Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 199 Ah, I just had a meal and I have to go back?

On the other side, Yao Chao and others who went back together after eating wontons were all very worried.

Today is the 5th, and tomorrow is the 6th, and the holiday will be over.

They have to go to class on the 7th.

That means they have to go back tomorrow.

Oh my God!

Meng Tao collapsed first.

"Ah, I just had a meal and I have to go back? Can I return to school a few days later!"

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

"Didn't Boss Lin set up the stall on a weekly basis? The 6th is only Friday, and there are still two days to go. If we leave, won't we be able to eat!"

As expected of a college student, he calculated it clearly.

Yao Chao looked at him helplessly, "Do you think the instructor will agree if so many of us don't go back?"


You don't have to think about this question to know that it will definitely not work.

"But I just tasted it, and I have to go back to school tomorrow. Isn't this going to kill me!"

Meng Tao couldn't help swallowing his saliva when he thought of the delicious wontons.

It's so delicious!

I've never seen wontons with such thin skin, and I've never experienced such a smooth texture. It feels like it's sliding across the tip of the tongue, and then sliding into the stomach through chewing.

The taste and flavor are amazing.

It's so fresh that I can't help but be amazed.

When I think that I won't be able to eat it after returning to school, the deliciousness doubles.

What you can't get is always the best.

"Let's buy the ticket first, otherwise you can't buy the ticket and can't return to school on time, which is troublesome."

"I heard that your usual grades will be deducted."

"Buy the ticket, buy the ticket."

"I saw that Boss Lin went to Koucheng City to set up a stall before. It would be great if he could set up a stall near our university, hehe."

"You think it's beautiful."


Lin Zhou returned home in the early morning, washed up and lay on the bed. When he opened dy, he saw that his small account's background exploded again.

What's going on?

He hasn't spoken online recently.

Then he opened it and saw that it was all apologies.

"Brother, I was wrong. I shouldn't have called you a liar. Boss Lin actually set up a stall in Taoshan this week!"

"I missed the real news because I didn't recognize the real thing."

"Brother, I'm here to apologize to you. I shouldn't have scolded you."


Lin Zhou couldn't help laughing at these reversal comments.

Then he followed these comments and found that the account that deceived netizens before had become a private account.

"Hahaha, I laughed to death!"

Chen Daliang didn't see the message in the group until he got home. He knew that someone had found Boss Lin's location through live broadcast, and now the news was exposed.

In an instant, he thought of the words he replied at that time.

He was so scared that he quickly opened dy, but his account was still attacked.

They all scolded him.

Chen Daliang was so scared that he set up a private account.

When he replied to the message, he didn't think too much, just thinking about not letting more people grab his food.

Unexpectedly, there would be a day when he was exposed.

Now he had to hide his identity, otherwise if he was caught by these deceived netizens, it would not be a matter of being scolded, but he might even be beaten.

When he thought about how he was deceived by others, that was the food made by Boss Lin, he would definitely be so angry that he would chase that person and scold him for several blocks.

But now he was the one who did such a thing.

Then he could only cover his vest and keep silent.


At 7 o'clock the next night, a group of people had gathered in Taoshan waiting.

Some brought blankets, sat on the ground, and took out mahjong to play mahjong on the spot.

Some brought flashlights as lights.

Everyone found a place to kill time, but Lin Zhou still put an item in the stall to occupy the position.

"It's Friday today, isn't it? A week has passed so quickly."

"That's right. It's already the 6th. How come the holiday is over in the blink of an eye?"

"It's okay. Boss Lin will set up the stall at 12 o'clock this week. You can come to eat after get off work."

"That depends on the situation. This National Day is on the same holiday as the Mid-Autumn Festival. When you go back to work, there will be a lot of work waiting for you."

"Ah, I envy Boss Lin. He has such good skills and is free. I heard that he is financially free. Setting up the stall is just a hobby. He doesn't care whether the business is good or not. He can go wherever he wants."

"Indeed, Boss Lin's way of setting up the stall really doesn't care about our life or death."

"The main thing is that he has good skills, and the food he makes is not enough to sell. There are so many diners, how can he manage it."

"Oh~ I won!"

"Tsk, it's too dark, I can't see clearly, otherwise I will definitely win this time."

"Bullshit, you can beat me."


On the other side, Ma Ming saw that it was getting late, so he prepared to go out to eat wontons.

The words that the diner said to him yesterday, that there are as many people who want to eat as there are people who watch, left a deep impression on him. He dreamed of fighting with fans for food at night.

He didn't sleep well at all.

As soon as he walked out of the room, he saw his parents sitting in the living room waiting for him.

"Mom and Dad, you haven't slept yet?"

Ma Ming stopped and asked.

"Don't you like the dishes made by Boss Lin? Mom and Dad will go with you to try them. Our family of three hasn't gone out to eat for a long time."

Ma's mother changed into a silk long-sleeved dress that she usually didn't wear.

Ma Ming remembered that he bought this with a month's salary as a Mother's Day gift for his mother.

Then after receiving it, my mother said that he didn't know how to plan and spent money lavishly. He spent a month's salary on a piece of clothing. How would he live in the future?

He couldn't remember the specific details. He just remembered that he was very angry at the time and felt that his mother didn't understand him. He would never buy anything for her again.

Later, he really didn't buy anything again.

My mother never wore this skirt.

I didn't expect that she would wear it today.

It's hard to tell what he felt. Ma Ming smiled and nodded.

"It takes a long time to queue up to eat the food made by Boss Lin. It's so late, don't you sleep?"

"It's okay, mom and dad are not sleepy."

Along the way, the family of three stayed in a car, no one spoke, the atmosphere was quiet and depressing.

Ma Ming stared out the window in a daze.

He didn't think about anything, just emptied his mind and enjoyed the quietness.

When they arrived at Taoshan, even before getting off the car, they felt the lively atmosphere outside.

"Wow, so many people in the evening?"

Ma Ming and his friends arrived at just after eight o'clock.

Dozens of people had already gathered around Taoshan, and in the dim places, there were beams of light.

Ma's father and mother looked around curiously.

Affected by the on-site environment, the atmosphere of their family of three also improved a lot.

Ma's mother asked Ma Ming curiously: "Are all of these here to wait for Boss Lin?"

Ma Ming nodded and replied: "Yes."

Ma's mother widened her eyes in surprise, "Isn't the food made by Boss Lin delicious?"

Ma Ming then remembered that he had eaten so many braised pork rolls, but he didn't bring one for his parents to try.

At this moment, he couldn't help feeling a little guilty, and his tone of voice softened a lot.

"It's delicious, Mom and Dad, you can try it later. The food made by Boss Lin is really delicious. How can I describe it? There is a kind of charm that makes people happy. The moment you eat it, all the troubles are gone, leaving only the pleasure brought by the food. It's very wonderful..."

Speaking of the food made by Boss Lin, Ma Ming seemed to open a chatterbox and described it endlessly.


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