Lin Zhou did not sell a hundred roast ducks today.

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I baked four ovens.

In the afternoon, he saw that the weather was not good and it seemed like it was going to rain, so he closed the stall early.

As a result, it didn’t rain at the breeding farm, but it rained in the city.

There is no one left.

This led to Ms. Wu’s best friend running to the farm gate after get off work and not seeing the roast duck stall.

After sending her question to Ms. Wu, Ms. Wu asked her to ask the staff at the breeding farm.

The roast duck stall is set up in front of the farm, so the people at the farm should know some news.

Then my best friend ran to the breeding farm to ask.

Fortunately, the workers inside really know.

Lin Zhou greeted the workers before closing the stall, because when they first set up the stall in the morning, the workers said they would buy roast ducks after get off work and asked for help to keep a few.

It happened to be the fourth batch of roast duck, and it was gone. Lin Zhou closed the stall early and went back.

"Master Lin has closed the stall because the weather is bad."

The workers didn't know how to make roast duck, but they thought that roast duck must be roasted over fire. If it rains, it probably won't be roasted, so there's no problem in closing the stall early.

"That's it. Will the roast duck still be available tomorrow?"

"Come on out, Master Lin has ordered a lot of ducks from us and he hasn't finished killing them yet."

After my best friend got the news, she made a missed trip, sent a message to Ms. Wu, and then drove back.

Then a short while later, the diners who had come to buy roast duck from the farmhouse yesterday came over and couldn't buy any.

"The stall has been closed. I don't know if the farmhouse has any. I remember that the owner of the farmhouse bought roast duck with us yesterday. He also bought a lot. I saw the limited roast duck menu he posted on WeChat. Let's go and take a look?"

"That makes sense, let's go!"

Even though they were here, these tourists thought about the taste of the roast duck they had yesterday and didn’t want to return without success.

So we came to Boss Yang’s farmhouse again.

As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the farmhouse, they saw a sign board at the entrance. It was the roast duck they had eaten at the roast duck stall.

The photos were printed by Boss Yang and turned into a menu.

In addition to roast duck, there are also duck rack stewed with winter melon, duck fat steamed egg, and duck rack porridge.

What a farmhouse feast made with roast duck by-products.

Not surprisingly, several tourists were attracted immediately.

"The boss still knows how to do business. A roast duck can make many dishes."

"I can't wait to go. I just ordered a Peking duck, steamed duck fat egg, duck rack stewed with winter melon soup, duck rack porridge, vegetables, soup, eggs and staple food. It's perfect. "

Listening to his description, several people really felt that this table was perfect.

He immediately walked quickly into the farmhouse. He didn't have the slightest interest in the scenery outside, the agricultural products and other entertainment areas, and went straight into the restaurant.

“The waiter takes the order~”

Several tourists didn't even look at the farmhouse's previous menu and asked for a roast duck feast.

A portion of roast duck is RMB 288, duck and winter melon soup is RMB 68, duck fat steamed egg is RMB 28, and duck porridge is RMB 48.

Seeing this price, a few tourists thought it was a bit shady, but they thought that the farmhouse was open for business, and the roast duck needed to be processed into dishes, so they didn't say anything.

Just eat some.

If you want to eat roast duck, there is no roast duck stall at the entrance of the farm, so you can only eat it here.

In the kitchen, the chef was used to seeing yet another roast duck feast.

Just grab a roast duck and reheat it.

From morning to evening, the roast duck must have become cold.

The taste of the roast duck that has gone cold will definitely be greatly reduced, and it needs to be processed at this time.

Heat the sesame oil, place the roast duck on the iron pot, and pour the hot sesame oil little by little on the surface of the shriveled duck skin until it bulges, and it's done.

Then put the roast duck, skin and meat slices one by one on the plate and arrange them.

In this way, all the duck meat is sliced ​​out.

Served with spring pancakes, green onions and cucumbers grown in the farmhouse's vegetable garden, it can also be associated with the farmhouse.

Reprocess the duck rack and add the dish again.

Boil a casserole of water, put in the disassembled duck rack, add a little rice wine with the duck fat that comes out, cover the lid, cook over high heat until the soup turns milky white, add the winter melon, and simmer over low heat.

When the winter melon is almost cooked, it can be served on the stove and eaten while simmering over low heat.

The method of making duck rack porridge is similar.

I had already cooked the duck rack in a pressure cooker before, and now when a customer orders, I just put a casserole into it and it is a serving of casserole duck rack porridge.

Steamed eggs need to be steamed freshly, it only takes ten minutes. Add some salt, no need to add anything, just sprinkle some chopped green onion before serving, it is perfect.

Several tourists were also very satisfied with these dishes.

Let’s eat roast duck first, then the soup comes, drink soup again, eat some steamed eggs, and finally finish with a bowl of duck porridge.

There was nothing left of a few dishes.

The aroma of roast duck, after being processed and made into dishes, is so rich that it cannot be described and permeates the entire farmhouse.

The meals served at the farmhouse are particularly delicious.

It's like being surrounded by the aroma of roast duck.

Almost every table has roast duck, which shows the popularity of roast duck.

Uninformed tourists thought that such delicious roast duck was the specialty of the farmhouse. When they asked when paying the bill, they found out that it was not roasted by the chef of the farmhouse, but bought by the boss outside.

Boss Yang was honest and did not use the roast duck cooked by Lin Zhou to promote his farmhouse.

When asked by customers, they will be recommended to buy at the farm gate.

The number of roast ducks in the store is limited, and there are not so many for customers to take away.

Boss Yang knows how to do business. If a roast duck is eaten in the store, the duck frame can be made into a menu and sold separately.

If the whole duck is taken away by customers, it will make much less money.

After paying, several tourists who were about to leave heard this and reminded: "The roast duck stall is closed, and you can't buy it anymore."

When Boss Yang heard that the roast duck stall in the farm was closed, he was immediately glad that he bought a lot.

Otherwise, it would not be enough to sell.

After hearing this, the tourists who love roast duck found out the specific location of the roast duck stall and left one after another.

"You can go earlier, the roast duck boss will set up the stall in the morning."

Boss Yang happily sent the tourists out of the farmhouse and greeted everyone enthusiastically to come again next time.

Turning back to the kitchen, he asked the chef to leave a roast duck for him to eat for dinner.

Business must be done, and his own mouth is also greedy, so he can't ignore himself.

Isn't making money just to live a good life?

What's the point of such delicious roast duck if the guests can eat it but he can't?

"I found out from the boss that the roast duck was bought at the entrance of the Guangda Farm. I'll ask my husband to buy one tomorrow and eat it at home."

It's been two days!

The people in the kitchen can only eat some scraps of roast duck, which makes them more greedy. It's better not to eat it.

If you don't eat it, you won't know the taste, and you won't be thinking about it all the time, resisting the temptation of roast duck every moment.

Those who know that they are at work, and those who don't know that they think they are losing weight.

Everyone wears two layers of masks, for fear that they can't help but eat it secretly when they smell the aroma of roast duck.

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