Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 24 Brother, are you trying to scam me?

"Lift gently, move slowly, open the window first, then drink the soup.

Lin Zhou saw how cautious he was and reminded him.

After hearing this, the man didn't react for a while, looked at Lin Zhou in confusion, and uttered a dumbfounded "ah".

Lin Zhou:......

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"This is the step to eat soup dumplings, otherwise you will get burned."

Based on the principle that he sells the buns, Lin Zhou explained again.

He knows very well how high the temperature of the soup dumplings just out of the steamer is. If he gets burned, it will be troublesome.

"Ah? Oh oh... OK, OK, thank you boss. "

The man reacted and thanked him quickly.

Then, as if he had a backbone, he held the tin foil pad under his chin with one hand to prevent the soup from dripping, and moved the soup bag to take a small bite and suck the soup inside gently.

The full meat aroma was strong and rich.

It was like being imprisoned in the soup bag for too long, and now it was finally released, and it exuded an attractive fragrance unscrupulously, making people unable to stop.

At this moment, the delicious soup has occupied all the taste buds of the man, invading the mouth at a speed faster than lightning, and he couldn't help but sigh that the meat aroma was so pure and simple.

There are also some finely chopped crab meat in the yellow soup, which is extremely fresh and fragrant. The chopped crab meat inside is very chewy. It is sandwiched in the soup and wrapped between the lips and teeth. For a moment, it seems to forget any other kind of deliciousness. It is delicious and sweet, and the taste of crab roe is also Very outstanding, simply delicious.

The man was completely stunned, and only this soup dumpling was left in his mind.

The delicious taste seemed to overflow from the taste buds to the whole body, making people forget the environment and location, and only eating was in their eyes.

How could there be such delicious buns!

Who can resist this? No one can resist it!

As he started to eat first, the aroma of the crab roe buns was so strong that it almost made people dizzy, causing the following diners to all ask for crab roe buns, and snow vegetable buns seemed to be ignored.

Snow vegetable is too common. Compared with crab roe buns, nine out of ten people choose crab roe buns.

Especially everyone has a clear understanding of how Lin Zhou's buns taste.

In less than ten minutes, the first batch of crab roe buns were sold out.

Lin Zhou reluctantly started to steam the second batch of crab roe buns, and mainly sold the remaining snow vegetable buns.

"The crab roe buns are sold out, and the next batch must be steamed now. Do you want to wait or buy snow vegetable buns? ”

The diner who was asked looked at the steamers on both sides in confusion.

Two kinds of buns, one batch was sold out, and the other batch was left, which can already explain the problem.

Of course he wanted to buy crab roe buns!

But crab roe buns have to wait!

The boss's pickled mustard greens buns should also be delicious!

"Then give me two pickled mustard greens, and I will continue to wait and buy two crab roe buns later, okay?"

The man hesitated for a moment, feeling that he couldn't bear to miss both kinds of buns, so he thought of a way and asked Lin Zhou.

Lin Zhou:......

"Okay, then you can line up over there for the crab roe buns."

Hearing this, the diner happily paid the money, took the pickled mustard greens buns and walked to the side to line up, and ate the pickled mustard greens buns while queuing.

The diners behind him also learned in the same way.

"Boss, I also want two pickled mustard greens buns and two crab roe buns, and the crab roe buns can wait. "

Lin Zhou nodded in understanding, quickly picked up two buns, packed them and handed them over.

"Boss, I'm the same, I paid the money."

Two pickled mustard buns cost ten yuan, and two crab roe buns cost twenty yuan.

The man holding the pickled mustard buns held the steaming, soft buns and took a big bite in anticipation.

The buns at this stall are always so soft and chewy, and taste so good!

The pickled mustard buns have no soup, but are full of fillings. When you bite them open, you can see the pickled golden and sour sauerkraut, which is very appetizing and has a little spicy aftertaste, making the overall taste of the buns even better.

You can vaguely taste some bamboo shoots and diced meat, and the taste is very rich.

When you chew it, it's a surprise, and you can't help but eat it in big mouthfuls.

The sourness of the mustard, the sweetness of the bamboo shoots, and the fat aroma of the pork belly, combined together, are so delicious that they make you want to cry.

"It's so delicious! ”

“It’s really delicious. The snow vegetable is sour, spicy and fresh. The dough is perfect, soft and delicious. It’s not the kind that is steamed and melts in the mouth. It’s really delicious!”

“I’ve been eating steamed buns for several days in a row. Every day, the buns can surprise me. The tofu buns and barbecued pork buns before were also delicious.”

“The boss’s craftsmanship is really good. He doesn’t have a store to make such delicious craftsmanship, so he just sets up a stall.”

