Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 239 This is not a feast, it’s clearly a fight for a seat!

Han Fang and his wife were being toasted by Han's father and mother with the relatives and friends present.

The fragrant roast duck attracted everyone's attention as soon as it was served.

"I was wondering what that tempting aroma was, it turned out to be roast duck!"

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It wasn't too long since the roast duck was out of the oven, but it was definitely not as crispy as it was when it was just out of the oven. The chef simply cut the whole roast duck into pieces, poured marinade on it, added a coriander cap, and served it directly to the table.

The heated red marinade has a rich aroma, and the boiling temperature will also heat the somewhat cooled roast duck, so that it will not be too hot or cold when eaten, but at a just right temperature.

"This roast duck is really beautiful. I noticed the roast duck hanging in the yard before the meal started."

The whole roast duck is quite a lot. When a whole plate was served, the chopsticks of everyone at the table fell on the roast duck.

Some good eaters even put several pieces of roast duck into the bowl with one chopstick, and they were not in a hurry to eat immediately. They took out a bag from somewhere, saw a good position, and immediately took away a few large pieces.

Then they took the roast duck in the bowl and ate it beautifully.

A whole roast duck, from being served to being empty, only took two minutes, and only the soup was left on the plate.

This is not eating, it is clearly grabbing the table!

The guests who tasted the roast duck were excited.

"Oh my God, this roast duck is too fragrant!"

"It tastes good, I have never eaten such delicious roast duck."

"It is indeed fragrant, it tastes just right, not salty or bland, and the duck skin is really chewy!"

A group of guests who were busy hugging the table were asked to praise, but they couldn't praise more technical words. There was only the word "delicious" in their minds, and the movement of grabbing the dishes with their hands was getting faster and faster.

Those who really know how to eat and describe are the gourmets, who can make people hungry just by describing the taste.

Most people give the highest praise to delicious food from the action.

The fact that a group of old men and women in their seventies and eighties stood up to grab the food shows how delicious the roast duck is.

"Hey, you young man, you know how to respect the elderly and love the young, everyone didn't eat two pieces, but you gnawed a pile of bones!"

At the table of the elderly, everyone was originally inconvenient to move and had bad teeth, so they sat at the table in silence, and it took them a long time to eat a mouthful of food.

Then when the roast duck was served, everyone smelled the smell and picked up a piece first, and they started to get anxious after eating it.

How could they grab the young people at the same table? They saw that they hadn't finished eating a piece, but the young man had eaten a bowl.

In a hurry, they took out a takeaway bag from their pockets and started to put food into the bag.

They ate slowly, and if they didn't pick up a few more pieces first, they would be out of food in a while!

The young man at the same table who didn't bring a bag:......

What a mistake!

I didn't know the dishes at the wedding banquet were so delicious before I came to the banquet!

Now I can only stuff my food into my mouth, because he is afraid that if he turns his head, these old men and women will divide up all the dishes on the table.

It's better to eat more first, at least it's not a loss.

"Uncle, listen to me, you can't handle this roast duck, eat the elbow, the elbow is stewed!"

He has tasted the elbow, it's not as delicious as the roast duck, he just wants to eat the roast duck.

Even if the old men and women condemned him with their eyes, the young man was still very fast.

As soon as a piece of roast duck entered his mouth, the chopsticks in his hand had already picked up a piece.

Even when the bride and groom came to toast, he still had the roast duck in his mouth, and he said the blessing vaguely while drinking with the crowd.

Han Fang, who was toasting all the way, saw the guests eating without raising their heads, and they didn't even rush to grab the roast duck when they toasted, and his heart was bleeding!

His roast duck!

His wedding banquet!

He hadn't even had a bite yet, but he was so greedy just watching others eat!

There were originally 32 tables of guests, and now there was an extra table. He wondered if there would be any left of the 40 roast ducks he bought. What would he do if there was none left for him?

Han Fang was so anxious.

But he was still happy as he followed his parents and toasted each table of guests with his wife.

He had to toast each table, recognize the guests, call them one by one, and chat with them for a few minutes.

When he returned to the main table, Han Fang saw that the plate of roast duck on the table was empty, and his heart skipped a beat.

"Wife, you eat first, I'll go to the kitchen to ask if there's any more roast duck."

After that, he didn't even look at the other dishes on the table, and went straight to the kitchen to find the roast duck.

Those ordinary dishes can be eaten at any time. If you want to eat them, you can find a good restaurant to eat them.

But roast duck is different.

Their family lives in other places, so they come back to their hometown after getting married, and they have to go back after the wedding.

That means one less meal to eat!

Han Fang ran to the kitchen and saw two roast ducks on the table. His eyes lit up immediately.

"Fortunately, there are still roast ducks. I was scared to death!"

The chef was not surprised to see the groom coming to look for the roast duck.

After all, when he was preparing the dishes last night, the groom asked him to leave a roast duck for him when the banquet started tomorrow.

Although the number of tables increased from 32 to 38, there were 40 tables of roast ducks. In addition to the one left for the host, they could also leave one for the workers.

As soon as the roast duck was delivered, the chef understood why the groom had specially asked to leave a roast duck.

As a chef, even before he ate it, he could tell from the color and appearance of the roast duck that it was roasted by a master roast duck chef.

The overall appearance of the duck was full, and it was roasted without collapse or burnt. The color was ruddy and shiny. The aroma was not only the aroma of the duck roasted oil, but also the fragrance of fruit wood, with a hint of sweetness.

The rich aroma was the best roast duck he had ever seen.

Ordinary chefs could not roast it to this level.

Taking advantage of the groom coming over, the chef asked curiously where the roast duck was bought.

"Do you know Guangda Farm?"

The chef nodded. As a chef, how could he not be familiar with the place where the ingredients were supplied!

Guangda Farm is quite famous in the local animal husbandry industry.

Because of its geographical location, backed by mountains, the livestock raised are often released into the mountains to run, and they are famous free-range chickens and free-range ducks.

"I bought it at a roast duck stall at the entrance of the Guangda Farm."

It seems that Lin Zhou is involved. When diners mention his stall to others, most people hear the reaction: "Huh?"

The expression on their faces is three parts puzzled, two parts puzzled, and five parts full of curiosity.

Why is there a roast duck for sale at the entrance of the farm?

Besides roast duck shops or restaurants, roast duck should be sold most in stewed food shops.

Could it be that the Guangda Farm produces and sells its own products?

The confused chef wanted to ask more.

But the chefs were still working. The chefs who opened the banquet were the busiest. The dishes were not finished yet, and there was no time to chat.

We can only wait until the wedding banquet is over and ask the host.

Now we still have to do business.

"There is another roast duck left. We will keep it for ourselves. It's hard to say if guests come to ask for roast duck later."

There is only one left, and the people working have not tasted it yet, so we have to keep it.

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