In the police car, the police were also asking Shen Yuan some specific details.

For example, where is your home, what do you usually eat, etc.

"Dad, when they go out to play, do you not want to go, or do they not take you?"

"It doesn't matter, tell the truth to the police uncle."

Shen Yuan huddled in his seat, feeling the care brought by the stranger. The armor that had been holding him up finally collapsed little by little.

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In fact, he can already take good care of himself, but sometimes he feels lonely and misses his mother.

"My aunt said that I was getting old and that we would have to rent a new room when we went out together. It would be a waste of money, so I said I didn't want to go and asked my father to take my aunt and brother out to play. I could still come to see my mother."

Shen Yuan clutched his hands and looked lonely.

So what if he goes, they are a family, he is among them, no one cares, no one cares, he is just superfluous.

"What didn't your father say?"

The more detailed the police inquired, the more they felt sorry for this sensible child.

"Dad said follow me."

"Then why are you so thin? What do you usually eat at home?"

"My father is busy at work and often works night shifts. My aunt takes care of my younger brother and has no time to cook. I just cook something when I'm hungry."

The policeman was really feeling uncomfortable at the moment. Even though he asked so many questions, the child never said anything bad about his father and stepmother. Instead, he felt that his father was busy and so was his aunt, which was so sensible that it made people feel distressed.

"Where is your home? Can the police officer take you home?"

"Home is in Sunshine Garden."

Police:! ! !

"Sunshine Garden? It's more than ten kilometers away from Taoshan. How did you get here?"

"Come here."

The policeman was heartbroken, and the more he learned about it, the more distressed he became.

The twelve-year-old child, only 11 years old, traveled more than ten kilometers to Fenshan in the middle of the night just to see his mother.

If his mother knew, she would be so distressed.

"Does dad know your situation?"

This question was asked to Shen Yuan. He rubbed the hem of his clothes tangledly, not knowing how to answer.

She should know, but my father didn't say anything, just listen to auntie's words, study hard, and don't cause trouble.

Maybe he didn’t know that his father was too busy at work. He fell asleep at night and his father didn’t come back. When he woke up in the morning, his father had already gone to work.

I don’t see him more than a few times a week.

"Not sure."

After thinking for a while, Shen Yuan shook his head and replied.

"Do you know your father's mobile phone number? I'll call and communicate with your father here."


Outside the police car, Lin Zhou showed a gentle smile under the gaze of the police uncle.

The words in my eyes clearly expressed that I am a good person.

The police officers who watched it couldn't help laughing.

"Uncle policeman, I said that I was just passing by and thought this place was quiet and had a large open space, suitable for setting up a stall. Do you believe it?"

The police didn't say whether they believed it or not.

It was also obvious that these people didn't do much, they just gathered together to eat wontons. Their eyes were extremely clear. Although it was a bit strange, he didn't say much about his personal hobbies.

"What, do you still have wontons?"

It happened to be midnight, and he was a little hungry.


"Then give me two bowls. Has the child eaten? If not, give me three bowls."

"The child has eaten, uncle policeman."

"Uncle policeman, let me tell you, the wontons made by Boss Lin are always delicious. You will know after you try them."

"Boss Lin?"

When the police officer heard this title, he immediately thought of the gossip told by his colleague. A man brought his dog to the police station to inquire about a missing person notice, just to find Boss Lin who was setting up a stall to sell food.

He looked at Lin Zhou carefully and then looked at the people gathered around him. There must be hundreds of people anyway.

Could it be this Boss Lin?

"Is that Boss Lin who randomly changes places to set up stalls every week?"

After hearing what the police said, the diners and Lin Zhou were a little confused.

Boss Lin is so popular that even the police uncle has heard about it?

"If there is no one else named Lin who sets up a stall in a different place every week like me, then it should be me."

Lin Zhou was really sweating at this moment.

He just sets up a stall, and all our police officers will know about him.

He is a very good citizen!

"That's it."

The policeman replied with a smile.

The diners next to him were very curious and quickly asked curiously.

"Uncle policeman also knows about Boss Lin?"

"Last week, a young man brought a dog to the police station to ask if he could be listed on the missing person notice on TV to find Boss Lin."

Lin Zhou:! ! !

This person, this matter, the first thing that everyone thought of was Gao Jiazhi, and then they looked around for someone.

"Is it an Erha?"

"Yes, it's Erha."

"It's Gao Jiazhi, right? Hey, why aren't Gao Jiazhi and Dabao here today?"

"Yeah, I didn't even notice. I always felt like something was missing. It turns out Dabao was missing."

"It must be Gao Jiazhi, only he and Dabao can do this."

Lin Zhou's mood at this moment was indescribable. Fortunately, the police uncle didn't let him publish the newspaper to find someone, otherwise he would have died directly.

Who is looking for someone and thinks of posting a missing person notice on TV?

Lin Zhou was at a loss for words as he cooked the wontons, then packed them and handed them to the policeman.

"Boss Lin, how much is it?"


"Then you should leave after you finish eating. It's not safe to gather in such a remote place at night. It's easy to scare people."

When they came, they saw so many people gathered at the graveyard as soon as they got off the car. If they hadn't been mentally prepared, they might have been scared.

"Okay, okay."

"Don't worry, police officer. We'll leave after we finish eating."


After seeing off the police officer, a group of diners couldn't help laughing.

"Strange, why didn't Dabao come today? He came yesterday. It stands to reason that Gao Jiazhi would not have brought Dabao here if he knew that Boss Lin was here."

"Maybe there is something wrong. Ask in the group."

"What is this kid thinking? He actually wants to post a missing person notice. My God, I am laughing to death. The whole police knows about Boss Lin."

"No, hahahaha, I am laughing. He didn't reveal anything at all. He did a good job of keeping it secret."

"To be honest, if it really can be on TV, find a Boss Lin in the whole city, and Boss Lin will definitely not escape."

Lin Zhou:......

Is it really okay for you to discuss this issue in front of me?

At this moment, Gao Jiazhi's house is in a mess.

He and Dabao were both locked on the balcony and punished.

Gao Jiazhi, his face was bruised and his hair was messy.

Dabao's condition was not very good either. There was a bald spot on his body.

It can be seen that the two had experienced a big fight.

Inside the house, Gao's father and mother were cleaning up the mess.

The living room, sofa, coffee table, all broken, garbage and damaged furniture everywhere.

"Tomorrow, let them move out quickly. This life can't go on. They tear down the house every day. How many times have you changed the sofa and coffee table?"


(Hahaha, you never expected it, today's sixth chapter!)

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