“Setting up a stall may make more money than opening a store. Opening a store requires storefront fees, water and electricity fees, etc. If you set up a stall, it will be much more convenient and can save money.”

“I just want something to eat. It’s so delicious!”

“I don’t know what the crab roe bun tastes like. ”

After finishing the pickled mustard greens buns, the crab roe buns were not yet steamed, so everyone watched the diners who bought them in front standing next to the stall eating, and they were so envious.

Looking at the smiling faces of those people, you can tell that they must be delicious.


After selling out a batch of pickled mustard greens buns, Lin Zhou packed up the steamer and started steaming the second batch.

After a short break and a drink of water, the second batch of crab roe buns were also steamed.

"Come one by one, the dipping sauce and chopsticks are next to you, take them yourself."

Lin Zhou was so busy that he quickly packed crab roe buns for the diners who had been waiting for half a day.

Each crab roe soup bun was round in shape, with layers of wrinkles, much more wrinkles than the snow vegetable buns next to it.

There was a little crab roe on the top of the bun, which was very beautiful and made people very hungry at first sight.

The skin of the soup bun was different from that of ordinary buns. It was closer to the state of dumpling skin. It was translucent and very crystal clear. You could also see the bright yellow crab roe inside and the flowing soup. Because of his movements, the soup inside was shaking constantly at this moment.

Then it was steadily placed on the paper tray and handed to the diners.

The soup bun was very obedient in Lin Zhou's hand.

As a result, when it came to his hand, the chopsticks accidentally poked it and it broke!

People couldn't help but sigh that the skin was really too thin and it broke with a slight touch.

The rich soup inside flowed out before it was even in the mouth. It was a golden soup with strands of crab oil floating on it, and the fragrance made people unable to look away.

Fortunately, there was a tin foil tray, otherwise such a delicious soup would have flowed out and wasted.

It was already broken, so there was no need to pay attention to the way to eat it. Just hold the tin foil tray and taste the soup slowly like drinking tea.

"Wow! It's so delicious!"

The extremely delicious soup at the entrance was the kind of pure and extreme freshness, as if it concentrated all the essence of the crab roe soup dumplings.

This kind of freshness is not the kind of fishy freshness, but the deliciousness of the taste of the ingredients themselves, which makes people can't help but admire it.


At the same time, Zhang Jianjun's home.

Seeing that his son said he would come back to have dinner with him in the evening, but he didn't come back until more than 8 o'clock, his face was a little ugly and full of resentment.

If he had known that this bastard would work overtime again and not come back on time, he should have followed Lin Zhou to set up a stall, and he might have eaten all the buns by now!

There is no such thing as wasting time waiting in vain like now.

"Mr. Zhang, do you want to heat up the food?"

The chef came out and saw the cold dishes and asked considerately.

"Wait a minute, I don't know when I'll be back."

Zhang Jianjun waved his hand and walked to the sofa and sat down.

He looked at the time and his face became worse.

When Zhang Mingyuan came back, he faced his father's cold eyes.

"Dad, I'm sorry, I had a meeting and came back late."

"Oh, Mr. Zhang is a busy man, how can he have time to have dinner with an old man like me? If you have work, just say hello and don't come back. I'm too lazy to wait for you at home for dinner."

As soon as he entered the house, he was met with a weird Zhang Mingyuan:......

What's wrong with his father?

Is it because he was busy this week and couldn't come back to accompany him, so he was angry?

Hey, he has already taken one day a week to come back to accompany him, why is he still so easily angry.

Is it menopause?

He is over 60 years old, and it's time for menopause.

The reason why he was emotionally stable before was probably because he hadn't retired yet, had a job, and had time to kill, and hadn't experienced anything else.

Now that he has retired from the company, his temper is unstable.

"Dad, I will come back earlier next time."

Zhang Jianjun sighed helplessly and coaxed softly.

The housekeeper Sister Wang, the nanny and the chef were very discerning and prepared dinner again.

"Master, Master, it's time to eat."

Hearing such a name, Zhang Mingyuan opened his mouth and couldn't help complaining in his heart.

I have told Sister Wang so many times that it is always difficult to distinguish when calling Zhang, so calling Mr. Mingyuan is also OK!

I don't know which TV series I saw it in, but I am keen on calling Master and Master, so every time he comes back, he feels ashamed when he hears this name.

But Sister Wang has been working in the Zhang family for many years, and it's not easy to care about such a small matter of calling. Zhang Mingyuan had to move out and come back once a week.

Otherwise, he would be forced to play the role of Master and Master every day at home, and he couldn't stand it!

At the dinner table, Zhang Mingyuan looked at his father with a puzzled look, seeing that he had no appetite.

