"Boss Huang, what should I do next?"

Originally, because the boss needed an assistant to set up a stall every day, Dadong recommended himself on the spot to help the boss.

Huang Zhenghao transferred his work to someone else on the same day, allowing him to concentrate on serving the boss.

They are now all subordinates of the boss, and everything should be based on the boss.

But now the boss left after a week.

Dadong's position is a bit awkward.

"How about this, you will be my assistant. When the boss has instructions, you will listen to the boss. If the boss doesn't have instructions, you will do the work of my assistant, and the salary will be paid according to my assistant position."

Dadong was very happy. Although he didn't become the boss's assistant, being the assistant of Boss Huang was also a step up for him!

Directly from the previous low-level employee to the assistant around the leader.

If it were in the past, he didn't know how many years it would take to climb to this position.

In the past, their agency company was responsible for many businesses, and the assistants would also be responsible for projects and complete business and other work individually.

Now the work is much simpler.

Their agency company has become the property company of the building.

Although it feels like a demotion, there are more substantial benefits. Salaries and benefits have all increased, and the intensity of work has decreased. Where can you find such good things!

Dadong followed Huang Zhenghao back to the top floor happily.

Then the others also knew that the boss had left.

He was so sad.

"The boss is gone, won't we have cold noodles to eat when we are on duty?"

"Good boy, you got to the point."

"Then I won't be on duty tonight. I've been working all night and can't stand it."

"Tsk, you can lose the game and then you can stop working. Others want to work but don't have the chance."

"That won't work. You can't stop taking the benefits of being on duty."

"I really envy the boss. He is young and financially free. He can do whatever he wants. He didn't care much about buying an office building. He just used it to collect rent. It's not as important as setting up a stall."

"This kind of Wealth accumulation is not something that can be achieved by hard work. You can't earn this much money even if you work hard for several lifetimes."

"That's right. Envy is useless. You can only look up to it."

"That can't be said. We envy others, but who knows if others envy us too. You say that people who earn a few thousand a month don't envy those who earn over ten thousand a month? It's all like this."

"Hahahaha, let's stop chatting. I'm off work and I'll take a few days off."


Before Lin Zhou left, he specifically asked Huang Zhenghao to keep the tricycle for his cold noodle stand. He drove the Bugatti home.

It was only noon when he got home.

Housekeeper Sun brought people to prepare a table of dishes.

I was so happy to see Lin Zhou back.

"Sir, you're finally back. You look thinner after a week away. Hurry up and drink a bowl of ginseng chicken soup to replenish your body. This chicken soup is made of authentic native chicken stewed for a whole morning. It's so fresh."

Lin Zhou smiled helplessly and didn't let them down. He took the chicken soup and drank it.

He was away for a week, and Huang Zhenghao treated him very well. For three meals a day, he either ordered meals or ate at famous high-end restaurants and western restaurants in Dingkou City. He felt that he had gained weight.

Butler Sun and the others felt that they had lost weight.

"This is the wild Huai Wang fish sent by Mr. Pan. It is said to be very difficult to catch. When steamed, the meat is as delicate as tofu and the juice is as delicious as chicken soup. It is killed and steamed. Please try it and see if it tastes good."

Butler Sun saw that Lin Zhou was eating deliciously and happily served the dishes to Lin Zhou.

"I don't know when Pan Yuan sent the fish."

After not fishing for a week, Lin Zhou's fishing addiction was instantly aroused.

I didn't go fishing as scheduled with Uncle Zhang last time. I saw that Uncle Zhang was free in the afternoon, so we went fishing together.

"It was sent yesterday. I guess it was the mooncake you sent, so I caught a good fish to return the gift."

I have to say that this fish really touched Lin Zhou's heart.

It tasted really good. Lin Zhou ate most of it by himself.

Since housekeeper Sun saw Lin Zhou's cooking skills, he no longer competed with Lin Zhou. Basically, the food he cooked was made with good ingredients to enhance the taste, and only simple seasoning was needed to make the food delicious.

Lin Zhou is not picky about food, and he eats very well.

A meal, finished in a lively atmosphere.

With Lin Zhou, the whole villa suddenly came alive and became popular.

"It's only when the master comes back that the villa is not empty."

"That's right, the three of us guard the villa, and there is nothing to do after cleaning every day. Housekeeper Sun is so bored that he wants to trim the grass in the yard one by one."

"Hahaha, hush, you can't say that, housekeeper Sun will be angry, hahaha."

After Aunt Xu laughed, she heard the voice of housekeeper Sun without any emotion from behind: "I have heard it."

"Why don't you go and wipe the master's fishing gear and clean it up."

"Yes, yes, yes, the master will definitely go fishing when he comes back."

The aunts were caught talking behind their backs, and they ran away with their necks shrunk like quails.

After the aunts left, housekeeper Sun coughed twice uncomfortably, touched his ears which were a little hot, and pretended to be calm and went to make tea.

Lin Zhou returned to his room to take a shower, and then sent a message to Uncle Zhang.

Zhang Jianjun agreed immediately.

He was at home with nothing to do, and was very bored. When he saw Lin Zhou asking him to go fishing, there was no reason not to go.

The two met at the gate of the villa and went to the fishery opened by Zhang Jianjun's friend to fish together.

"Speaking of which, my friend also lives in the Royal Capital. He loves fishing and is elusive. He often goes to remote places and is often hard to find. I'll introduce him to you later."


Lin Zhou and Zhang Jianjun chatted in the car, and the driver of the Zhang family took them there.

"Speaking of which, we haven't been together for many days."

"Brother Mingyuan is getting engaged, and I was afraid that you would be busy, so I didn't ask you."

Zhang Jianjun's face was full of smiles. His only son was also engaged, and he didn't have to worry about marriage. He was so relaxed now that he looked several years younger.

"Why did you go to Koucheng to set up a stall last week?"

Lin Zhou: "I bought an office building, went there to sign for it, and set up a stall under the office building."

Zhang Jianjun: ? ? ?

It was quite sudden.

"Why did you think of buying an office building? Investment?"

Lin Zhou didn't know how to answer for a moment, and slowly said, "Rent?"

"Very good, you don't know how to do business, it's not bad to invest in real estate, it's not easy to lose money."

"Well, how are Brother Mingyuan and his wife?"

When this topic was brought up, Zhang Jianjun suddenly felt a little speechless, as if he didn't know how to describe it.

Lin Zhou looked at his expression and immediately became interested.

There's gossip to listen to!

"What do you mean?"

"As for their relationship, I always feel weird, a bit like the plot of the novel where the domineering president falls in love with me."


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