This is a bit overwhelming!

Wang Ziming was still hiccupping. When he heard his father's words, he almost choked and rolled his eyes.

Wang Fugui continued to dip the bitten tea egg into some soup, tasted it slowly, and sipped the tea in small bites. He didn't feel choked, but the more he ate, the more delicious it became.

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Wang Ziming drank several times of water before he felt like he was alive again.

When he came to his senses, he didn't think ten yuan a tea egg was expensive.

The taste is indeed many times better than ordinary tea eggs.

Itโ€™s rare that such high-quality tea eggs are sold in rural areas.

He followed his father's example and made a cup of tea, slowly eating tea eggs and drinking tea.

Comparing the aromas of the two teas, you can really tell the difference at once.

Wang Ziming suddenly became curious about the tea egg seller.

"Bought on the shuttle?"

"Yes, he is a young man. He makes really good tea eggs. As an old man, I am also extravagant. I bought such an expensive tea egg to try. It is not a waste of money."

In front of the absolutely delicious food, Wang Ziming could not say anything against it.

The tea eggs cost ten yuan each. They are so delicious, so they should be more expensive.

At this price in rural areas, it might be even more expensive in big cities.

Delicious food is popular everywhere. No matter how expensive it is, there are always people who will pay for it.

After all, food is the most important thing for people.

After the father and son ate a few tea eggs, they packed the remaining six and went to the store together.

The whole family is full of praise for the taste of tea eggs.

When Wang Fugui mentioned that he wanted to go back, Wang Ziming pulled him to stay overnight, saying that he would take the shuttle bus back tomorrow and buy some tea eggs to eat.

The tea egg soup was not saved until the evening. When the family ate at noon, they ate tea egg rice bowl, poured it directly on the rice, and ate it by the way.

If you want to eat, you can only buy more.

Wang Fugui stayed at his son's house for one night.

The next day, accompanied by my son, I got on the bus back to the village.

Along the way, Wang Ziming had to ask for tea eggs at every stop, which made Wang Fugui feel irritable.

"I told you, I bought it on the shuttle bus in town. It's still in the city now. Where did the tea eggs come from?"

Wang Fugui's tone gradually became irritable.

The prince clearly saw that his old father was annoyed, so he sneered and closed his mouth.

But he still couldn't stop looking out the window.

He only ate two of the tea eggs yesterday and left the rest for his wife and children to eat. He was not satisfied at all.

He didn't even sleep well last night, so he got up early in the morning and asked his wife to go see the store while he sent his old father back.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see what the intention is.

Finally arriving in the town, looking at the familiar street scene, Wang Ziming's heart was excited, his hands were trembling, and his eyes were looking around for the tea eggs.

Wang Fugui didn't even look at it.

I can't recall that he behaved like this when he was in the car yesterday.


Today was already Thursday. Lin Zhou saw that he had only completed a small amount of the task, and he was not panic at all. It was only Thursday, and it was still a week away.

It was rare for him to have such leisurely time, and he wanted to experience it for two more days.

The slow life in a small town is really comfortable.

He also bought a new set of fishing equipment and went fishing in the town's lake.

No wonder Linshui Town is called Linshui Town. The water source is very good and there are so many fish.

He caught a big fish last night and sent a message to WeChat. Pan Yuan replied in seconds and asked where he caught it.

Lin Zhou sent Pan Yuan a location sharing message.

The other party's reply will come soon.

Based on his understanding of Pan Yuan.

If he said he was setting up a stall in Linshui Town, the other party might not come over immediately, but if he said there was a big fish, he would definitely buy a ticket and come over overnight.

I guess if he goes fishing at night, he will be able to see Pan Yuan by the lake.

Pan Yuan is indeed a senior fisherman.

Ever since Lin Zhou had the skill to hit every target, every time they went fishing together, Pan Yuan felt that his skills were being compared, so he became more obsessed with fishing and honed his skills.

I often canโ€™t find anyone, so I go fishing in places where mobile phones may not have signal.

Early in the morning, Lin Zhou rode a tricycle and followed Xiao Wu's battery car to the station as usual.

After parking the car at a certain place, I stood at the stop holding the thermos bucket and waited for the shuttle bus to arrive.

Wang Fugui took the shuttle bus from the county seat to the town today.

After getting off the bus in town, we got on the shuttle bus back to the village.

Different time, different stop, coincidentally, they actually met Lin Zhou waiting for the bus at the stop.

"It really does!"

Wang Ziming had just told his father that the last time he took the bus was not this bus and he was afraid that he would not be able to buy tea eggs. He was about to take his old father off the bus and get on the bus again, when he saw his father facing two young people standing on the platform. Waving his hands excitedly.

"I just said don't worry, maybe you can encounter them. If someone sells food on the shuttle bus, they won't just sell it to one car. You may encounter them in every car."

After Wang Fugui finished speaking, he saw his son looking blankly at the young man selling tea eggs, motionless for a long time, and gave him a strange push.

"The tea egg seller is here, go and buy some."

After being pushed, Wang Ziming regained consciousness and asked his father to wait.

He took out his phone and took a photo of Lin Zhou, then found the western-style suona video he liked before. After comparing the two carefully, he looked at Lin Zhou holding a tea egg and selling it along the table, and hesitantly asked: "Suona brother?"

Early in the morning, Lin Zhou's good mood was slightly overshadowed by the call of Suona brother.

The gentle smile on his lips froze a little.

He looked at Wang Ziming.

And the phone he didn't have time to put away, on which was a photo of him playing suona last week.

"Can you call me Boss Lin? Thank you."

Lin Zhou didn't dare to imagine the scene in the future when a diner recognized him and called him Suona brother.

The picture was too beautiful, he didn't dare to look at it.

"Ah, sorry, sorry, Boss Lin, it's really you!"

I want to ask, who likes to surf the Internet, who didn't see a video of western-style suona last week.

Some people may not know Lin Zhou in the picture, but they have seen it more or less.

If they are not interested, they will just scroll away.

When Wang Ziming saw the video, he was still thinking, there are so many rich people, and so many people eat a steak worth 3,000 yuan.

Now, he was a little flattered to know that such delicious tea eggs were sold by Boss Lin.

What kind of class is he, he actually ate a ten-yuan tea egg made by Boss Lin who sells 3,000-yuan steak.

The price difference between the two was so big that he didn't dare to think about it for a while.

"It's me."

Lin Zhou looked at Wang Ziming's excitement and nodded with a smile.

I didn't expect to meet someone who knew him in such a remote and backward town.

Wang Fugui looked at his son's startled look and what he said, and he was confused.

What are you doing, why don't you buy tea eggs!


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