Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 173 Can’t monks eat something good?!

Tuesday was another day when I couldn’t find Boss Lin’s stall.

By Wednesday, regular diners were holding back.

Those new diners who had just seen the charm of Boss Lin’s cooking skills couldn’t bear it anymore.

There are also tourists who come to Changzhong Temple specifically to check in according to the online guide. They always ask about the braised pork rolls.

In order to know the latest news about Boss Lin, the young monks in the temple secretly lurked in various Boss Lin fan groups just to get the news as soon as possible.

"Master, isn't the braised pork roll stall at the entrance of the temple open?"

This book is first published on 𝟔𝟗Book Bar→𝟿𝟼sʜᴜ.ɴᴇᴛ, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no chapters out of order.

Tourists who came from out of town to visit the temple didn't find the Internet celebrity braised pork rolls after visiting the temple, so they asked the young monks at the door of the temple.

"Amitabha, even the young monk doesn't know."

The little monk looked pitiful and his expression was normal.

The pain in my heart cannot be expressed!

He also wanted to know where Boss Lin set up his stall.

Every day at noon, he would stare outside the temple.

It was also a vegetarian dish, but he didn't understand why the fire-headed monk in the temple made it so unpalatable!

"I didn't think so at first, but after eating that vegetarian roll and eating the food in the temple... can't a monk eat something good!?"

The young monk curled his lips at this second, feeling deep resentment towards the monk.

But suddenly I couldn’t help but feel that this was not good!

"Amitabha, this poor monk is actually angry..."

He quickly chanted the Buddha's name in a low voice.

I added another sentence in my mind!

"It's so delicious. Where did the donor who set up the stall go?"


On the other hand, Wen Nan, who was already obsessed with metaphysics, became interested in fortune telling again after praying to God and praying to Buddha but failed to find Boss Lin in the past two days.

After get off work today, he deliberately went to the entrance of the park or under the overpass to look for fortune tellers, wondering if he could calculate where Boss Lin was.

No new news yet.

Wu Chang, who was responsible for searching for information about Boss Lin on the Internet, led his team to search for information on major platforms such as dy and bib.

Nothing was found either.

Not only was there no news, but there was also bad news.

As the search revealed that many netizens in the same city were posting messages looking for Boss Lin, Wuchang inevitably felt anxious.

Originally, their strategy was to keep a low profile. Boss Lin didn't like to be high-profile and famous. There were too many people, and it was unknown whether they would be able to set up a stall.

But what's the use of just people in their group having this knowledge.

Boss Lin's reputation in this city has skyrocketed since last week, and he is already somewhat famous online.

Especially the guy who ate braised pork rolls and gave up being a monk, also started a live broadcast, and the popularity remained high.

Regular diners who had been unable to find any news began to wonder whether Boss Lin was too keen on the popularity and wanted to avoid the heat, so he didn't open his stall this week.

It's already Thursday.

Dabao, who had not eaten a big bone for many days, went out to find Boss Lin in the streets during the day. At night, he was drooling with greed and could not sleep well.

Even Gao Jiazhi was so annoyed that he couldn't sleep well for several days.

There were dark circles around both eyes.

"Dabao, don't cry. I've gone all over the place and still can't find Boss Lin. We can only rely on fate."

Looking at Dabao lying on the ground sobbing and crying.

The corners of Gao Jiazhi's mouth twitched twice.


Dabao pretended not to hear and was immersed in his own sad world.

Seeing that comfort was useless, Gao Jiazhi lay helplessly on the sofa and watched videos.

Then he swiped and swiped and found a missing person notice.

An idea flashed through him, and he stared at the missing person notice, his eyes suddenly brightening.

Then he clicked on the diners group and started looking through the photos in the group to see if he could find a photo of Boss Lin. Then he put a missing person notice on a local TV station to see if he could be found.

"Dabao, wait, your father has found a good way. If he can find Boss Lin, he will take you to have a big meal."

"Hey, I'm really a genius!"

Gao Jiazhi excitedly saved the photos and searched online. How could he post a missing person notice on the TV station?

"When a TV station publishes a missing person notice, it must go through a reporter before it can publish news on the missing person notice?"

"First of all, we need to confirm whether the missing person has lost contact or has been missing for 24 hours before going to the police station to report the case. Only after the police confirms the acceptance can we ask reporters to broadcast the missing person information on the TV station?"

Looking at the searched information, Gao Jiazhi was dumbfounded.

Isn't it possible to post this missing person notice by paying money?

He doesn't even have Boss Lin's contact information. Is it feasible to report the crime?

After finally thinking of a way, Gao Jiazhi hesitated for a long time, but still couldn't bear to give up and wanted to try it.

He took the photos with Dabao and planned to go to the police station for consultation. If nothing worked, we would talk again.

Dabao thought he would go out to find Boss Lin and start looking for people when he went out of the community.

"Don't run away. I'll take you to ask the police uncle. If you have anything to do, go to the police uncle, you know."

Dabao was dragged back, and then one man and one dog came to the nearby police station.

It was the first time he came to such a serious place. Gao Jiazhi felt a little guilty, but his desire to find Boss Lin prevailed. He consulted the police with a photo of Lin Zhou feeding the dog.

"Um, uncle policeman, I would like to ask, what is the process if you publish a newspaper to find someone?"

"Who is lost?"

The policeman on duty heard Gao Jiazhi's words and immediately asked seriously.

"I am the only brother who I don't keep in touch with very often, but he often goes out to set up a stall and sell snacks. Then I haven't found him setting up a stall for many days."

The policeman listened to Gao Jiazhi's description with a serious expression, and then asked.

"Do you have your brother's name, ID card, phone number, or photo? Or is there any information about who or where he can be found? Please be careful."

At most, Gao Jiazhi knew that Boss Lin's name was Lin Zhou.

If he had the other party's phone number, he wouldn't even think of posting a missing person notice.

It’s so quiet that no one answers a question!

"My name is Lin Zhou..."

Gao Jiazhi said his name and didn't dare to say anything.

Then the policeman on the other side also felt something was wrong.

The eyes looking at Gao Jiazhi were full of oppression.

"You have to think about it, this is the police station."

How could Gao Jiazhi withstand such pressure? He immediately told what happened and what he thought, just like pouring beans.

The policeman's expression became more and more speechless as he listened.

What's wrong with kids these days? In order to find a boss who doesn't have regular stalls, he even thought of posting a missing person notice.

"We can't accept your case in your case. People are free to set up stalls wherever and when they want to set up stalls. You can't bother them by publishing in the newspaper to find someone just because you can't find the stall owner... ..."

Gao Jiazhi was forced to die before his idea even started, and was left by the police uncle to do ideological work for a while.

The last person and a dog walked out of the police station dejectedly.

When they looked at each other, they were both so stupid that they cried.

Why did he think this method was good at the time!


(chapter Five)

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