What's wrong?"

"There are a lot of people coming. I have come all the way here, and there are a lot of people gathered at each station."

"Two stainless steel iron bucket pots, there must be more than 200?"

Lin Zhou said, looking at the two iron bucket pots being heated in the kitchen.

"How about cooking two more pots before going out?"

Xiao Wu felt that it was not enough, and asked tentatively.

Lin Zhou thought it was okay.

So before going out, he cooked all the fresh eggs left at home and soaked them in brine, so that he could sell them in the evening.


At eight o'clock, Lin Zhou walked to a station casually, and before he stopped, he was discovered by the diners who had been waiting at the station.

When they saw Lin Zhou, they were like zombies entering the city, dancing excitedly and rushing towards Lin Zhou.

Xiao Wu was so scared that he quickly stood in front of Lin Zhou, fearing that these people would bump into Lin Zhou.

As a result, these people started lining up before they even got to Lin Zhou, which made Xiao Wu's actions seem redundant, and they all looked at him strangely.

Xiao Wu:......

The weather is pretty good today.

It was neither too hot nor too cold, and the sky was cloudless.

In late October, the temperature was getting cooler.

"It's still not selling now, I have to go to the car to sell it."

Lin Zhou was not surprised by this scene. He calmly parked the tricycle, carried the thermos bucket, and walked to the station.

The other diners followed Lin Zhou to the station after hearing this.

The old diners who were more familiar with Lin Zhou talked to him like a friend.

The more shy diners hid behind, staring at the tea eggs in Lin Zhou's arms.

"Boss Lin, how did you find such a small town? I took a car to come here overnight last night. It was so hard. It was hard to find a car."

"That's right. The accommodation conditions are average. I can't even find a hotel."

"I guess Boss Lin must have a map hanging at home, and then throw darts to go wherever they hit."

Lin Zhou, who was walking, heard this and paused, looking at the girl who was talking thoughtfully.

What a good excuse!

Why didn't he think of it!

Lin Zhou was surrounded by the crowd. When he stopped, the diners around him also stopped and looked at the girl who was talking.

Girl: ? ? ?

"Boss Lin, I guessed it right, didn't I?"

Lin Zhou was worried that every time he was asked why he set up a stall in a certain place, he would come up with a ready-made outrageous and reasonable excuse.

He smiled and looked at the girl who was talking and nodded.

It was equivalent to agreeing with the girl's guess.

Although the diners thought it was outrageous, they also felt that it was something that Boss Lin could do.

So the topic was over, and a group of people continued to walk to the station.


(10,000 words, finished! Tomorrow, continue, please urge for more + use love to generate electricity~)

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