Shen Yuan: "!!!"

Shen Yuan, who was not afraid at first, was so frightened that he pressed his back against the tombstone after hearing these noises.

Where did the noise from the graveyard come from in the middle of the night?

He held his breath in fear and hugged his schoolbag tightly. Tears burst out without warning, but he did not dare to make a sound.

I worked hard to reduce my sense of existence and experienced firsthand what it means to live like a year.

Just when he could hardly hold it in any longer, a louder cheer suddenly came from not far away.

Shen Yuan was so frightened that he burst into tears.

It's haunted, it's haunted!

Then he saw Lin Zhou coming to set up a stall and the diners were all cheering and talking, and the lively voices directly drowned out Shen Yuan's cries.

Lin Zhou, who had sensitive hearing, seemed to hear a cry, but his attention was instantly diverted by the diners who gathered around him.

Shen Yuan calmed down after he couldn't hold back his cry and didn't see any ghost coming to catch him.

He realizes that if there is a ghost, his mother also lives here, and he wonders if he can see his mother.

Suddenly there was new hope.

He plucked up the courage, touched his mother's photo on the tombstone, held his school bag, and moved step by step to the location where the sound came from.

Not far away, Lin Zhou had already started cooking wontons.

There are many more people here today than yesterday.

Last night, when Lin Zhou was confirmed to be setting up a stall in Taoshan, it was almost one o'clock. Those who went to bed early only saw the news the next day.

We all found out tonight, so we made an appointment to come together in advance.

The girl who was asked to run errands yesterday also came to the scene with the large army.

Although she was scared, she was no longer so scared when she saw that almost half of the group went.

The main reason is that packaging the wontons is really difficult. Taoshan is too far away from her home. When the wontons arrived, they tasted delicious. The soup base was so fresh, but the wonton wrappers were completely melted. It was no different from eating noodle soup. The same, the taste is okay, but the feeling of eating small wontons is gone.

So she overcame her fear today and came with the large group.

Lin Zhou looked at so many people and was no longer worried about whether he could sell a hundred bowls, but was worried about not having enough food.

"With so many people here, have you ever thought about the problem of not having enough food?"


One sentence silenced the lively environment, and also gave Shen Yuan, who walked over, a chance to speak.


"Oh my God, where did the child come from? It scared me!"

The sudden sound of a child came from behind everyone, frightening the little brother standing behind him so much that he jumped up.

He was standing at the back. How could he not know if there were children behind him?

When he turned around, he saw a child standing eerily behind him, and he screamed in fright.

"Ah ah ah, ghost!"

Some timid people were instantly frightened and screamed.

Everyone huddled together, and some of the timid ones ran behind Lin Zhou's wheelbarrow.

Lin Zhou was not frightened by the child's voice, but was frightened by the screams of the diners and his heart skipped a beat.

Shen Yuan looked at the group of ghosts in front of him, who looked more scared than him, and tilted his head in confusion.

"Uncle and aunt, are you ghosts? Have you seen my mother?"

Shen Yuan took out the photo he had been holding in his hand and looked at the diners with hope.

The diners who heard this also realized that the child was not a ghost.

The child's face was obviously full of expectation, but it made a group of adults feel sore after listening to it.

"Um, kid, why are you at the cemetery in the middle of the night? Are you alone?"

Shen Yuan is quite tall, but his nutrition is not up to par. His hair is still very long, covering his eyes. In addition, he wears a large school uniform, which is still rippling when the wind blows. Looking at it in the dark night, there is really a ghost there. Taste it.

No wonder the grown man screamed in fright.

At this moment, everyone gave up their positions and turned on their flashlights to shine on Shen Yuan, and then they breathed a sigh of relief when they saw his shadow.

It was late at night, and although there were many people in this place, they would still be quite frightened if there was any movement.

"Uncle and aunt are not ghosts. How old are you? Why are you here alone in the middle of the night?"

After Shen Yuan heard that they were not ghosts, a disappointed expression appeared on his face.

It makes some old diners with children feel sad to see it.

It's so dangerous for such a big child to be alone in a graveyard in the middle of the night, not knowing what happened or how it happened.

And even though he thought they were ghosts, he still had the courage to come over and ask his mother.

my God.

Some people who were full of emotions could not help but have their eyes turn red.

"I'm 12 years old. I miss my mother, so I came to see her."

Shen Yuan grabbed the hem of his clothes, lowered his head and said.

"Where's your dad?"

"That's right, where is your dad? How old are you? How dare you let you out alone?"

"Child, come here, uncles and aunts are all good people, don't be afraid."

Some grown men couldn't help but frown when they heard this.

Such a young child is already very pitiful without his mother. Why is his father still so irresponsible?

"Dad has a new wife and children."

Shen Yuan said with a blank expression.

After knowing that these people were not ghosts and could not know about his mother, he became the silent child again.

He lowered his head and let his long bangs cover his eyebrows, looking very sinister.

It seemed that everything around him and everyone's problems could not cause his emotional ups and downs.

His words and expression undoubtedly made the diners present feel upset.

He is still a child in his teens, and he is at the age of playing and making trouble. How could he become like this?

For such a big child to become like this, part of the reason must be from his family.

Some female diners have already started to scold after hearing this.

"It must be that his father has a stepmother's child and doesn't care about him. If he really needs to take care of such a big child, how could he come out so late and not care at all."

Shen Yuan doesn't look like he is well taken care of.

The female diners who are already mothers are very distressed.

"Child, are you hungry? Uncle Lin's wontons are delicious. Auntie will treat you to a midnight snack. Although auntie doesn't know where your mother is, if your mother sees you like this, she will definitely feel distressed. We don't do this."

"Boss Lin, I want a bowl of wontons."

There is no need for them to say.

Lin Zhou has also been paying attention to the child's situation.

When he saw this child, he knew that the crying sound he heard when he just set up the stall was not an illusion, but the crying sound of this child.

The child looked thin and weak, and it was obvious that he was not getting enough nutrition.

Lin Zhou cooked a big bowl of wontons, added a big bone with meat, brought it to the table, and invited the child to eat.

The child had tears in his eyes, and stood there stubbornly.

The adults who saw this also felt hot in their eyes.

"It's really delicious, try it."

Seeing this, Lin Zhou walked to the child with the wontons, squatted down, looked into his eyes and invited him seriously.

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