Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 273: Lin Zhou is a professional in eating.

Lin Zhou looked up at the passenger by the window following the voice and walked up to him.

"Hello, tea eggs are ten yuan each."

Feng Heng, who was originally dazed, heard this and his eyes widened.

"What? I didn't hear it clearly."

Lin Zhou was not surprised to hear this and opened the thermos in his arms.

The rich aroma of tea eggs spread in the carriage.

Feng Heng hadn't said anything yet.

A child at the back of the parking space stood up first and looked at the tea eggs in the thermos eagerly.

"Ah, it smells so good, grandma, grandma, I want to eat it."

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The passengers in the carriage smelled the fragrance of tea eggs.

The child's grandmother also smelled it.

Looking at the granddaughter who was clamoring for tea eggs, she took a breath of cold air.

"Good boy, let's go home and let grandma make you tea eggs, okay? This tea egg is too expensive, and we have eggs ready at home."

"No, no, this tea egg smells so good, I'm hungry, grandma."

Faced with her granddaughter pulling her sleeves and acting like a spoiled child, grandma had no choice. Although she thought ten yuan for a tea egg was expensive, she had no choice when the child wanted to eat it outside.

"Well, young man, ten yuan for one is too expensive, can it be cheaper?"

Lin Zhou had a gentle and kind smile on his face, and shook his head apologetically at the grandma.

"Then give me one." Although grandma felt it was expensive and felt sorry for the price, she could do nothing about the attack of her granddaughter's big eyes.

It's just a tea egg. When you're out and about, the child wants to eat it, and you can't just not buy it for him.


Lin Zhou happily responded, then took out a plastic bag, packed a tea egg and handed it to the little girl who was looking at him eagerly.

The aroma of the tea egg was indeed strong. As soon as the lid was opened, it crushed all the smells in the car.

Only the aroma of tea stew was left.

It is not accurate to describe it as stewed aroma. It should be the smell of five spices, some big spices, bay leaves, Chinese herbs, mixed with the refreshing aroma of tea, which is really amazing.

The whole tea egg was soaked in the strong tea stew and dyed into a bronze color, which was beautiful and tempting.

When Lin Zhou was scooping the tea eggs, he also scooped a little soup into the bag to keep the tea eggs moist.

Smelling this fragrance, the little girl's grandmother also felt that the money was not spent unfairly. At least this tea egg smelled really fragrant.

Didn't they see that they bought one, and everyone in the car looked over.

Feng Heng sat there in a daze.

It was obviously him who asked for the tea egg first, and he didn't say no, so he asked hesitantly, how come someone got it first?

"Well, a tea egg for ten yuan, I want to see if it's a golden egg or a dragon egg, give me one to try."

Feng Heng was awakened by the aroma, and his stomach was growling with greed.

"If it doesn't taste good, I won't pay."

Feng Heng looked at the tea egg in Lin Zhou's hand curiously, and couldn't help sniffing.

It smells so good!

I hope the taste can be as outstanding as its fragrance and price.

Looking at Feng Heng's greed and talking nonsense, Lin Zhou suppressed his smile and packed another one for him.

"Tea eggs may be a little dry when eaten alone, so I put more soup in your bag. When you eat, you feel a little choked, you can dip it in the soup, and it will taste better."

Lin Zhou is a professional when it comes to eating.

The stewed soup of his tea eggs is fragrant and sweet, with all kinds of fragrance and saltiness just right, not choking at all, and it is very delicious no matter what you dip it in.

Hearing his suggestion, Feng Heng thought it was very considerate.

Tea eggs are expensive, but the service is good.

Feng Heng took the tea egg and peeled it directly.

The tea egg, which is fully flavored, is very easy to peel. Once you peel a hole, even the bunch of eggs will fall off.

The ceramic-like cracks inside are immediately exposed, which is as beautiful as a work of art.

The rich and fresh fragrance surrounds the tip of the nose, and Feng Heng has no way to appreciate it at all, so he bites it directly.

The smooth and tender white egg white is surprisingly tender in the mouth, and the fragrance that seems to be real suddenly becomes concrete, so that you can really feel what is the combination of color, fragrance and taste.

In front of you is the beautiful appearance of the tea egg. On the surface of the white egg white, there are cracks that are scattered and reorganized together. These cracks of different colors are the best proof that the tea egg is flavored.

When you chew to the texture part, you can clearly feel that the fragrance is more intense, the salty and fresh taste is more sufficient, and the tea fragrance is also more intense.

Feng Heng widened his eyes in surprise and chewed the tea egg in his mouth carefully.

Fragrant, really fragrant!

This is the fragrance that emanates from the inside out.

The taste is tender and smooth egg white, plus the dense and mellow egg yolk. Maybe it is because it has been soaked in brine, this tea egg is not choking when eaten.

Feng Heng was very shocked. He has eaten boiled eggs, tea eggs, and stewed eggs for so many years, but he has never eaten an egg yolk that is not choking.

"Oh my god, it's delicious, give me four more."

Feng Heng took out a fifty-dollar bill from his pocket and handed it to Lin Zhou, very generous.

The little granddaughter on the side also finished a tea egg, looked at Lin Zhou eagerly, licked her lips and looked at her grandmother.

This look clearly shows that she has not eaten enough.

"Is it delicious?"

Grandma took out a napkin from her bag, wiped her granddaughter's mouth, and asked with a smile.

The granddaughter nodded without hesitation.

"It's delicious, grandma, I want more."

Children have always been unable to resist delicious food, and now they are almost drooling at the tea egg in Lin Zhou's hand.

"Okay, if you like it, let's buy another one."

Grandma was reluctant to spend it on herself, but she was willing to spend it on her granddaughter.

She carefully took out a ten-yuan bill from her pocket and handed it to Lin Zhou.

Compared with big cities, Linshui Town is full of mobile payment, but many people still like to pay in cash.

Lin Zhou didn't know much when he first arrived, so Xiao Wu brought a wallet of change when he came here in the morning.

This is just right for use now.

But he didn't expect Lin Zhou to sell it directly for ten yuan each, and he didn't even need to give change.

"Well, is this tea egg really so delicious?"

The other passengers on the side were so surprised when they saw this scene.

Do they not live in a small town?

Why, when these people heard that the tea egg cost ten yuan, they actually paid for it without hesitation.

"It's delicious!"

Feng Heng finished three tea eggs in one breath.

Eat it the way Lin Zhou did, bite off half of it in one bite, and then chew it slowly in the mouth to feel the deliciousness.

Dip the remaining half of the tea egg in the soup in the bag and eat it.

The egg yolk can absorb juice very well. After absorbing the soup, the fragrance becomes more intense, and it also has a moist taste. It will not choke you when you eat it in your mouth, and it is very sweet.

It's really amazing!


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