Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 196 Host, do you want to become a monk again?

The people at Boss Lin’s bun stall’s diners did a good job of keeping things confidential.

In addition, Lin Zhou had guests, so he didn't worry about whether the task could be completed, so he didn't fool the diners online.

So I know that there are not many people Lin Zhou is setting up a stall in Taoshan this week.

At least, Ma Ming, who gave up becoming a monk for braised pork rolls, didn’t know.

As the popularity passed, Ma Ming's live broadcast room did not have the tens of thousands of people watching it before, but there were still thousands of people watching each live broadcast.

Everyone quite likes his love for Buddhism and his live broadcast method that is pure and devoid of desires.

It can be regarded as an alternative live chat room.

He also realized his wish to earn money to support himself at home without going out to work.

After his parents confirmed that he had no intention of becoming a monk, they felt that making money through live streaming was not a serious matter after all. Since he didn't want to go out to work, they took the exam to become a civil servant or something.

Ma Ming's mood, which had just gotten better, started to get annoying again.

In addition, since Lin Zhou stopped selling braised pork rolls at Changzhong Temple and couldn't eat delicious braised pork rolls, his life was boring.

"It's getting late, it's past 12 o'clock, I'm going to stop broadcasting, and all the donors should go to bed early."

Ma Ming sighed leisurely and prepared to go off the air.

Fans in the live broadcast room saw that Ma Ming has been in a low mood recently and the time he spends knocking on wooden fish has become longer. They all wondered whether he wanted to go home again because he couldn't eat Boss Lin's braised pork rolls.

"Anchor, do you want to become a monk again? Looking at your live broadcasts in the past few days, you look like you are going to become a monk at any time."

"No, I used to have a lot of smiles on my face, and I would ask for gifts while chatting, but recently I have no desire anymore."

"Hey, I'm almost depressed because I can't eat the delicious food cooked by Boss Lin. I look for Boss Lin in my dreams every day, but I can't find him."

"No, Boss Lin's stall is so mysterious that you can't even touch it."

Ma's father and mother next door, who had been watching their son's live broadcast with their mobile phones, were shocked by these remarks.

It seems that this is indeed the case. My son has been eating less recently and only eats vegetarian food.

I usually don't talk at home, so I just sit in my room and live broadcast Buddha worship.

They speak and get no response.

"Lao Ma, do you think your son wants to become a monk again because he can't eat braised pork rolls, as netizens said?"

The horse mother poked her husband next to her and asked with a worried look on her face.

"Just in case, I'll take a day off tomorrow to look for it and see if I can buy it."

Father Ma was also a little skeptical.

As long as the son does not become a monk, find a good job, get married and have children, then they will have nothing to ask for in their lifetime as parents.

If this man's son really wants to become a monk, the Ma family will be cut off.

How will he explain to his father when he gets down there?

The old horse was very worried.

Now as long as his son doesn't become a monk, he has to find a way to get back all the delicacies, let alone braised pork rolls.

"Okay, let's just say that."

"Then child, why is he disobedient? He said he couldn't go out to work, so we agreed. We have nothing to do at home. He could just take the civil service exam. He has to pray to Buddha all day long and do some live broadcast."

Ma Mu looked at the message on the phone interface that the live broadcast had ended and couldn't help complaining.

"It's as if we as parents would harm him."

"When children are older, it's normal to have their own ideas. Don't worry too much. If you worry too much, you'll end up quarreling."

Father Ma didn't think there was anything wrong with the live broadcast. He usually watched live broadcasts and made quite a lot of money.

"Yes, yes, you are a good person, go to sleep."

After staying up until now, Ma Mu was so sleepy that she turned off her mobile phone and was about to sleep with her back on her back.

Lao Ma sighed helplessly, he really couldn't get any favors from both sides.

The next day, Lao Ma came outside Changzhong Temple in the early morning and asked the vendors who also set up stalls on the street about braised pork rolls.

The vendors around here, since they stopped selling their stalls in Linzhou, have to be questioned every day, which is annoying to death.

"The Braised Pork Roll stall has moved to another location and hasn't been here for two weeks."

The vendor explained helplessly.

He didn't know how many times he said this.

Lao Ma sensed the vendor's impatience, so he smoked a cigarette first, then bought something at the stall, and then the vendor became enthusiastic.

Lao Ma didn't need to ask, everything was explained in detail.

"There have been a lot of people coming to this street looking for braised pork rolls recently. I heard that this owner is quite famous in this city. You can find it by searching online."

"I heard that the stalls are set up in different places every week. There is no fixed place. You will definitely not be able to find people here and you will have to look elsewhere."

Lao Ma smiled and said thanks.

I didn’t expect that finding a braised pork roll stall would be so troublesome.


After returning home with the news, Lao Ma looked at his son who was still awake and searched the Internet for news about Boss Lin alone.

Posts one by one, find them by date.

It took my eyes a long time to find some recent news.

Some netizens said that Boss Lin was setting up a stall in Koucheng, and last week he went to the Ziyuan Building in Koucheng. They couldn't find Boss Lin in this city, so he was probably still setting up a stall in Koucheng.

Then some netizens said that Boss Lin is setting up a stall in Taoshan this week and so on.

He wrote down the useful information and planned to show it to his son when he woke up. Anyway, he was idle at home, so he might as well go out to find Boss Lin. If he had something to do, he wouldn't want to become a monk.


After Lin Zhou woke up in the afternoon, he lay lazily on the sofa, too lazy to move.

This week's reversed schedule meant that he woke up in the afternoon every day. Even if he slept for eight hours, he still had no energy.

"Sir, aren't you going fishing today?"

Butler Sun had seen how much Lin Zhou was addicted to fishing during that period.

After returning from Koucheng, although Lin Zhou had made several fishing appointments with Pan Yuan, Uncle Zhang and others, he didn't go every day, and he only came back after fishing for a few hours.

He wasn't as addicted as before.

"It's boring. I can catch fish just by casting a fishing rod. There's no surprise."

Lin Zhou turned over in boredom and said with a pout.

Butler Sun:......

With the way Sir talks, it's no wonder he doesn't have many friends.

This is hard to answer.

"Then do you want to go see a movie? I've cleaned up the home theater upstairs and installed a starry sky ceiling."

Lin Zhou was a little interested when he heard this.

Private theater? Starry sky ceiling?

He hadn't seen it yet, but this is possible.

Lin Zhou went upstairs to take a look and thought it was pretty good. He immediately found a comedy and started watching it.

Butler Sun also thoughtfully prepared afternoon tea and sent it up.

Lin Zhou drank a sip of Coke and couldn't help sighing.

There is no boring time in the life of rich people. With money, you can always find fun.

This villa is so comfortable managed by housekeeper Sun that he doesn't even want to go out.

The movie-watching experience is much better than the cinema.

It feels like watching a movie in an immersive way.

After Lin Zhou watched a movie, it was time for dinner.

He cooked dinner himself and called Uncle Zhang, who was alone at home, to come and eat together.

The whole day passed like this.

In the evening, he prepared food for the stall.


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