I saw a shuttle bus coming from a distance.

Xiao Wu and Lin Zhou both took a few steps forward, and the people in the car also noticed the two people standing in front of the station.

When Wang Fugui saw the familiar figure, he happily slapped his thigh and jumped up.

Luo Yougen, who was looking at the old man in his seventies, was so scared that he quickly helped him.

"My dear, what are you doing? The car has not stopped yet, but you stand up and jump. You are not afraid of falling."

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His excited look attracted the attention of all the passengers in the car.

Despite Luo Yougen's age, he still felt his face burning.

They have lived to such a long time, why are they so startled and not calm? How will others see it?

"The young man selling tea eggs is waiting. Master, come over quickly."

Why does Uncle Ding need Uncle Wang to speak?

As early as the intersection, I noticed that the two people at the stop looked like the young man who came to sell tea eggs yesterday.

With the joy of being able to eat tea eggs soon, Uncle Ding drove directly to Lin Zhou Xiaowu and slowly opened the door.

With so many years of driving experience, Lin Zhou and Xiao Wu didn't need to walk any further to get to the parking spot. They could just lift their feet and get on the bus.

That was so considerate. Uncle Ding, who had parked the car, looked at Lin Zhou expectantly.

Lin Zhou glanced at the open position of the car door and was a little flattered.

In such a small town, there are few young people, and most of them are middle-aged and elderly people. The elderly people can’t even use smart phones.

If a celebrity appeared in front of them, no one might recognize him, let alone Lin Zhou.

No one recognizes him when he goes out without wearing a mask.

Even though some young people have seen him online, he basically wore a mask when setting up a stall before.

Unless someone you met online appears in real life, it is hard to imagine that the person selling tea eggs on the shuttle bus in such a small town is the boss Lin who became popular on the Internet last week.

There is a big gap between Boss Lin, who wears suits and leather shoes, and Boss Lin, who dresses simply, low-key and casually in the small town.

Therefore, it was rare for Lin Zhou to set up a stall so relaxedly.

As soon as he got in the car, Uncle Ding took out fifty yuan and handed it over.

"Young man, bring me five tea eggs."

He didn't enjoy it yesterday, so Uncle Ding specially prepared fifty yuan today and put it in his pocket so that he could eat it immediately when Lin came over on Monday.

Uncle Luo, who was silently paying attention to Lin Zhou, looked at this scene, his squinted eyes widened in surprise.


Fifty yuan to buy five tea eggs?

Wasn't his old friend the only one who was deceived?

No, this driver seems to be quite smart.

Luo Yougen touched his head in confusion.

Wang Fugui, who was sitting in the back, couldn't wait any longer.

Before Lin Zhou could walk into the carriage, he got up in advance, skipped Luo Yougen, and went straight to the door in front of the car where Lin Zhou was.

"Young man, give me two too."

Lin Zhou was delighted that there was business as soon as he got in the car. He happily opened the incubator, and the rich and fragrant scent of tea and eggs immediately spread in the car.

The passengers who were extremely curious about tea eggs smelled the fragrance, and they all stretched their heads and looked at Lin Zhou in surprise.

"How come these tea eggs are sold? They are quite fragrant."

Originally, the car was filled with the smell of gasoline, breakfast, livestock excrement and other smells.

Until the scent of tea eggs, with an absolute victory, suppressed all the odors, leaving only this scent in front of the noses of the passengers in the car, attracting everyone's attention for a while.

Lin Zhou took out a plastic bag, packed the five tea eggs that the driver asked for, and handed them over, handing over the money with one hand and the tea eggs with the other.

After completing the transaction, he was about to answer the questions of the passengers in the carriage. Uncle Wang, who was waiting aside, had already answered them for him.

"Ten dollars each."

Wang Fugui's loud voice hit the hearts of passengers who wanted to buy tea eggs and try them.

In fact, in the early morning, I met a tea egg seller on the shuttle bus, and anyone who hadn’t had breakfast wanted to buy two to fill their stomachs.

Tea eggs are not very expensive.

The passenger did not expect that this rare initiative would be met with deep silence.

What kind of tea eggs are ten yuan each?

Who can afford this!

No, there are people who can afford it, and the driver and master have already eaten!

Everyone looked silent.

Without Lin Zhou opening his mouth, Uncle Wang was so excited that he enthusiastically told everyone how delicious a tea egg was for ten yuan.

"Damn it, you don't know. I was shocked when I heard the price yesterday. I thought I had encountered a scammer, so I called the police and called two policemen. But that's what you guessed!"

Uncle Wang speaks like a storyteller, with not only ups and downs of tone and emotions, but also expressions and movements.

People in the car looked at him in shock.

"Then what?"

The first sentence attracted the attention of all the passengers in the car, who eagerly looked at Uncle Wang waiting for the follow-up.

Lin Zhou, who was standing aside and had already packed two tea eggs, didn't do it if he extended his hand or not.

I looked at the uncle awkwardly as he recounted what happened yesterday.

Luo Yougen had already heard the same words yesterday.

At this moment, the focus was instead on Lin Zhou.

Seeing the tea eggs in his hand, I curiously bought one.

Although Wang Fugui said it was delicious.

But he felt that Wang Fugui was deceived.

He would have to taste it himself to find out.

Ten yuan a piece is too expensive. He bought vegetables all morning and only earned a dozen yuan.

They took the vegetables they grew at home to the town to sell if they couldn't finish them, which was just to earn some hard work fees. Otherwise, they would feel bad if they couldn't finish them and saw them wasted.

They couldn't make much money by selling these vegetables.

The hard work fees for one morning were not enough to buy two tea eggs, which made Luo Yougen feel very distressed.

Hearing the words of the old friend's strong promotion, Luo Yougen took the tea egg and took a bite after peeling the shell.

"It tastes good!"

When people get old, their teeth are not good. Luo Yougen usually eats all kinds of stews, which are soft and light.

It's rare to eat something so delicious.

You can feel the fragrance of the tea egg as soon as you put it in your mouth. It is the aroma of the brine mixed with various spices and Chinese medicinal materials. It is very fragrant and can make people full of appetite. When you put it in your mouth, you can imagine how mellow it is.

Then the light fragrance of tea leaves makes the overall taste of tea eggs rise to a higher level, adding a hint of light tea fragrance.

The egg itself has a strong taste. You can see that it is a local egg. The egg is golden yellow, and every sip has a strong egg fragrance.

Luo Yougen ate without making a sound.

He has bad teeth, so he eats slowly and sips slowly in his mouth.

On the contrary, he can feel the taste of tea eggs more.

He ate with satisfaction.

Wang Fugui excitedly told the whole process of calling the police yesterday, and when he turned around, he saw Luo Yougen sitting there with his eyes squinting and eating deliciously.

Wang Fugui: ? ? ?

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