Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 282 My dear, it’s up to you when we get to Linshui Town.

Gao Jiazhi drove his father's car to Linshui Town with Dabao.

Dogs should not be allowed to ride in cars, so he could only drive Dabao there himself.

While others were still struggling with whether to go or not.

He had already set off.

Even if the news was untrue, it would only waste a few hours, so what.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96π–˜π–π–š.π–“π–Šπ–™

If you look ahead and behind, you won't be able to eat hot tea eggs.

His intuition told him that the news should be true.

Didn't you see that Dabao was looking at the photos and his saliva was about to drip into his phone.

"Bao, it's up to you when we get to Linshui Town."

"We only know that Boss Lin is setting up a stall on the bus in Linshui Town. Which bus is it and whether you can eat it depends on your nose."

This is why Gao Jiazhi gave up the faster high-speed rail and drove off by himself.

He grew up in the city and didn't know what a rural bus was.

After seeing the news, I immediately searched online for what a rural shuttle bus is.

I thought it would operate in a similar way to a bus.

I didn't expect it to be the kind that stops at fixed stations and passengers get on and off at the stations to buy tickets.

There are many buses, and no one knows which station Boss Lin is at and which bus he will get on to sell.

So Gao Jiazhi took Dabao with him without hesitation.

After all, Dabao has a dog's nose and has rich experience in finding Boss Lin by his nose.

"Woof woof~"

Dabao probably knew that they were going to find Lin Zhou, so he sat in the back seat, with a calm face and his tail wagging.

He also responded to Gao Jiazhi from time to time.

It's rare for a man and a dog to have such a harmonious time.


On the other hand, Lin Zhou's business was so good that he sold out a box of tea eggs in a thermos box in just a few buses in the morning.

Then he went home to stew another pot and prepared to sell it again in the evening.

With more repeat customers and customers brought by repeat customers, business suddenly improved.

During this period, he also met up with Pan Yuan and went fishing for a few hours.

When he went to sell the tea eggs that he had braised for a day in the evening.

Some old customers had already searched for him on the streets of the town for a long time.

"By the way, I have taken several buses on this bus, and I am not sure at all what time and from which station Boss Lin will get on the bus. How can I find him?"

A few young people gathered near a platform and began to discuss their gains.

"You didn't ask the driver? The drivers who run the same line should know, right? They run back and forth every day. Boss Lin wants to get on the bus to sell tea eggs. They should be the ones who know best."

The young man who was asked was entangled: "I dare not!"

Others: ? ? ?

"What do you mean?"

"It means that they get off the bus by shouting. If you don't shout in advance where to get off, the driver will leave directly at the stop. Then shout on the bus, I can't shout, it's too embarrassing."

Then he waited silently until a passenger wanted to get off and shouted to stop the bus, and then he got off behind that person.

Speaking of this, several people have had this experience.

"Indeed, I saw that when passengers got off the bus, they all used the local dialect and shouted, and then the driver pulled over at the stop."

"It seems to be like this. I don't know if their shuttle bus has a departure time. At some stops, the driver will wait a few minutes before the bus leaves."

"My shuttle bus also encountered vendors selling melon seeds and drinks. They got on the bus at the stop, got off after sitting for one stop, and I don't know if Boss Lin is the same."

"I followed several buses in the afternoon and didn't meet Boss Lin. I don't know what time Boss Lin sells."

"The main thing is that I asked, and then I couldn't understand what they said, so it was very embarrassing."

Several young people took such a bus for the first time. They didn't understand it at all. They stood awkwardly at the stop, looking at each other, looking at each other, with a look of difficulty.

"See if anyone else has found Boss Lin online. When I was on the bus before, I saw a man with a dog waiting for the bus at various stops."

"Dogs can't get on the bus, right?"

"No, so they can only wait at the stops."


Dogs can't get on the bus, so Gao Jiazhi can only wait at the stop with Dabao. When a bus stops, he takes a look. If he doesn't see Boss Lin, he moves to the next stop and continues to wait.

And he told Dabao to chase him if he smells the scent.

He searched for an entire afternoon without seeing Boss Lin, so he opened the diners group to see if there was any news in the group.

There was no news in the group, and everyone was guessing that the news was fake.

More and more people came to Linshui Town, but no one had found where Boss Lin was setting up his stall.

So they all went to Wang Ziming's account to ask.

Wang Ziming didn't know either.

He replied that he bought the tea eggs in the morning, but he didn't know which bus he was on. He met him randomly while riding the bus.

In addition to being envied by fans at the beginning, Wang Ziming was already annoyed by netizens asking questions non-stop.

"Wife, how about I delete this video? Those people keep asking me, how can I know!"

The wife was very happy to see the growing number of likes and comments on his video.

"Are you stupid? GG has found you, and you can make a fortune by posting a link in the comments. You don't want the money that is delivered to your door?"

Wang Ziming:......

"Forget it, you do it, I'm going to deliver the goods."

Wang Ziming directly logged into Douyin on the computer in the store, and let his wife do it. He rode his tricycle to deliver goods.

I sent my father back to the village today, and some work was piled up there.

"Go, go~"


There were so many strangers in the town suddenly, and they were all young people. It was completely different from the previous scenes in the town. Xiao Wu also noticed it.

His first reaction was that the boss's fans came.

These days, he also understood Lin Zhou's situation very thoroughly, and knew that the boss had a lot of fans.

It was normal for someone to find him now.

He searched the Internet for information, and sure enough, he saw the photo posted by Wang Ziming. After he knew what was going on.

When he came to pick up Lin Zhou, he mentioned this to Lin Zhou.

"Boss, your fans seem to have come. There were many more strange young people in the town in the afternoon. They basically looked for people at various stations in the town."

Lin Zhou immediately thought of the photo he took with the son of the old man who called the police in the morning.

But if he was found, he was found.

He didn't even wear a mask when he was setting up a stall this week. He didn't even want to hide. It's not normal to be discovered.

"It's okay, we can just set up the stall as usual."

Lin Zhou was not surprised by this, but he had to stew more tea eggs tomorrow.

If there is less stew, there won't be enough for those old diners.

"By the way, collect more local eggs tomorrow, otherwise there won't be enough to sell."

Xiao Wu understood.

After the matter was said, the two went to the nearest station one after the other to wait for the bus.


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