Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 166 The boss was stopped at the door?

Lin Zhou set out at around 8 or 9 in the morning, and didn’t arrive at Ziyuan Building until after 5 in the afternoon.

It was his first time to go to Koucheng, and he was not familiar with the roads. In addition, he had to set up a stall to sell cold noodles at 10 o’clock in the evening, so he had to give up the Bugatti and ride the tricycle to set up the stall.

Tricycles cannot go on highways, so he always drove on the national highway with the system map. During such a long journey, if it weren’t for the system map, he felt that he would get lost.

Then he was stopped by the security guard after finally arriving, and he didn’t even enter the gate.

“Sir, you can’t set up a stall here.”

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝓈𝒽𝓊.𝓃ℯ𝓉

Lin Zhou:......

Sometimes it’s really helpless to set up a stall alone.

Helpless Lin Zhou called Huang Zhenghao helplessly.

On the top floor, Huang Zhenghao, who had been waiting for a day, received a special call from Lin Zhou, and excitedly stood up and answered it.

"Mr. Lin, you're here, right?"

"Yes, I'm at the gate, you may need to pick me up, I can't get in."

When Huang Zhenghao heard this, he panicked instantly, and felt cold sweat coming out.

Damn it!

The new boss came to the building for the first time to inspect, but was stopped by the security guard at the gate. Will the boss think this is a show of strength for him!

The more Huang Zhenghao thought about it, the more scared he became, and his legs were a little weak.

"Mr. Lin, I'll come right away, I'm really sorry!"

After Huang Zhenghao hung up the phone, he immediately walked out of the office to summon his subordinates.

"Go downstairs quickly, the boss is here, he must have been stopped by the security guard and couldn't get in. Didn't you tell the security guard at the gate that the new boss would come today?"

"The manager in charge of security will have his bonus deducted this month!"

The employees were also shocked when they heard this.

How did he do it! How could such a big mistake happen?

"Sorry, boss, it's my problem. I didn't communicate well with the security guard."

The manager in charge of security apologized directly. There was no need to shirk responsibility after such a thing happened.

The new boss made a mistake on the first day he came. It was because he did not notify them properly and carefully enough, and an unexpected situation occurred.

If this incident caused the new boss to have a bad influence on the entire team, that would be the worst thing.

"Arrange security to clear the area and send people to guard the elevator. I don't want any unexpected situation to happen next!"

Huang Zhenghao has no time to pursue who is responsible now, but to solve the problem.

A group of people took the elevator downstairs and headed straight out of the park.

The security guard on duty at the door saw them coming out and didn't know what was going on. He thought they were going out and opened the fence considerately.

Huang Zhenghao gave the assistant behind him a look, then walked out of the door without looking away, and then looked left and right, but didn't see any car that looked like the new boss's car.

Ziyuan Building is in a very good location. It is located next to a large shopping mall in the city center. It has complete facilities, a parking lot on the ground, and a parking lot underground. The area is very large.

There are security guards on duty at the entrance and exit.

There are vehicle entrances and exits, as well as pedestrian entrances and exits. Employee cards or certificates are required to enter and exit freely.

It was not so strict originally. After Huang Zhenghao took over Ziyuan Building, the management immediately became standardized and strict.

Lin Zhou parked the tricycle on the side of the road and saw a group of people in suits and leather shoes coming out of the building, looking for someone. Then he saw a young man in the lead pick up the phone, and then his phone showed Huang Zhenghao's call.

Lin Zhou answered the call, got off the tricycle, waved and said: "I'm here~"

Employees who turned around when they heard the voice: ? ? ?

A young man in a suit and leather shoes got off a snack tricycle, holding the phone in one hand and waving at them with the other hand.

Employees with good eyesight can clearly see the two big words "cold noodles" on the glass cabinet on the tricycle.

Inside and outside, up and down, except for the dress, they don't look like the new boss at all. Is he their new boss?

Huang Zhenghao looked at the phone in shock and saw that he was talking, and then looked at the new boss who had come over on a tricycle?


For a moment, there were only these two words in his mind. The next second, his strong psychological quality made him come back to his senses immediately.

He led the employees to greet him first.

"Boss, I'm sorry we are late. Because of my subordinates' mistakes, you were stopped at the door. I'm really sorry. This kind of thing will never happen again in the future. Don't worry."

Huang Zhenghao stepped forward and bowed 90 degrees to apologize.

The rest of his subordinates did the same.

This serious look scared the unprepared Lin Zhou.

"It's okay, it's okay. I didn't tell you what time to come. Unrelated people stopped outside, which shows that you are doing a good job in management. It's really okay. Then let's go in?"

This apology scene was too big. He felt that Lin Zhou's embarrassment was recurring in the eyes of passers-by around him.

The security personnel on the side realized that the young man riding a tricycle in front of him was the new boss who bought Ziyuan Building and their entire company.

It's over!

His job is not guaranteed!

His face turned pale in an instant, and he immediately stepped forward to apologize.

Seeing that they all looked frightened, Lin Zhou realized for the first time the reality of his current status change.

"It's really okay. There are many people outside. Let's go in."

"Yes, yes, yes, go in first."

Huang Zhenghao saw that Lin Zhou's attitude was not angry, and he breathed a sigh of relief quietly, then stood aside and made room for Lin Zhou.

"Then boss, please drive the car in first. Do you want to park it in the parking space above or in the garage below?"

"Just park it above."

After saying that, Lin Zhou rode his tricycle into the park, and the security guards on the side hurriedly opened all the railings.

Even though Lin Zhou looked indifferent, he didn't feel relieved, and he felt guilty.

Then, Lin Zhou went to the top floor of the building under the leadership of Huang Zhenghao, and he had a smooth journey.

After everyone left, the assistant stayed where he was and looked at the security guards on duty.

"Hurry up and explain the situation to others. This situation must not happen again, otherwise your job will not be guaranteed."

The security guards on duty nodded quickly, sent the assistant away, and returned to the duty room to wipe the sweat.

He felt his heartbeat was so fast that it was about to jump out.

If he had known that this was the new boss, he would not have dared to be stopped outside the door by the boss!

Then he thought that his colleagues didn't know yet, so he quickly sent a message to explain the situation.


Back to the top floor, without Huang Zhenghao's words, everyone returned to their own positions to organize documents and prepare for the meeting.

Then Huang Zhenghao accompanied Lin Zhou into the president's office.

Along the way, Lin Zhou was followed by a group of elites in suits and leather shoes. When he saw the picture reflected on the glass inadvertently, he almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

There was always a sense of immediacy of the appearance of the domineering president on TV, and he felt ashamed and wanted to laugh for no reason.

But he was so stifled.

Walking into the office, as soon as the door was closed, Lin Zhou saw that only Huang Zhenghao was present, and he couldn't help but smiled.

Huang Zhenghao closed the door and saw the new boss who was laughing: ? ? ?

"Boss, this is the "Real Estate Transfer Contract" of Ziyuan Building, this is the acquisition contract, and the contract for you to buy my agency..."

A stack of dozens of thick contracts was placed in front of Lin Zhou, and Lin Zhou, who had just sat down, couldn't laugh.

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