What happened?

He usually ate at least two bowls of rice for a meal, but why did he have no appetite today?

"Dad, are you worried about something?"

Zhang Mingyuan felt that he should still care about his father's mental health.

Don't retire suddenly, have nothing to do, and make people bored and depressed.


Zhang Jianjun looked at the time again.

At this point, Lin Zhou was afraid that he would come back from closing the stall.

There would be no more buns to eat today.

Feeling disappointed.

If I had known earlier, I should have gone to the stall with Lin Zhou to eat buns before my son came back.

I don't know what the crab meat buns taste like today. I heard from Lin Zhou that they are all made with fresh crabs, so they must be very fresh.

"Chef Li, I want to eat crab roe buns tomorrow morning."

"By the way, I don't eat semi-finished products!"

Thinking of crab roe buns, Zhang Jianjun immediately shouted to the kitchen.

Chef Li ran out immediately after hearing it.

"Okay, Master."

Zhang Jianjun:......

At this time, the father and son had the same complicated feelings about Sister Wang's unique hobby of acting.

When Sister Wang was not around, the other people in the villa still addressed her normally.

As soon as Sister Wang came back, her strong assimilation ability immediately led the others astray.

"Master, do you want to eat anything?"

"Make two different flavors of buns."

Ever since Zhang Jianjun ate the buns made by Lin Zhou, he had no appetite for other meals.

In his mind, he always thought about the taste of delicious buns.

The soft and elastic buns, with fresh and delicious fillings, are really the best in the world!

"Why do you suddenly want to eat buns?"

Zhang Mingyuan was a little confused.

Did something happen that he didn't come back this week?

"Speaking of this, I met a young man when I climbed the back mountain this morning. The buns he made were so delicious that people will never forget them after tasting them once!"

"I have no appetite for anything else now."

Zhang Mingyuan didn't have much appetite, so he just nodded casually after hearing it.

"If you like it, eat more."

He said casually.

Zhang Jianjun, who saw his perfunctory attitude:......

This son is not as good at talking as Lin Zhou!

No wonder he doesn't have a girlfriend in his thirties!

"I'll take a day off next week and arrange a blind date for you with the daughter of the president of Jiangsheng Company. You can go and meet her then."

Zhang Mingyuan:......

I knew that he would definitely not be able to avoid the blind date when he came back!

What's wrong with being in his thirties?

It's the rising period of his career. If he doesn't work hard, what's the point of getting married!

"Got it."

He was complaining in his heart, but on the surface, Zhang Mingyuan still had a cold expression of a domineering president, with a feeling of not changing his face even if Mount Tai collapsed in front of him.

Zhang Jianjun couldn't help rolling his eyes.

The older the child grows, the less likable he becomes.


On the other side, Lin Zhou didn't think the same as the mountain climbing uncle, and he closed the stall early.

Because there were diners, he saw that there were not many buns left, and the number of people in the queue was seriously exceeded, and it was definitely not his turn, so he wanted to take a shortcut.

Pretending to have hypoglycemia, he fainted in front of the stall to cheat the buns to eat.

The same operation, when Jia Lan fainted, everyone was very shocked and panicked.

This person's pretending action was too fake.

The concrete floor was very hard, and he fell lightly when he fell. He first found a good position, and he also held his forehead, groaned, pretended to be sick, and slowly fell down. His pretentious appearance was eye-catching.

This operation was too coquettish, leaving a group of people with nowhere to complain, staring at the excitement with wide eyes.

Lin Zhou also looked at the person lying in front of the stall in silence.

The crowd that attracted the excitement and onlookers also came up dutifully and surrounded the stall at once.

Lin Zhou stood behind the stall, looking at the big brother who was trying to scam people, and was entangled for a while whether to go forward.

"Big brother, are you trying to scam people?"

Seeing that there were only a few baskets of buns left to sell, his mission was completed and he was off work.

Why did he have to give him some twists and turns before the mission was over?

"Hungry... buns, buns, give me buns..."

Lin Zhou:......

A group of people listened to the big brother lying on the ground, with a full voice, and they were really trying to hold back their smiles.

Where did the big brother learn his acting skills?

It's a bit eye-catching.

"I have hypoglycemia."

Seeing that Lin Zhou didn't move, the big brother trembled and opened one eye and looked at Lin Zhou.

A hand reached out to Lin Zhou, looking very sad and inseparable.

"Brother, should I call 120 for you?"

A diner in the crowd asked with a smile, he couldn't hold it back.

It's rare for someone to perform for free and entertain the public, so you can't miss it.

120 is a fee, and the brother quickly refused when he heard it.

He just wanted to cheat a bun, but didn't want to be taken away by an ambulance.

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