Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 253: To be on the hot search, you have to spend money to buy a hot search!

"Be on the hot search, you don't have to spend money to buy a hot search!"

The two friends forwarded this video to Moments as soon as they saw it.

I bought the video a hot search on my backhand.

He can't laugh at such a good thing alone.

Then he went to Yang Heng and Shen Chengyue to inquire about the news.

He not only watched one video, but also viewed several videos of the scene at various times and angles.

He was laughing so hard that he almost lost his breath.

From the very beginning, Shen Chengyue was the only one standing awkwardly in the middle of the crowd, holding a steak and having nowhere to hide amid the sound of the suona.

Then there was the scene of Shen Chengyue embarrassingly eating the entire steak in one bite.


Then when Yang Heng was pulled into the scene by Shen Chengyue, there was another victim.

Yang Heng's wretched look, which means he doesn't dare to meet people and keeps his face buried the whole time, can be recognized by those who are familiar with him at a glance.

"Brother Yang, Brother Yue, what's going on with you, are you experiencing life?"

In Shen Chengyue's circle, the people who play are the second generation of some wealthy families of the same age in Koucheng, and all of them are masters who don't take things too seriously.

Seeing such great fun, there is no reason not to laugh at it.

This opportunity doesn't come around all the time.

So before Shen Chengyue and Yang Heng could escape from the scene, the story of them eating steak, drinking red wine and listening to suona on the roadside became a hot topic.

Their cellphones were also being flooded with calls from people they knew.

Only then did Shen Chengyue come back to his senses from the delicious steak. He saw a series of messages from his friends and clicked in one by one. His face grew darker as he read them.

Then he silently walked to the stall and paid nine thousand yuan.

Although the steak tasted very good, the dining environment of this restaurant was a bit unbearable for him.

Shen Chengyue clutched his injured chest and glanced at Lin Zhou resentfully.

After Lin Zhou finished playing a piece of music, he put down the suona. Regardless of the weapons on his head, this etiquette really made people feel a bit like being in a Western restaurant.

"Both guests, please go slowly and welcome to come again next time~"

Lin Zhou was also unexpected to earn 9,000 yuan at once.

It seems that he has overthought it. The price of three thousand yuan is not expensive, otherwise no one would come to spend it.

Lin Zhou felt quite uncomfortable being surrounded by so many people.

He didn't feel anything when he was immersed in the performance. Anyway, with the mask, sunglasses and hat on, no one knew who he was.

Besides, there are other diners who are as embarrassed as him.

Lin Zhou imagined himself as a tool man, so that was fine.

By now the guests were ready to leave after finishing their meal.

Lin Zhouyi felt embarrassed again when he thought about facing so many onlookers alone.

He silently glanced at the system interface and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that today's stall setting check-in on the task calendar had been completed.

It's time to retreat.

So with everyone watching, Lin Zhou immediately started to close the stall and leave.

There was nothing to clean up at the steak stall, there were very few items, and his quick movements of closing the stall caught the onlookers off guard.

You haven't had enough of this suona song yet, why are you closing the stall?

"I haven't had enough of it yet. Are you going to close the stall now?"

"You just set up a stall and then you closed it?"

"You're laughing so hard, you're taking advantage of me, you're going to make nine thousand dollars in a short time, and you still won't close the stall?"

"These three steaks are enough for my monthly salary. Oh my god, it's so easy to make money. If I set up a steak stall like this, do you think it's okay?"

"Smile, why don't you laugh? You're looking at people who are embarrassed. They make you two months' worth of money in half an hour."

The average salary in Koucheng was only around 4,000. To earn 9,000 at this time really silenced the onlookers.

People are making money here, so I don’t know what they enjoy doing with their big teeth.

The passers-by who broke through the defense also left one after another after Lin Zhou left.

A follow-up video of the incident also appeared online.

In a short period of time, netizens were eating melons one after another.

First, I was shocked by the steak and red wine set with suona music sold at a roadside stall for 3,000 yuan a piece.

Then the identities of the three people in the video were exposed, which attracted netizens to dig deeper and find other videos to watch.

At this moment, Lin Zhou made 9,000 yuan in half an hour, which immediately silenced all the netizens who were watching the fun.

"Is it so easy for a fool to make money these days? It makes me want to set up a stall."

"Two idiots: are you polite?"

"To be fair, this stall owner's suona is a master. He plays it really well."

"You don't understand this. The masters of folk music are among the people."

"Nine thousand yuan, my three months' salary, my God, who would eat it!"

"I saw friends of these two guests appearing under the video in front of me. They seem to be the second generation of rich people. My friend's personal profile pictures are all about sports cars and mansions. I guess they are not short of money."


When Lin Zhou got home, he not only had a message from Pan Yuan, but also a message from Uncle Zhang.

It can be seen that everyone has seen the hot search.

Lin Zhou, who had not looked at his phone, his face cracked when he saw the video they shared.

These onlookers just watched it, why did they take pictures and post them online?

He didn't even show his face, how could these people recognize him?

Lin Zhou regretted taking on this task for a while.

Why did he find it challenging at the time and took over the task as soon as he got excited?

Oh, yes, he wanted to show off his newly acquired musical instrument skills.

Lin Zhoudang, who was about to cry without tears, didn't see anything. He just took a shower and lay down on the bed to escape from reality.

No need to think, the video has become a hot topic.

Those old customers must have seen it.

He didn't dare to think about what he would experience when he set up a stall tomorrow.

If those old customers came, it would not be a question of embarrassment or not.

He was afraid that those people would make trouble, and he didn't dare to think about what he would face at that time.


On the other hand, the old customers who knew the location of Boss Lin's stall without any signs on Monday have already started to party.

In the group of customers of Boss Lin's steamed bun stall, the customers who are not short of money and have time have already started to book tickets.

"Boss Lin has been setting up a stall in Koucheng many times recently. No, I have to buy a house in Koucheng, otherwise it will be too inconvenient to run back and forth to stay in a hotel."

When these words came out, the group members who were chatting happily were stunned.

The good mood was immediately gone.

"Damn rich people, I can't afford a steak worth three thousand this week."

"What family? You can buy a house whenever you want."

"Woo, woo, why did Boss Lin go to Koucheng to set up a stall? It's better to stay in Jiangdong."

"It's worse to know where Boss Lin's stall is than not knowing it, because I can't afford it!"

"Ah, many of Boss Lin's fans in my circle of friends are showing off their trips to Koucheng to find Boss Lin. I'm going to compete with these rich people."

"I always thought everyone was equally poor, until Boss Lin sold a steak worth three thousand, and I found that everyone went there to eat, and then I realized that I was the only one who was poor!"


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