Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 261 I say! Is my friend's bragging really that awesome? !

How can you say that steak is tasty without suona?

As Lin Zhou's suona started playing, the diners around him were enjoying the food.

As the steaks were cut elegantly by the diners sitting on the curb, they used their knives and forks.

The air was filled with the aroma of steak.

At this moment, some diners were shaking their red wine glasses.

In a flash, savor it carefully.

The boss of the cooperative company saw that others were doing this, so he also raised his red wine glass.

He couldn't help but chuckle.

"To be honest, this is the first time I eat like this on the curb!"

Zhang Mingyuan also nodded in agreement.

Not to mention the boss of this cooperative company.

It's not the first time for him.

Not only that.

When you hear the sound of suona, it may have other meanings.

But if you appreciate it from the perspective of music alone.

"Boss Lin is really good at playing the suona!"

Zhang Mingyuan didn't expect that Lin Zhou's cooking was so delicious and he could play the suona so well.

This might be the case with excellent people, who are excellent at everything.

When thinking about this, Zhang Mingyuan couldn't help but stare at Lin Zhou with a smile on his face.

Lin Zhou turned his head and met Zhang Mingyuan's eyes.

Zhang Mingyuan nodded at Lin Zhou with a smile.

He also raised the red wine glass in his hand high.

It looked like he was inviting him to drink.

Seeing this, how could Lin Zhou not be polite.

Although the suona in his mouth didn't stop.

But his footsteps were approaching Zhang Mingyuan.

Speaking of which, Lin Zhou still had some apologies.

Friends came to support him.

As a result, there were too many diners, and he couldn't play for them individually.

This was indeed a small regret.

Lin Zhou could only walk a little closer.

It was considered to set off the host and guest.

So that Zhang Mingyuan can hear more clearly.

If this suona music is worth 100 yuan, then Zhang Mingyuan should be given 50 yuan to listen to.

Lin Zhou gradually approached.

Zhang Mingyuan didn't feel anything strange at first.

But as Lin Zhou got closer and closer.

The sound of the suona gradually became louder in his ears.

Zhang Mingyuan seemed a little uncomfortable.

This feeling was like having a big feast in the countryside.

The suona was playing on one side, and everyone was eating on the other side.

This was nothing.

But when the suona player stood in front of your table and played, it made people feel a little uncomfortable.

In addition, the sound of the suona was originally high-pitched...

Zhang Mingyuan saw the partner's eyes looking at him.

There was obviously a question of different treatment in his eyes.

He smiled embarrassedly and said.

"Friend, friend!"

The partner nodded indifferently.

While he was saying this.

Lin Zhou was already standing next to their table.

Now, not only was the sound of the suona right next to my ears.

Even the eyes of other people around me were looking over.

Originally, the two of them were quite calm, but when Lin Zhou stood in front of them.

This inevitably became the focus of the whole audience.

Even though the two of them were calm at the beginning, at this moment, they couldn't help but feel that their faces were gradually getting a little hot.

Fortunately, Zhang Mingyuan was still able to hold on.

He looked up at Lin Zhou and managed to force a smile.

Then he looked at his partner and said.

"My friend plays the suona well, right? I tell you, I have attended many funerals before, but none of them were like this..."

Zhang Mingyuan hadn't finished speaking yet.

The partner in front of him.

"Ah? What did you say?"

The sound of the suona was a little too sharp, causing the partner to not hear Zhang Mingyuan's words clearly.

Zhang Mingyuan was startled.

The next moment he spoke loudly.

"I say! Is my friend's boasting awesome or not!!"

The partner heard Zhang Mingyuan's words clearly this time.

He responded.

"Awesome! Awesome!"

He said it with his mouth, but the partner glanced at Lin Zhou who was boasting excitedly.

He couldn't help but lower his head a little.

He had to admit that the stall owner was good at boasting.

He was just a little too close...

Originally, the boss was quite casual.

But at this time, he seemed a little restrained.

If Lin Zhou had been standing here, this place would have been the focus.

Originally, everyone's attention was on Lin Zhou.

But after a long time, Zhang Mingyuan and his group still attracted attention.

Compared with other diners.

Their table was really well equipped.

First of all, the outfit matched the steak cart very well. They all wore suits and leather shoes, and carried briefcases. The assistants also carried tablets with work records.

If they were not at a roadside stall, passers-by would have thought they saw the CEO talking about business on TV.

He looked like a successful businessman.

When eating, others were standing or sitting on the curb.

Wow, they brought their own dining table.

When Zhang Mingyuan's assistant took out the folding table and chairs from the suitcase, more than one person was dumbfounded.

After having tables and chairs, their dining environment is that the two CEOs sit face to face on a small stool, with steak and red wine on the table, and two assistants standing behind them waiting, which is very cool.

After Lin Zhou joined in wearing a suit and playing suona, the configuration was even higher.

This is equivalent to a steak worth 100 yuan, and the two of them accounted for 99%.

This led to the crowd around.

"Don't say it, it really has that flavor."

"Hahahaha, which CEO is here to discuss business!"

"If you have an idea, come to the roadside stall to discuss business."

At first, everyone just joked a few words.

But in a flash, someone said.

"Why do I feel that the boss with a round face looks a little familiar?"

"I think so too!"

"Is it the boss of Huda Real Estate on the roadside? The photo on the GG sign I saw is this person."

"I searched it, it seems to be true, you guys have a look."

This is recognized by someone.

Even if the voices of the people around are not clear, the pointing behavior makes people see it very clearly!

Seeing the reaction of the people around him.

The CEO of Huda Real Estate couldn't help but hesitate.

He is a CEO after all.

He was able to remain calm while eating a steak on the roadside, but with a group of people around pointing and talking...

"Oh my god, it's CEO Hu!"

"CEO Hu is also eating steak on the roadside!"

"I was wondering why Boss Lin was so close to brag, it turns out that CEO Hu came to show his support!"

"CEO Hu, CEO Hu, are you still hiring at Huda Real Estate?"

CEO Hu's face turned redder and he looked around in an instant, and couldn't help but smile.

In an instant, he turned his head.

His head lowered even lower.

At this time, flash lights around him lit up one after another.

Along with the flash lights, CEO Hu, who was already looking down, was about to bury his head on the plate.

CEO Hu was like this.

Zhang Mingyuan was not much better.

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